test_that("sql_substr works as expected", { local_con(simulate_dbi()) x <- ident("x") substr <- sql_substr("SUBSTR") expect_equal(substr(x, 3, 4), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, 3, 2)")) expect_equal(substr(x, 3, 3), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, 3, 1)")) expect_equal(substr(x, 3, 2), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, 3, 0)")) expect_equal(substr(x, 3, 1), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, 3, 0)")) expect_equal(substr(x, 0, 1), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, 1, 1)")) expect_equal(substr(x, -1, 1), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, 1, 1)")) # Missing arguments expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, substr("test")) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, substr("test", 0)) # Wrong types expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, substr("test", "x", 1)) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, substr("test", 1, "x")) }) test_that("substring is also translated", { local_con(simulate_dbi()) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(substring(x, 3, 4)), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, 3, 2)")) }) test_that("sql_str_sub works as expected", { local_con(simulate_dbi()) x <- ident("x") str_sub <- sql_str_sub("SUBSTR") expect_equal(str_sub(x), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, 1)")) expect_equal(str_sub(x, 1), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, 1)")) expect_equal(str_sub(x, -1), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, LENGTH(`x`))")) expect_equal(str_sub(x, 2, 4), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, 2, 3)")) expect_equal(str_sub(x, 2, 2), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, 2, 1)")) expect_equal(str_sub(x, 2, 0), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, 2, 0)")) expect_equal(str_sub(x, 1, -2), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, 1, LENGTH(`x`) - 1)")) expect_equal(str_sub(x, 3, -3), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, 3, LENGTH(`x`) - 4)")) expect_equal(str_sub(x, -3, 0), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, LENGTH(`x`) - 2, 0)")) expect_equal(str_sub(x, -3, -3), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, LENGTH(`x`) - 2, 1)")) }) test_that("sql_str_sub can require length parameter", { local_con(simulate_dbi()) x <- ident("x") str_sub <- sql_str_sub("SUBSTR", optional_length = FALSE) expect_equal(str_sub(x), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, 1, LENGTH(`x`))")) expect_equal(str_sub(x, 1), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, 1, LENGTH(`x`))")) expect_equal(str_sub(x, -1), sql("SUBSTR(`x`, LENGTH(`x`), 1)")) }) test_that("str_sub() returns consistent results", { mf <- memdb_frame(t = "abcde") expect_equal(mf %>% transmute(str_sub(t, -3, -1)) %>% pull(1), "cde") expect_equal(mf %>% transmute(str_sub(t, 0, -1)) %>% pull(1), "abcde") expect_equal(mf %>% transmute(str_sub(t, 1, -3)) %>% pull(1), "abc") expect_equal(mf %>% transmute(str_sub(t, -3, 0)) %>% pull(1), "") expect_equal(mf %>% transmute(str_sub(t, 0, 0)) %>% pull(1), "") expect_equal(mf %>% transmute(str_sub(t, 1, 0)) %>% pull(1), "") expect_equal(mf %>% transmute(str_sub(t, -3, 5)) %>% pull(1), "cde") expect_equal(mf %>% transmute(str_sub(t, 0, 1)) %>% pull(1), "a") expect_equal(mf %>% transmute(str_sub(t, 1, 3)) %>% pull(1), "abc") }) test_that("str_detect(), str_starts(), str_ends() support fixed patterns", { mf <- memdb_frame(x = c("%0 start", "end %0", "detect %0 detect", "no", NA)) # detects fixed pattern expect_equal( mf %>% transmute(str_starts(x, fixed("%0"))) %>% pull(1), c(1, 0, 0, 0, NA) ) # hack to avoid check complaining about not declared imports pattern <- rlang::parse_expr("stringr::fixed('%0')") expect_equal( mf %>% transmute(str_starts(x, !!pattern)) %>% pull(1), c(1, 0, 0, 0, NA) ) # also works with ends and detect expect_equal( mf %>% transmute(str_ends(x, fixed("%0"))) %>% pull(1), c(0, 1, 0, 0, NA) ) expect_equal( mf %>% transmute(str_detect(x, fixed("%0"))) %>% pull(1), c(1, 1, 1, 0, NA) ) # negate works expect_equal( mf %>% transmute(str_detect(x, fixed("%0"), negate = TRUE)) %>% pull(1), c(0, 0, 0, 1, NA) ) expect_error(translate_sql(str_detect(x, "a"), con = simulate_dbi())) })