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Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > library(demic) > > test_check("demic") [1] "samples_pipeline results:" sample est_ptr coefficient pValue cor correctY 1 Akk0_001 1.946931 0.3840328 7.840437e-25 0.9970041 3.260867 2 Akk1_001 2.763177 0.5858478 1.476701e-26 0.9979485 3.321042 3 Akk2_001 3.449088 0.7136534 5.229909e-31 0.9992274 3.361187 [1] "contigs_pipeline results:" sample est_ptr coefficient pValue cor correctY 1 Akk0_001 1.715696 0.4011170 7.288541e-17 0.9969854 3.322873 2 Akk1_001 2.226228 0.5768216 2.693837e-14 0.9953022 3.408493 3 Akk2_001 2.701039 0.7113067 2.338425e-17 0.9983580 3.460695 sample est_ptr coefficient pValue cor correctY 1 Akk0_001 1.715696 0.4011170 7.288541e-17 0.9969854 3.322873 2 Akk1_001 2.226228 0.5768216 2.693837e-14 0.9953022 3.408493 3 Akk2_001 2.701039 0.7113067 2.338425e-17 0.9983580 3.460695 [1] "samples_pipeline results:" sample est_ptr coefficient pValue cor correctY 1 Bfrag0_002 2.061760 0.3699599 1.470163e-36 0.9918912 2.216383 2 Bfrag1_002 3.043483 0.5690839 3.576654e-49 0.9981767 2.222179 3 Bfrag2_002 4.204818 0.7343522 1.049070e-51 0.9986483 2.208119 [1] "contigs_pipeline results:" sample est_ptr coefficient pValue cor correctY 1 Bfrag0_002 2.016307 0.3664890 4.542776e-29 0.9925141 2.169409 2 Bfrag1_002 2.959016 0.5671724 9.967804e-38 0.9982152 2.136281 3 Bfrag2_002 4.099103 0.7375531 4.154507e-41 0.9988040 2.110920 sample est_ptr coefficient pValue cor correctY 1 Bfrag0_002 2.016307 0.3664890 4.542776e-29 0.9925141 2.169409 2 Bfrag1_002 2.959016 0.5671724 9.967804e-38 0.9982152 2.136281 3 Bfrag2_002 4.099103 0.7375531 4.154507e-41 0.9988040 2.110920 [1] "samples_pipeline results:" sample est_ptr coefficient pValue cor correctY 1 Ecoli0_003 1.998594 0.3728261 5.377361e-48 0.9846956 2.300529 2 Ecoli1_003 2.869151 0.5675039 3.895207e-62 0.9947622 2.253054 3 Ecoli2_003 3.909774 0.7341253 4.441206e-67 0.9963963 2.140867 [1] "contigs_pipeline results:" sample est_ptr coefficient pValue cor correctY 1 Ecoli0_003 1.990049 0.3706305 1.017798e-38 0.9858292 2.325948 2 Ecoli1_003 2.853738 0.5647964 5.066894e-49 0.9941844 2.278539 3 Ecoli2_003 3.931128 0.7372970 1.651148e-53 0.9961849 2.190109 sample est_ptr coefficient pValue cor correctY 1 Ecoli0_003 1.990049 0.3706305 1.017798e-38 0.9858292 2.325948 2 Ecoli1_003 2.853738 0.5647964 5.066894e-49 0.9941844 2.278539 3 Ecoli2_003 3.931128 0.7372970 1.651148e-53 0.9961849 2.190109 [1] "samples_pipeline results:" sample est_ptr coefficient pValue cor correctY 1 Sample1 1.577167 -0.3978371 8.111920e-37 -0.7637339 1.481230 2 Sample2 2.354320 -0.7476431 1.453821e-88 -0.9410749 1.588319 3 Sample3 1.838580 -0.5317476 1.621567e-46 -0.8202775 1.417947 [1] "contigs_pipeline results:" sample est_ptr coefficient pValue cor correctY 1 Sample1 1.588210 0.4092856 2.615677e-29 0.7674678 1.489151 2 Sample2 2.296994 0.7358040 2.051570e-66 0.9354331 1.590525 3 Sample3 1.840564 0.5393121 2.435692e-35 0.8196654 1.425356 sample est_ptr coefficient pValue cor correctY 1 Sample1 1.588210 0.4092856 2.615677e-29 0.7674678 1.489151 2 Sample2 2.296994 0.7358040 2.051570e-66 0.9354331 1.590525 3 Sample3 1.840564 0.5393121 2.435692e-35 0.8196654 1.425356 [1] "samples_pipeline results:" sample est_ptr coefficient pValue cor correctY 1 Sample1 2.281308 -0.6319368 5.251404e-62 -0.9775760 0.3235725 2 Sample2 1.748664 -0.4282018 4.980528e-39 -0.9244302 0.3799434 3 Sample3 2.323527 -0.6459869 1.588855e-64 -0.9803428 0.3075130 [1] "contigs_pipeline results:" sample est_ptr coefficient pValue cor correctY 1 Sample1 2.213034 0.6262499 2.574158e-48 0.9766598 0.3099378 2 Sample2 1.752228 0.4426046 1.283021e-31 0.9282515 0.3779174 3 Sample3 2.254366 0.6416850 6.401727e-52 0.9806849 0.3044411 sample est_ptr coefficient pValue cor correctY 1 Sample1 2.213034 0.6262499 2.574158e-48 0.9766598 0.3099378 2 Sample2 1.752228 0.4426046 1.283021e-31 0.9282515 0.3779174 3 Sample3 2.254366 0.6416850 6.401727e-52 0.9806849 0.3044411 structure(list(`(Intercept)` = c(0.122133753095513, 0.112468233560288, 0.0372788404325122, 0.177304339887256, 0.0270507610681736, 0.0842232868459067, 0.106812647682803, 0.162034499737329, 0.14194349045613, 0.138951868657145 ), GC_content = c(-0.139377848208212, -0.139377848208212, -0.139377848208212, -0.139377848208212, -0.139377848208212, -0.139377848208212, -0.139377848208212, -0.139377848208212, -0.139377848208212, -0.139377848208212), s_c = c("a:1", "a:2", "b:3", "b:4", "c:5", "c:6", "d:7", "d:8", "e:9", "e:10")), row.names = c("a:1", "a:2", "b:3", "b:4", "c:5", "c:6", "d:7", "d:8", "e:9", "e:10"), class = "data.frame") [ FAIL 0 | WARN 6 | SKIP 0 | PASS 39 ] [ FAIL 0 | WARN 6 | SKIP 0 | PASS 39 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 14.18 0.95 15.14