skip_if_no_NMF <- function() { if (!requireNamespace("NMF", quietly = TRUE) && Sys.getenv("BNET_FORCE_NNMF_TESTS") != "1") skip("NMF not available for testing") } ## if we don't load the library explicitly, the predict function does not work ## (sometimes...). ## library(NMF) ints_trn <- matrix(seq(0, 98, by = 2), ncol = 5) input_trn <- dimRedData( input_tst <- dimRedData(ints_trn[1:3,] + 1) test_that("2D projection", { skip_if_no_NMF() dim_2_defaults <- embed(input_trn, "NNMF", seed = 13, nrun = 1) expect_equal(dim_2_defaults@method, "NNMF") ## Expected results from ## tmp <- NMF::nmf(t(ints_trn), rank = 2, nrun = 1, seed = 13) ## coefs <- basis(tmp) ## rownames(coefs) <- paste0("V", 1:5) ## colnames(coefs) <- paste0("NNMF", 1:2) ## coefs ## dput(coefs) dim_2_coef <- structure( c(18.807241710186, 30.2191667888959, 32.1069052462692, 9.53490906878683, 164.109205703974, 0.00064246562138093, 24.3924277525021, 56.4301459918642, 108.103923297376, 17.566220349863), .Dim = c(5L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(c("V1", "V2", "V3", "V4", "V5"), c("NNMF1", "NNMF2"))) expect_equal($w, dim_2_coef, ignore_attr = TRUE) dim_2_apply <- dim_2_defaults@apply(input_tst)@data dim_2_pred <- predict(dim_2_defaults, input_tst)@data ## Expected results from ## t(solve(crossprod(basis(tmp)), t(input_tst@data %*% basis(tmp)))) ## preds <- getData(input_tst) %*% t(MASS::ginv(basis(tmp))) ## getData(getDimRedData(dim_2_defaults)) ## colnames(preds) <- paste0("NNMF", 1:2) ## dput(preds) dim_2_exp <- structure( c(0.427476458116875, 0.440237021147746, 0.452997584178617, 0.512256378881175, 0.5332094651398, 0.554162551398426), .Dim = c(3L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("NNMF1", "NNMF2")) ) expect_equal(dim_2_apply, dim_2_exp, tolerance = 0.01, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(dim_2_pred, dim_2_exp, tolerance = 0.01, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("other arguments", { skip_if_no_NMF() dim_3_args <- embed(input_trn, "NNMF", seed = 13, nrun = 10, ndim = 3, method = "KL", options = list(.pbackend = NULL)) ## Expected results from ## tmp <- NMF::nmf(t(ints_trn), rank = 3, nrun = 10, seed = 13, ## method = "KL", .pbackend = NULL) ## coefs <- t(NMF::coef(tmp)) ## colnames(coefs) <- paste0("NNMF", 1:ncol(coefs)) ## coefs ## dput(coefs) ## rot <- NMF::basis(tmp) ## rownames(rot) <- paste0("V", 1:nrow(rot)) ## dput(rot) dim_3_rot <- structure( c(11.624951277152, 31.2554213278975, 50.8858913786408, 70.5163614293837, 90.1468314801264, 2.22044604925031e-16, 36.4357899711133, 72.8715799422292, 109.307369913346, 145.743159884462, 22.4019808842378, 42.1081005773292, 61.8142202704197, 81.52033996351, 101.2264596566), .Dim = c(5L, 3L), .Dimnames = list(c("V1", "V2", "V3", "V4", "V5"), NULL) ) dim_3_pred <- structure( c(2.22044604925031e-16, 0.0731742704517501, 0.194863499580201, 0.50224638618713, 0.557517908619563, 0.197219538171418, 0.0860784848917408, 0.159094934700865, 0.10366866301249, 0.216483929440989, 0.54891083782883, 0.481738298195276, 0.40204352636632, 0.274419226004639, 0.211867578024856, 0.256578985276104, 0.236980211423017, 0.16984840699324, 0.135869049278152, 0.0584647425861749, 2.22044604925031e-16, 0.0513058500137363, 0.0774360678481537, 0.00720517673339281, 0.0678012129377125, 0.344046917890136, 0.49099862480747, 0.542386371921862, 0.660426277478513, 0.691161417731563), .Dim = c(10L, 3L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("NNMF1", "NNMF2", "NNMF3")) ) expect_equal($w, dim_3_rot, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(getData(getDimRedData(dim_3_args)), dim_3_pred, ignore_attr = TRUE) dim_3_apply <- dim_3_args@apply(input_tst)@data dim_3_pred <- predict(dim_3_args, input_tst)@data ## Expected results from ## crossprod(basis(tmp)) does not have full rank!!! This needs to be considered ## w <- getOtherData(dim_3_args)$w ## preds <- t(solve(crossprod(w), t(input_trn@data %*% w))) ## preds <- t(qr.solve(crossprod(w), t(input_trn@data %*% w))) ## preds <- getData(input_tst) %*% t(MASS::ginv(w)) ## preds ## dput(preds) ## getData(getDimRedData(dim_3_args)) ## preds - getData(getDimRedData(dim_3_args)) ## input_trn@data ## input_tst@data %*% basis(tmp) ## colnames(preds) <- paste0("NNMF", 1:3) dim_3_exp <- structure( c(0.118730450278164, 0.144080695556738, 0.169430940835312, 0.494122495652466, 0.439293850852014, 0.384465206051563, -0.0169733070286198, 0.0591496323928872, 0.135272571814394), .Dim = c(3L, 3L) ) expect_equal(dim_3_apply, dim_3_exp, tolerance = 0.01, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(dim_3_pred, dim_3_exp, tolerance = 0.01, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("Bad args", { skip_if_no_NMF() expect_error(embed(iris, "NNMF")) expect_error(embed(iris[, 1], "NNMF"), "`ndim` should be less than the number of columns") expect_error(embed(iris[1:4], "NNMF", method = c("a", "b")), "only supply one `method`") expect_error(embed(scale(iris[1:4]), "NNMF"), "negative entries") }) test_that("Full_rank", { skip_if_no_NMF() dim_2_full_rank_example <- embed(input_trn, "NNMF", ndim = ncol(input_trn@data)) dim_2_recon <- inverse(dim_2_full_rank_example, dim_2_full_rank_example@data@data) expect_equal(dim_2_recon, input_trn, ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-2) })