context("Test extract au") test_that("extract au", { suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) library(pvclust) set.seed(123) capture.output(suppressWarnings(dend <- USArrests[1:5, ] %>% pvclust())) # plot(dend) # pvclust_edges(dend) expect_identical(as.character(pvclust_edges(dend)[, 1]), c("Assault", "UrbanPop", "Murder")) expect_identical(as.character(pvclust_edges(dend)[, 2]), c("Rape", "1", "2")) # expect_identical(round(pvclust_edges(dend)[, 3], digits = 2), c(0.97, 1.00, 1.00)) # there is a stochastic element to the outcome so while it works using test_that it may be causing error with travis-ci checks }) test_that("na_locf works", { # replace NA values with value prior to it x <- c(NA,1,2,NA,4,NA,6) result <- na_locf(x) expect_identical(result, c(0,1,2,2,4,4,6)) result <- na_locf(x, recursive = F) expect_identical(result, c(0,1,2,2,4,4,6)) }) test_that("text.pvclust works", { # add same text to dendrogram object as normally comes with pvclust suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) library(pvclust) set.seed(123) capture.output(suppressWarnings(dend <- mtcars[1:5, ] %>% pvclust())) plot(as.dendrogram(dend)) expect_no_error( text.pvclust(dend) ) }) test_that("pvrect2 works", { # add rect dendrogram object to highlight consistent clusters suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) library(pvclust) set.seed(123) capture.output(suppressWarnings(dend <- mtcars[1:5, ] %>% pvclust())) plot(as.dendrogram(dend)) expect_no_error( pvrect2(dend, type = "geq") ) expect_no_error( pvrect2(dend, type = "leq") ) expect_no_error( pvrect2(dend, type = "gt") ) expect_no_error( pvrect2(dend, type = "lt") ) expect_error( pvrect2(dend, type = NA) ) }) test_that("pvclust_show_signif works", { # bold branches to highlight consistent clusters suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) library(pvclust) data(lung) # 916 genes for 73 subjects set.seed(13134) capture.output(result <- pvclust(lung[, 1:20], method.dist = "cor", method.hclust = "average", nboot = 100)) dend <- as.dendrogram(result) expect_no_error( pvclust_show_signif(dend, result) %>% plot() ) }) test_that("pvclust_show_signif_gradient works", { # color branches to highlight consistent clusters suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) library(pvclust) data(lung) # 916 genes for 73 subjects set.seed(13134) capture.output(result <- pvclust(lung[, 1:20], method.dist = "cor", method.hclust = "average", nboot = 100)) dend <- as.dendrogram(result) expect_no_error( pvclust_show_signif_gradient(dend, result) %>% plot() ) }) test_that("strwidth2 works", { # test that adjusted string widths are numeric suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) library(pvclust) set.seed(123) capture.output(suppressWarnings(dend <- mtcars[1:5, ] %>% pvclust())) expect_true( is.numeric(strwidth2(dend)) ) }) test_that("as.hclust.pvclust works", { library(pvclust) set.seed(123) capture.output(suppressWarnings(dend <- mtcars[1:5, ] %>% pvclust())) result <- as.hclust.pvclust(dend) # should convert pvclust to hclust object expect_identical( attributes(result)$class, "hclust" ) }) test_that("as.dendrogram.pvclust works", { library(pvclust) set.seed(123) capture.output(suppressWarnings(dend <- mtcars[1:5, ] %>% pvclust())) result <- as.dendrogram.pvclust(dend) # should convert pvclust to hclust object expect_identical( attributes(result)$class, "dendrogram" ) })