test_that("transforms with unknowns", { expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, value_transform(penalty(), unknown()) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, value_transform(penalty(), c(unknown(), 1, unknown())) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, value_inverse(penalty(), unknown()) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, value_inverse(penalty(), c(unknown(), 1, unknown())) ) }) test_that("transforms", { skip_if_below_r_version("3.5") expect_equal( value_transform(penalty(), 1:3), log10(1:3) ) expect_snapshot({ value_object <- value_transform(penalty(), -1:3) value_expected <- c(NaN, -Inf, log10(1:3)) }) expect_equal(value_object, value_expected) expect_equal( value_transform(mtry(), 1:3), 1:3 ) expect_false(value_validate(prior_terminal_node_coef(), 0)) expect_false(value_validate(activation(), "ham")) }) test_that("inverses", { expect_equal( value_inverse(penalty(), 1:3), 10^(1:3) ) expect_equal( value_inverse(penalty(), c(NA, 1:3)), c(NA, 10^(1:3)) ) expect_equal( value_inverse(mtry(), 1:3), 1:3 ) }) test_that("sequences - doubles", { param_with_transformation <- new_quant_param( type = "double", range = c(0.5, 1.5), inclusive = c(TRUE, TRUE), trans = scales::transform_sqrt(), label = c(param = "param") ) param_with_values <- new_quant_param( type = "double", range = c(0.0, 1.0), inclusive = c(TRUE, TRUE), trans = NULL, values = (0:5) / 5, label = c(param = "param") ) expect_equal( value_seq(mixture(), 5), seq(0, 1, length = 5) ) expect_equal( value_seq(mixture(), 1), 0 ) expect_equal( value_seq(penalty(), 5, FALSE), seq(-10, 0, length = 5) ) expect_equal( value_seq(penalty(), 1, FALSE), -10 ) expect_equal( value_seq(param_with_transformation, 1), 0.5^2 ) expect_equal( value_seq(param_with_transformation, 1, FALSE), 0.5 ) expect_equal( value_seq(param_with_values, 2), (0:1) / 5 ) expect_equal( value_seq(param_with_values, 2, FALSE), (0:1) / 5 ) }) test_that("sequences - integers", { param_with_transformation <- new_quant_param( type = "integer", range = c(2.1, 5.3), inclusive = c(TRUE, TRUE), trans = scales::transform_sqrt(), label = c(param = "param") ) param_with_values <- new_quant_param( type = "integer", range = c(0L, 100L), inclusive = c(TRUE, TRUE), trans = NULL, values = 1:10, label = c(param = "param") ) expect_equal( value_seq(tree_depth(), 5), c(1, 4, 8, 11, 15) ) expect_equal( value_seq(tree_depth(), 1), 1L ) expect_equal( value_seq(tree_depth(), 15), 1L:15L ) expect_equal( value_seq(tree_depth(), 5, FALSE), seq(1, 15, length = 5) ) expect_equal( value_seq(tree_depth(), 1, FALSE), 1L ) expect_equal( value_seq(tree_depth(), 15, FALSE), 1L:15L ) expect_equal( value_seq(param_with_transformation, 1), 2L^2 ) expect_equal( value_seq(param_with_transformation, 1, FALSE), 2.1 ) expect_equal( value_seq(param_with_values, 2, FALSE), 1:2 ) expect_equal( value_seq(param_with_values, 1, FALSE), 1 ) }) test_that("sampling - doubles", { value_seq <- new_quant_param( type = "double", range = c(0.0, 1.0), inclusive = c(TRUE, TRUE), trans = NULL, values = (0:5) / 5, label = c(param = "param") ) mix_test <- value_sample(mixture(), 5000) expect_true(min(mix_test) > 0) expect_true(max(mix_test) < 1) L2_orig <- value_sample(penalty(), 5000) expect_true(min(L2_orig) > 10^penalty()$range$lower) expect_true(max(L2_orig) < 10^penalty()$range$upper) L2_tran <- value_sample(penalty(), 5000, FALSE) expect_true(min(L2_tran) > penalty()$range$lower) expect_true(max(L2_tran) < penalty()$range$upper) expect_in(value_sample(value_seq, 40), value_seq$values) }) test_that("sampling - integers", { test_param_2 <- new_quant_param( type = "integer", range = c(2.1, 5.3), inclusive = c(TRUE, TRUE), trans = scales::transform_sqrt(), label = c(param = "param") ) int_seq <- new_quant_param( type = "integer", range = c(0L, 100L), inclusive = c(TRUE, TRUE), trans = NULL, values = 1:10, label = c(param = "param") ) depth_test <- value_sample(tree_depth(), 500) expect_true(min(depth_test) >= tree_depth()$range$lower) expect_true(max(depth_test) <= tree_depth()$range$upper) expect_true(is.integer(depth_test)) p2_orig <- value_sample(test_param_2, 500) expect_true(min(p2_orig) >= floor(2^test_param_2$range$lower)) expect_true(max(p2_orig) <= floor(2^test_param_2$range$upper)) expect_true(is.integer(p2_orig)) p2_tran <- value_sample(test_param_2, 500, FALSE) expect_true(min(p2_tran) > test_param_2$range$lower) expect_true(max(p2_tran) < test_param_2$range$upper) expect_true(!is.integer(p2_tran)) expect_in(value_sample(int_seq, 50), int_seq$values) }) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("sequences - character", { test_param_5 <- new_qual_param( type = "character", values = letters[1:10], label = c(param = "param") ) expect_equal( value_seq(surv_dist(), 5), surv_dist()$values[1:5] ) expect_equal( value_seq(surv_dist(), 1), surv_dist()$values[1] ) expect_equal( value_seq(surv_dist(), Inf), surv_dist()$values ) expect_equal(value_seq(test_param_5, 1), "a") }) test_that("sequences - logical", { test_param_6 <- new_qual_param( type = "logical", values = TRUE, label = c(param = "param") ) expect_snapshot( value_seq(prune(), 1) ) expect_equal( value_seq(prune(), 2), c(TRUE, FALSE) ) expect_equal( value_seq(prune(), 21), c(TRUE, FALSE) ) expect_equal( value_seq(test_param_6, Inf), TRUE ) }) test_that("sampling - character and logical", { expect_in(value_sample(surv_dist(), 500), surv_dist()$values) expect_in(value_sample(prune(), 500), prune()$values) }) test_that("validate unknowns", { expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, value_validate(mtry(), 17) ) }) test_that("value_set() checks inputs", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { value_set(cost_complexity(), numeric(0)) }) }) test_that("`value_seq()` respects `inclusive` #347", { double_non_incl <- new_quant_param( type = "double", range = c(0, 1), inclusive = c(FALSE, FALSE), trans = NULL, label = c(param_non_incl = "some label"), finalize = NULL ) vals_double <- value_seq(double_non_incl, 10) expect_gt(min(vals_double), 0) expect_lt(max(vals_double), 1) int_non_incl <- new_quant_param( type = "integer", range = c(0, 2), inclusive = c(FALSE, FALSE), trans = NULL, label = c(param_non_incl = "some label"), finalize = NULL ) vals_int <- value_seq(int_non_incl, 10) expect_gt(min(vals_int), 0) expect_lt(max(vals_int), 2) }) test_that("`value_sample()` respects `inclusive` #347", { int_non_incl <- new_quant_param( type = "integer", range = c(0, 2), inclusive = c(FALSE, FALSE), trans = NULL, label = c(param_non_incl = "some label"), finalize = NULL ) vals_int <- value_sample(int_non_incl, 10) expect_gt(min(vals_int), 0) expect_lt(max(vals_int), 2) int_non_incl_trans <- new_quant_param( type = "integer", range = c(0, 2), inclusive = c(FALSE, FALSE), trans = scales::transform_log(), label = c(param_non_incl = "some label"), finalize = NULL ) vals_int <- value_sample(int_non_incl_trans, n = 10, original = FALSE) expect_gt(min(vals_int), 0) expect_lt(max(vals_int), 2) })