#Test to see if ConvertFishbaseFood works properly. #Will test data is downloaded, filtered, and formatted test_that("ConvertFishbaseFood function works", { test.food <- try(rfishbase::fooditems("Plectropomus maculatus"),silent = TRUE) if ("try-error"%in%class(test.food)) { skip("could not connect to remote database") }else{ test.convert <- ConvertFishbaseFood(test.food,ExcludeStage = "recruits/juv.") expect_length(test.convert,2)#test that conversion is list of the right length expect_setequal(dim(test.convert$FoodItems), c(1,5))#test to see if filtered dimensions for food items are correct expect_setequal(dim(test.convert$Taxonomy), c(1,1))#test to see if the dimensions for taxonomy are correct } })