context("mysql") skip_on_cran() # prevent conflict with MySQLConnection unloadNamespace("RMariaDB") db <- dbxConnect(adapter="rmysql", dbname="dbx_test") dbxExecute(db, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS events") json_type <- if (Sys.getenv("TRAVIS") == "") "JSON" else "TEXT" dbxExecute(db, paste0("CREATE TABLE events (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, city VARCHAR(255), counter INT, bigcounter BIGINT, speed FLOAT, distance DECIMAL(20, 18), created_on DATE, updated_at DATETIME(6), deleted_at TIMESTAMP(6) NULL DEFAULT NULL, open_time TIME, active BOOLEAN, properties ", json_type, ", image BLOB)")) runTests(db) test_that("connect with url works", { con2 <- dbxConnect("mysql://localhost/dbx_test") res <- dbxSelect(con2, "SELECT 1 AS hi") dbxDisconnect(con2) exp <- data.frame(hi=c(1)) expect_equal(res, exp) })