context("Test deeptrafo helperfunctions") if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows" && reticulate::py_available() && reticulate::py_module_available("tensorflow") && reticulate::py_module_available("keras") && reticulate::py_module_available("tensorflow_probability")) { # response helpers -------------------------------------------------------- test_that("response types", { expect_equal(get_response_type(ordered(1)), "ordered") expect_equal(get_response_type(1L), "count") expect_equal(get_response_type(1.1), "continuous") }) test_that("eval response types", { expect_equal(eval_response(ordered(1:2), "ordered"), diag(2)) expect_equal(eval_response(0:2, "count"), cbind(c(1, 0, 0), y = 0:2)) expect_equal(eval_response(c(1.1, 3.2), "continuous"), c(1.1, 3.2)) }) # test_that("make grids of responses", { # tn <- 50 # expect_length(make_grid(rnorm(10), tn)$y, tn) # expect_length(make_grid(1:10)$y, 10L) # expect_length(make_grid(ordered(1:5))$y, 5L) # expect_length(make_grid(survival::Surv(rchisq(10, df = 1), rep(0, 10)), n = tn)$y, tn) # }) # Formula helpers --------------------------------------------------------- test_that("formula parts work", { expect_equal(forms2form(~y, NULL, NULL, NULL), y ~ 1) expect_equal(forms2form(~y, ~x, NULL, NULL), y | x ~ 1) expect_equal(forms2form(~y, NULL, ~x, NULL), y ~ x) expect_equal(forms2form(~y, ~z, ~x, NULL), y | z ~ x) expect_equal( forms2form(~y, ~ z + dnn(abc), ~ x + f(g) + lasso(d), NULL), y | z + dnn(abc) ~ x + f(g) + lasso(d) ) expect_equal(forms2form(~y, ~x, ~x, ~x), y | x ~ x | x) expect_error(forms2form(NULL, ~x)) # response can't be NULL }) test_that("formula is printed correctly", { df <- data.frame(y = 1:10, x = 1:10, z = 1:10) expect_true(any(grepl("y | 1", capture.output(deeptrafo(y ~ x, data = df))))) expect_true(any(grepl("y | z", capture.output(deeptrafo(y | z ~ x, data = df))))) expect_true(any(grepl("y | s(z)", capture.output(deeptrafo(y | s(z) ~ 0 + x, data = df))))) }) # ATM helpers ------------------------------------------------------------- # test_that("atm_lag helpers", { # # # form_lin <- ~ 1 + lag1 + lag2 # # form_nlin <- ~ 1 + s(lag1) + s(lag2) # # form_mixed <- ~ 1 + s(lag1) + lag2 # # form_noint <- ~ 0 + lag1 + lag2 # # form_onevar <- ~ lag1 # # form_onesm <- ~ s(lag1) # # form_te <- ~ te(lag1, lag2) # # form_mixednl <- ~ te(lag1, lag2) + s(lag3) # # form_lass <- ~ lasso(lag1, lag2, lag3) # # form_lass2 <- ~ lasso(lag1 + lag2 + lag3) # # # # res_form_lin <- apply_atm_lags(form_lin) # # res_form_nlin <- apply_atm_lags(form_nlin) # # res_form_mixed <- apply_atm_lags(form_mixed) # # res_form_noint <- apply_atm_lags(form_noint) # # res_form_onevar <- apply_atm_lags(form_onevar) # # res_form_onesm <- apply_atm_lags(form_onesm) # # res_form_te <- apply_atm_lags(form_te) # # res_form_mixednl <- apply_atm_lags(form_mixednl) # # res_form_lass <- apply_atm_lags(form_lass) # # res_form_lass2 <- apply_atm_lags(form_lass2) # # # # expect_equal(res_form_lin[[1]] , c("lag1", "lag2")) # # expect_equal(res_form_nlin[[1]] , c("lag1", "lag2")) # # expect_equal(res_form_mixed[[1]] , c("lag1", "lag2")) # # expect_equal(res_form_noint[[1]] , c("lag1", "lag2")) # # expect_equal(res_form_onevar[[1]] , c("lag1")) # # expect_equal(res_form_onesm[[1]] , c("lag1")) # # expect_equal(res_form_te[[1]] , c("lag1", "lag2")) # # expect_equal(res_form_mixednl[[1]] , c("lag1", "lag2", "lag3")) # # expect_equal(res_form_lass[[1]] , c("lag1", "lag2", "lag3")) # # expect_equal(res_form_lass2[[1]] , c("lag1", "lag2", "lag3")) # # # # # # # }) # }