declared:::.onLoad() # context("onLoad") x <- declared( c(1:5, -1), labels = c(Good = 1, Bad = 5, DK = -1), na_values = -1, na_range = c(-5, -1) ) hx <- haven::labelled_spss( c(1:5, -1), labels = c(Good = 1, Bad = 5, DK = -1), na_values = -1 ) fx <- factor( c(1:5, NA), levels = c(1:5), labels = c("Good", 2:4, "Bad") ) fo <- factor( c(1:5, -1), levels = c(1:5, -1), labels = c("Good", 2:4, "Bad", "DK"), ordered = TRUE ) x2 <- declared( c(-1, 1:5, -2), labels = c(Good = 1, Bad = 5, DK = -1, Other = -2), na_range = c(-5, -1) ) dfd <- data.frame(x, hx, fx, fo) test_that("onLoad functions work", { test <- capture.output(print(dfd[-seq(1, 6), ])) test <- capture.output(print(dfd[, -seq(1, 4)])) test <- capture.output(print(dfd)) test <- capture.output(print(dfd, max = 5)) test <- capture.output(print(dfd, row.names = FALSE)) expect_error(print(dfd, max = Inf)) test <- capture.output(format(dfd[, -seq(1, 4)])) test <- rbind(dfd, dfd) expect_error( rbind(dfd, dfd[, -4]), "numbers of columns of arguments do not match" ) dfd2 <- dfd dfd2$fx <- as.character(dfd2$fx) test <- rbind(dfd, dfd2) test <- rbind(as.list(dfd), as.list(dfd)) test <- rbind(dfd, dfd[-seq(1, nrow(dfd)), , drop = FALSE]) test <- rbind( dfd[-seq(1, nrow(dfd)), , drop = FALSE], dfd[-seq(1, nrow(dfd)), , drop = FALSE] ) test <- rbind(dfd1 = dfd, dfd2 = dfd) ldfd <- as.list(dfd) test <- rbind(dfd, ldfd) test <- rbind(dfd, as.list(dfd[1, , drop = FALSE])) ldfd$x <- ldfd$x[-1] expect_error(rbind(dfd, ldfd), "variables should have the same length") test <- suppressWarnings(rbind(dfd, rep(1, 4))) expect_warning(rbind(dfd, list(1, 3, 1, "Bad")), "invalid factor level") dfd2 <- dfd dfd2$x <- as.matrix(dfd2$x) test <- rbind(dfd2, dfd) test <- rbind(as.matrix(dfd), as.matrix(dfd)) test <- rbind(dfd, dfd, factor.exclude = FALSE) test <- rbind(dfd[, 1:2], as.matrix(dfd[, 1:2])) test <- rbind(dfd, dfd, make.row.names = FALSE) test <- rbind(dfd, dfd[, 4:1]) dfd2 <- dfd names(dfd2)[4] <- "fo2" expect_error(rbind(dfd, dfd2), "names do not match previous names") expect_length(as.factor(fx), 6) expect_length(as.factor(1:6), 6) expect_length(as.factor(c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 2, d = 4, e = 5, f = 6)), 6) expect_length(as.factor(letters[1:6]), 6) expect_length(as.factor(x), 6) expect_length(as.factor(x, levels = "values"), 6) expect_length(as.factor(x, levels = "both"), 6) expect_length(as.factor(x, drop_na = FALSE), 6) expect_length(as.factor(x, drop_na = FALSE, nolabels = TRUE), 6) expect_equal(drop(x), as.integer(c(1:5, NA))) expect_length(drop(matrix(1:3)), 3) expect_length(sd(x), 1) expect_length(var(x), 1) expect_length(var(, 1) expect_error(var(x, use = "else"), "invalid 'use' argument") expect_length(fivenum(x), 5) expect_length(fivenum(drop_na(x), na.rm = TRUE), 5) test <- order(x) # examples from base ?order ii <- order(a <- c(1,1,3:1,1:4,3), b <- c(9,9:1), c <- c(2,1:9)) test <- rbind(a, b, c)[,ii] test <- rbind(a, b, c)[, order(a, -b, c)] cb <- as.character(b) test <- rbind(a, b, c)[, order(a, -xtfrm(cb), c)] test <- rbind(a, b, c)[, order( a, cb, c, decreasing = c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), method="radix" )] dd <- transform(data.frame(a, b, c), c = factor(c, labels = LETTERS[9:1])) test <- dd[ order(a, -b, c), ] test <- dd[, dd), ] set.seed(1) # reproducible example: d4 <- data.frame(x = round( rnorm(100)), y = round(10*runif(100)), z = round( 8*rnorm(100)), u = round(50*runif(100))) d4s <- d4[, d4), ] i <- which(diff(d4s[, 3]) == 0) # in 2 places, needed 3 cols to break ties: test <- d4s[ rbind(i, i+1), ] a <- c(5:1, 6:8, 12:9) b <- (a - 5)^2 o <- order(a) test <- rbind(a[o], b[o]) # examples from base ?rbind dd <- 10 test <- rbind(1:4, c = 2, "a++" = 10, dd, deparse.level = 0) test <- rbind(1:4, c = 2, "a++" = 10, dd, deparse.level = 1) test <- rbind(1:4, c = 2, "a++" = 10, dd, deparse.level = 2) b0 <- gl(3,4, labels=letters[1:3]) bf <- setNames(b0, paste0("o", seq_along(b0))) df <- data.frame(a = 1, B = b0, f = gl(4,3)) df. <- data.frame(a = 1, B = bf, f = gl(4,3)) new <- data.frame(a = 8, B ="B", f = "1") df1 <- rbind(df , new) df.1 <- rbind(df., new) expect_identical(df1, rbind(df, new, make.row.names = FALSE)) expect_identical(df1, rbind(df., new, make.row.names = FALSE)) expect_error(register_S3_method("haven", "as_factor", "declared", fun = 1)) dd <- data.frame(a = factor(1:2), b = 3:4, c = 5:6) test <- rbind(dd, list(1, 1, 1)) expect_equal(sum(is.element(x, labels(x))), 3L) expect_equal(sum(x %in% labels(x)), 3L) expect_equal(is.element(x, labels(x)), x %in% labels(x)) expect_equal(match(x, labels(x)), c(1L, NA, NA, NA, 2L, 3L)) expect_equal(sum(, x2))), 0L) expect_equal(sum(, x))), 1L) }) # to test if S3 methods are (re)registered once a package is (re)loaded unloadNamespace("labelled") library(labelled) test_that("tests have the same output", { expect_snapshot(x) expect_snapshot(fx) expect_snapshot(as.factor(fx)) expect_snapshot(as.factor(c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 2, d = 4, e = 5, f = 6))) expect_snapshot(as.factor(letters[1:6])) expect_snapshot(as.factor(x)) expect_snapshot(as.factor(x, drop_na = FALSE)) expect_snapshot(as.factor(x, drop_na = FALSE, nolabels = TRUE)) expect_snapshot(sd(x)) expect_snapshot(var(x)) expect_snapshot(var(, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_snapshot(fivenum(x)) expect_snapshot(fivenum(drop_na(x), na.rm = TRUE)) expect_snapshot(order(x)) expect_snapshot(as.factor(x, levels = "values")) # expect_snapshot(as.factor(x, levels = "both")) expect_snapshot(is.element(x, labels(x))) expect_snapshot(x %in% labels(x)) expect_snapshot(match(x, labels(x))) expect_snapshot(x2) expect_snapshot(match(x, x2)) expect_snapshot(match(x2, x)) })