test_that("OPTICS", { load(test_path("fixtures", "test_data.rda")) load(test_path("fixtures", "elki_optics.rda")) x <- test_data ### run OPTICS eps <- .1 #eps <- .06 eps_cl <- .1 minPts <- 10 res <- optics(x, eps = eps, minPts = minPts) expect_length(res$order, nrow(x)) expect_length(res$reachdist, nrow(x)) expect_length(res$coredist, nrow(x)) expect_identical(res$eps, eps) expect_identical(res$minPts, minPts) ### compare with distance based version! res_d <- optics(dist(x), eps = eps, minPts = minPts) expect_equal(res, res_d) #plot(res) #plot(res_d) ### compare with elki's result expect_equal(res$order, elki$ID) expect_equal(round(res$reachdist[res$order], 3), round(elki$reachability, 3)) ### compare result with DBSCAN ### "clustering created from a cluster-ordered is nearly indistinguishable ### from a clustering created by DBSCAN. Only some border objects may ### be missed" # extract DBSCAN clustering res <- extractDBSCAN(res, eps_cl = eps_cl) #plot(res) # are there any clusters with only border points? frnn <- frNN(x, eps_cl) good <- vapply(frnn$id, function(x) (length(x) + 1L) >= minPts, logical(1L)) #plot(x, col = (res$cluster+1L)) c_good <- res$cluster[good] c_notgood <- res$cluster[!good] expect_false(setdiff(c_notgood, c_good) != 0L) # compare with DBSCAN db <- dbscan(x, minPts = minPts, eps = eps) #plot(x, col = res$cluster+1L) #plot(x, col = db$cluster+1L) # match clusters (get rid of border points which might differ) pure <- vapply( split(db$cluster, res$cluster), function(x) length(unique(x)), integer(1L) ) expect_true(all(pure[names(pure) != "0"] == 1L)) ## missing values, but distances are fine x_na <- x x_na[c(1,3,5), 1] <- NA expect_error(optics(x_na, eps = .2, minPts = 4), regexp = "NA") res_d1 <- optics(x_na, eps = .2, minPts = 4, search = "dist") res_d2 <- optics(dist(x_na), eps = .2, minPts = 4) expect_equal(res_d1, res_d2) ## introduce NAs into dist x_na[c(1,3,5), 2] <- NA expect_error(optics(x_na, eps = .2, minPts = 4), regexp = "NA") expect_error(optics(x_na, eps = .2, minPts = 4, search = "dist"), regexp = "NA") expect_error(optics(dist(x_na), eps = .2, minPts = 4), regexp = "NA") ## Create OPTICS-converted and single-linkage dendrograms res <- optics(test_data, eps = Inf, minPts = 2) res_dend <- as.dendrogram(res) reference <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(test_data), method = "single")) ## Test dendrogram ordering expect_equal(as.integer(unlist(res_dend)), res$order) ## Test Single Linkage with minPts=2, eps=INF for strict equivalence ## Note: Reordering needed to correct for isomorphisms ref_order <- order.dendrogram(reference) reference <- reorder(reference, ref_order, agglo.FUN = mean) expect_equal(reference, reorder(res_dend, ref_order, agglo.FUN = mean)) # Make sure any epsilon that queries the entire neighborhood works, # error otherwise max_rd <- max(res$reachdist[!is.infinite(res$reachdist)], na.rm = TRUE) expect_error(as.dendrogram(optics(test_data, eps = max_rd-1e-7, minPts = 2)), regexp = "Eps") expect_error(as.dendrogram(optics(test_data, eps = max_rd, minPts = nrow(test_data) + 1)), regexp = "'minPts'") ## Test symmetric relation between reachability <-> dendrogram structures expect_equal(as.reachability(as.dendrogram(res))$reachdist, res$reachdist) expect_equal(as.reachability(as.dendrogram(res))$order, res$order) })