test_that("FeatureHandler initializes with correctly formed arguments", { # Test different initialization of the feature handler module # 1) No inputs fh <- expect_no_error(FeatureHandler$new()) checkmate::expect_class(fh, "FeatureHandler") checkmate::assert_function(fh$compute, args = "...") checkmate::assert_function(fh$get, args = c("target_table", "slice_ts", "target_conn")) checkmate::assert_function(fh$key_join, args = "...") rm(fh) # 2) Correctly formed compute function fh <- expect_no_error(FeatureHandler$new(compute = \(start_date, end_date, slice_ts, source_conn, ...) 1)) checkmate::assert_function(fh$compute, args = c("start_date", "end_date", "slice_ts", "source_conn", "...")) checkmate::assert_function(fh$get, args = c("target_table", "slice_ts", "target_conn")) checkmate::assert_function(fh$key_join, args = "...") rm(fh) # 3) Correctly formed get function fh <- expect_no_error(FeatureHandler$new(get = \(target_table, slice_ts, target_conn) 1)) checkmate::assert_function(fh$compute, args = "...") checkmate::assert_function(fh$get, args = c("target_table", "slice_ts", "target_conn")) checkmate::assert_function(fh$key_join, args = "...") rm(fh) # 4) Correctly formed key_join function fh <- expect_no_error(FeatureHandler$new(key_join = \(.data, feature) 1)) checkmate::assert_function(fh$compute, args = "...") checkmate::assert_function(fh$get, args = c("target_table", "slice_ts", "target_conn")) checkmate::assert_function(fh$key_join, args = c(".data", "feature")) rm(fh) }) test_that("FeatureHandler fails gracefully with malformed arguments", { # Test different initialization of the feature handler module # 1) Malformed compute function expect_error(FeatureHandler$new(compute = \(start_date, end_date, slice_ts) 1), regexp = "source_conn") # 2) Malformed get function expect_error(FeatureHandler$new(get = \(target_table, slice_ts) 1), regexp = "target_conn") # 3) Malformed key_join function expect_error(FeatureHandler$new(key_join = \(.data) 1), regexp = "feature") })