data(hgsc) <- rownames(hgsc) |> strsplit("_") |> vapply(`[`, 2, FUN.VALUE = character(1)) |> factor() |> as.integer() test_that("dice works with one algorithm, one consensus funs", { dice.obj <- dice( hgsc, nk = 4, algorithms = "hc", cons.funs = "kmodes", progress = FALSE, verbose = FALSE ) expect_length(dice.obj, 5) expect_equal(dim(dice.obj$clusters), c(nrow(hgsc), 1)) }) test_that("dice works with multiple algorithms, consensus funs, trimming, and reference class", { dice.obj <- dice( hgsc, nk = 4, reps = 5, algorithms = c("hc", "diana"), cons.funs = c("kmodes", "majority"), trim = TRUE, n = 2, =, progress = FALSE, verbose = FALSE ) expect_length(dice.obj, 5) expect_true(is.matrix(dice.obj$clusters)) }) test_that("single algorithm and single consensus return same results", { dice.obj <- dice( hgsc, nk = 4, reps = 5, algorithms = "km", cons.funs = "CSPA", =, progress = FALSE, verbose = FALSE ) ind.obj <- dice.obj$indices$ei$`4` expect_equal(unname(unlist(ind.obj[1, -1])), unname(unlist(ind.obj[2, -1]))) }) test_that("indices slot returns NULL if evaluate specified as FALSE", { dice.obj <- dice( hgsc, nk = 4, reps = 3, algorithms = "hc", cons.funs = "kmodes", =, evaluate = FALSE, progress = FALSE, verbose = FALSE ) expect_null(dice.obj$indices) }) test_that("relabelling uses 1st col if more than 1 cons.funs and no", { dice.obj <- dice( hgsc, nk = 4, reps = 3, algorithms = "hc", cons.funs = c("kmodes", "majority"), evaluate = FALSE, progress = FALSE, verbose = FALSE ) expect_error(dice.obj, NA) }) test_that("cluster size prepended when multiple k requested", { dice.obj <- dice( hgsc, nk = 3:4, reps = 3, algorithms = "hc", cons.funs = "kmodes", k.method = "all", evaluate = FALSE, progress = FALSE, verbose = FALSE ) expect_true(all(grepl("k=", colnames(dice.obj$clusters)))) }) test_that("algorithm vs internal index heatmap works", { dice.obj <- dice( hgsc, nk = 4, reps = 3, algorithms = "hc", cons.funs = "kmodes", =, evaluate = FALSE, plot = TRUE, progress = FALSE, verbose = FALSE ) expect_error(dice.obj, NA) })