context('test database') library(dplyr) library(DBI) library(RSQLite) verbAggCopy = function(pth = '../verbAggression.db') { con = dbConnect(SQLite(), ":memory:") db = open_project(pth) sqliteCopyDatabase(db, con) dbDisconnect(db) return(con) } test_that('rule updates and sanity checks', { db = verbAggCopy() rules = get_rules(db) expect_true(nrow(rules) == 72, 'expect 72 rules in verbal aggression database') ## test no-op expect_output(touch_rules(db, slice(rules,1:10)), '(changed\\D*0\\D*added\\D*0\\D*)|(addeded\\D*0\\D*changed\\D*0\\D*)$', info = 'expect message saying 0 changes when resupplying an existing rule') expect_true(dexter:::df_identical(arrange(rules,item_id,response),arrange(get_rules(db),item_id,response)), info='expect 0 actual changes when resupplying existing rule') ## test update score expect_output(touch_rules(db, filter(rules, item_id=='S1DoCurse' & response ==1) %>% mutate(item_score=2) ), '(changed\\D*1\\D*added\\D*0\\D*)|(added\\D*0\\D*changed\\D*1\\D*)$', info = 'expect message saying 1 change and 0 added when modyfying item_score') expect_true(filter(get_rules(db), item_id=='S1DoCurse' & response ==1)$item_score == 2, info = 'expect item score changed to 2') ##### test sanity checks ##### ## less_than_two_scores # update set does not have to pass this sanity check on it's own expect_no_error(touch_rules(db, filter(rules, item_id=='S1DoCurse' & response ==1) %>% mutate(item_score=0)), message='expect allowed to set an item score to 0') # but it should shout when every score is set to 0 for an item expect_output( expect_error(touch_rules(db, filter(rules, item_id=='S1DoCurse' & response ==2) %>% mutate(item_score=0))), regexp='S1DoCurse\\s+TRUE', info='should complain about all scores set to 0') expect_false(all(filter(get_rules(db), item_id == 'S1DoCurse') %>% pull(item_score) == 0), info='expect faulty update not to have occurred') ## duplicated_responses # resupplying an existing response should be a no-op, as tested above # but supplying an option two times in the new rules should be stopped expect_output( expect_error(touch_rules(db, tibble(item_id='S2DoCurse',response=c(5,5),item_score=c(3,5)))), regexp='S2DoCurse\\s+FALSE\\s+TRUE', info = 'should complain about duplicate responses') ## min_score_not_zero # change min score of existing rule away from 0 expect_output( expect_error(touch_rules(db, tibble(item_id='S3DoCurse',response=0,item_score=5))), regexp='S3DoCurse\\s+FALSE\\s+FALSE\\s+TRUE', info='should complain about min score not 0') # we should be allowed to add a new rule with a score not 0 # because this sanity check should be done in conjunction with the data already in the db expect_output(touch_rules(db, tibble(item_id='S3DoCurse',response=5,item_score=5)), '(changed\\D*0\\D*added\\D*1\\D*)|(added\\D*1\\D*changed\\D*0\\D*)$', info = 'expect message saying 0 change and 1 added when adding a new rule for an item') # but for a new item that should be a problem expect_output( expect_error(touch_rules(db, tibble(item_id='new',response=0,item_score=5))), regexp='new\\s+TRUE\\s+FALSE\\s+TRUE', info='should complain about min_score_not_zero and less_than_two_scores') expect_output( expect_error(touch_rules(db, tibble(item_id='new',response=c(0,1),item_score=c(2,5)))), regexp='new\\s+FALSE\\s+FALSE\\s+TRUE', info='should complain about min_score_not_zero and less_than_two_scores') ## less_than_two_scores # less than two scores is already covered above I think dbDisconnect(db) }) test_that('adding person and item properties', { # items db = verbAggCopy() expect_error({add_item_properties(db,tibble(a=1,b=2))},'item_id') # item id "1" does not exist expect_output({add_item_properties(db,tibble(item_id=1,b=2))}, '0 items') expect_output({add_item_properties(db,tibble(item_id='S4DoCurse', BlAme='society', news='olds'))}, '2 item properties? for 1 items? added or updated', perl=TRUE) items = get_items(db) expect_true(all(items %>% filter(item_id=='S4DoCurse') %>% select(blame,news) %>% unlist() == c("society", "olds" ))) expect_output({add_item_properties(db, default_values = list(a=4L))}, '1 new item_properties defined') # can only define once expect_output({add_item_properties(db, default_values = list(a=4L))}, '0 new item_properties defined') items = get_items(db) expect_true(all(items$a == 4) && class(items$a) == 'integer') #persons expect_error({add_person_properties(db,tibble(a=1,b=2))},'person_id') # person "1" does not exist expect_output({add_person_properties(db,tibble(person_id=1,b=2))}, '0 persons') expect_output({add_person_properties(db,tibble(person_id=get_persons(db)$person_id[1], gender='unchecked', news='olds'))}, '2 person properties? for 1 persons? added or updated', perl=TRUE) persons = get_persons(db) expect_true(all(persons %>% filter(person_id=='dxP1') %>% select(gender,news) %>% unlist() == c("unchecked", "olds" ))) expect_output({add_person_properties(db, default_values = list(x=4L))}, '1 new person_properties defined') # can only define once expect_output({add_person_properties(db, default_values = list(x=4L))}, '0 new person_properties defined') persons = get_persons(db) expect_true(all(persons$x == 4) && class(persons$x) == 'integer') dbDisconnect(db) }) test_that('add_response_data',{ db = verbAggCopy() dat = tibble(person_id='x',item_id="S1DoScold",response='2',booklet_id='agg') expect_message(expect_error({add_response_data(db, dat, missing_value='_missing_')}, 'Unknown responses'), '_missing_.+rules') i=get_items(db) i$response='_missing_' i$item_score=0 touch_rules(db,i) expect_output({add_response_data(db,dat,missing_value='_missing_')},'23 missing responses') dbDisconnect(db) }) test_that('add_booklet',{ db = verbAggCopy() prs = get_persons(db)$person_id[1:5] dat = verbAggrData[1:5,] dat$person_id = prs expect_error({add_booklet(db, dat, "agg")},'overlap.+already imported',label='correct error for already existing booklet-persons') dat$person_id='we are all the same person' expect_error({add_booklet(db, dat, "agg")},'person.+ duplicate',label='correct error for duplicate persons') dbDisconnect(db) })