# Mock data for testing test_data <- data.frame( log_cov = rnorm(50), GC_content = rnorm(50), sample = rep(letters[1:5], each = 10), contig = rep(1:10, each = 5) ) # Test 1: Check if the output is a data frame test_that("output is a data frame", { result <- lme4_model(test_data) expect_is(result, "data.frame") }) # Test 2: Check if the output data frame has the correct structure test_that("output data frame structure", { result <- lme4_model(test_data) dput(result) expect_named(result, c("(Intercept)", "GC_content", "s_c")) expect_equal(nrow(result), 10) expect_type(result$GC_content, "double") expect_type(result$`(Intercept)`, "double") })