test_that("custom scalar translated correctly", { local_con(simulate_postgres()) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(bitwXor(x, 128L)), sql("`x` # 128")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(log10(x)), sql("LOG(`x`)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(log(x)), sql("LN(`x`)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(log(x, 2)), sql("LOG(`x`) / LOG(2.0)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(cot(x)), sql("1 / TAN(`x`)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(round(x, digits = 1.1)), sql("ROUND((`x`) :: numeric, 1)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(grepl("exp", x)), sql("(`x`) ~ ('exp')")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(grepl("exp", x, TRUE)), sql("(`x`) ~* ('exp')")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(substr("test", 2 , 3)), sql("SUBSTR('test', 2, 2)")) }) test_that("custom stringr functions translated correctly", { local_con(simulate_postgres()) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(str_detect(x, y)), sql("`x` ~ `y`")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(str_detect(x, y, negate = TRUE)), sql("!(`x` ~ `y`)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(str_like(x, y)), sql("`x` ILIKE `y`")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(str_like(x, y, FALSE)), sql("`x` LIKE `y`")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(str_replace(x, y, z)), sql("REGEXP_REPLACE(`x`, `y`, `z`)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(str_replace_all(x, y, z)), sql("REGEXP_REPLACE(`x`, `y`, `z`, 'g')")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(str_squish(x)), sql("LTRIM(RTRIM(REGEXP_REPLACE(`x`, '\\s+', ' ', 'g')))")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(str_remove(x, y)), sql("REGEXP_REPLACE(`x`, `y`, '')")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(str_remove_all(x, y)), sql("REGEXP_REPLACE(`x`, `y`, '', 'g')")) expect_equal( test_translate_sql(str_detect(x, fixed("%0"))), sql("POSITION('%0' in `x`) > 0") ) expect_equal( test_translate_sql(str_starts(x, fixed("%0"))), sql("POSITION('%0' in `x`) = 1") ) expect_equal( test_translate_sql(str_ends(x, fixed("%0"))), sql("POSITION('%0' in `x`) = ((LENGTH(`x`) - LENGTH('%0')) + 1)") ) }) test_that("two variable aggregates are translated correctly", { local_con(simulate_postgres()) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(cor(x, y), window = FALSE), sql("CORR(`x`, `y`)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(cor(x, y), window = TRUE), sql("CORR(`x`, `y`) OVER ()")) }) test_that("pasting translated correctly", { local_con(simulate_postgres()) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(paste(x, y), window = FALSE), sql("CONCAT_WS(' ', `x`, `y`)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(paste0(x, y), window = FALSE), sql("CONCAT_WS('', `x`, `y`)")) expect_error(test_translate_sql(paste0(x, collapse = ""), window = FALSE), "`collapse` not supported") }) test_that("postgres mimics two argument log", { local_con(simulate_postgres()) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(log(x)), sql('LN(`x`)')) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(log(x, 10)), sql('LOG(`x`) / LOG(10.0)')) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(log(x, 10L)), sql('LOG(`x`) / LOG(10)')) }) test_that("custom lubridate functions translated correctly", { local_con(simulate_postgres()) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(day(x)), sql("EXTRACT(DAY FROM `x`)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(mday(x)), sql("EXTRACT(DAY FROM `x`)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(yday(x)), sql("EXTRACT(DOY FROM `x`)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(week(x)), sql("FLOOR((EXTRACT(DOY FROM `x`) - 1) / 7) + 1")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(isoweek(x)), sql("EXTRACT(WEEK FROM `x`)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(quarter(x)), sql("EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM `x`)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(quarter(x, with_year = TRUE)), sql("(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM `x`) || '.' || EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM `x`))")) expect_error(test_translate_sql(quarter(x, fiscal_start = 2))) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(isoyear(x)), sql("EXTRACT(YEAR FROM `x`)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(seconds(x)), sql("CAST('`x` seconds' AS INTERVAL)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(minutes(x)), sql("CAST('`x` minutes' AS INTERVAL)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(hours(x)), sql("CAST('`x` hours' AS INTERVAL)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(days(x)), sql("CAST('`x` days' AS INTERVAL)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(weeks(x)), sql("CAST('`x` weeks' AS INTERVAL)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(months(x)), sql("CAST('`x` months' AS INTERVAL)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(years(x)), sql("CAST('`x` years' AS INTERVAL)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(floor_date(x, 'month')), sql("DATE_TRUNC('month', `x`)")) expect_equal(test_translate_sql(floor_date(x, 'week')), sql("DATE_TRUNC('week', `x`)")) }) test_that("custom window functions translated correctly", { local_con(simulate_postgres()) expect_snapshot({ (expect_error(test_translate_sql(quantile(x, 0.3, na.rm = TRUE), window = TRUE))) (expect_error(test_translate_sql(median(x, na.rm = TRUE), window = TRUE))) }) }) test_that("custom SQL translation", { lf <- lazy_frame(x = 1, con = simulate_postgres()) expect_snapshot(left_join(lf, lf, by = "x", na_matches = "na")) con <- simulate_postgres() expect_snapshot(copy_inline(con, tibble(x = integer(), y = character())) %>% remote_query()) expect_snapshot(copy_inline(con, tibble(x = 1:2, y = letters[1:2])) %>% remote_query()) }) test_that("`sql_query_insert()` works", { con <- simulate_postgres() df_y <- lazy_frame( a = 2:3, b = c(12L, 13L), c = -(2:3), d = c("y", "z"), con = con, .name = "df_y" ) %>% mutate(c = c + 1) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, (sql_query_insert( con = con, table = ident("df_x"), from = sql_render(df_y, con, lvl = 1), insert_cols = colnames(df_y), by = c("a", "b"), conflict = "error", returning_cols = c("a", b2 = "b") )) ) expect_snapshot( sql_query_insert( con = con, table = ident("df_x"), from = sql_render(df_y, con, lvl = 1), insert_cols = colnames(df_y), by = c("a", "b"), conflict = "ignore", returning_cols = c("a", b2 = "b") ) ) }) test_that("`sql_query_upsert()` with method = 'on_conflict' is correct", { con <- simulate_postgres() df_y <- lazy_frame( a = 2:3, b = c(12L, 13L), c = -(2:3), d = c("y", "z"), con = con, .name = "df_y" ) %>% mutate(c = c + 1) expect_snapshot( sql_query_upsert( con = con, table = ident("df_x"), from = sql_render(df_y, con, lvl = 1), by = c("c", "d"), update_cols = c("a", "b"), returning_cols = c("a", b2 = "b"), method = "on_conflict" ) ) }) # live database ----------------------------------------------------------- test_that("can explain", { db <- copy_to_test("postgres", data.frame(x = 1:3)) expect_snapshot(db %>% mutate(y = x + 1) %>% explain()) # `explain()` passes `...` to methods expect_snapshot(db %>% mutate(y = x + 1) %>% explain(format = "json")) }) test_that("can overwrite temp tables", { src <- src_test("postgres") copy_to(src, mtcars, "mtcars", overwrite = TRUE) withr::defer(DBI::dbRemoveTable(src, "mtcars")) expect_error(copy_to(src, mtcars, "mtcars", overwrite = TRUE), NA) }) test_that("copy_inline works", { src <- src_test("postgres") df <- tibble( lgl = TRUE, int = 1L, dbl = 1.5, chr = "a", date = as.Date("2020-01-01", tz = "UTC"), dtt = as.POSIXct("2020-01-01 01:23:45", tz = "UTC") ) expect_equal(copy_inline(src, df) %>% collect(), df) }) test_that("can insert with returning", { con <- src_test("postgres") df_x <- tibble(a = 1L, b = 11L, c = 1L, d = "a") x <- local_db_table(con, df_x, "df_x") df_y <- tibble(a = 1:3, b = 11:13, c = -(1:3), d = c("x", "y", "z")) y <- local_db_table(con, df_y, "df_y") %>% mutate(c = c + 1) # This errors because there is no unique constraint on (`a`, `b`) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { rows_insert( x, y, by = c("a", "b"), in_place = TRUE, conflict = "ignore", returning = everything(), method = "on_conflict" ) }, transform = snap_transform_dbi) expect_error( rows_insert( x, y, by = c("a", "b"), in_place = TRUE, conflict = "ignore", returning = everything(), method = "where_not_exists" ), NA ) x <- local_db_table(con, df_x, "df_x2", overwrite = TRUE) db_create_index(con, "df_x2", columns = c("a", "b"), unique = TRUE) expect_equal( rows_insert( x, y, by = c("a", "b"), in_place = TRUE, conflict = "ignore", returning = everything(), method = "on_conflict" ) %>% get_returned_rows(), tibble( a = 2:3, b = 12:13, c = c(-1L, -2L), d = c("y", "z") ) ) expect_equal( collect(x), tibble(a = 1:3, b = 11:13, c = c(1L, -1L, -2L), d = c("a", "y", "z")) ) }) test_that("can use `rows_*()` inside a transaction #1183", { con <- src_test("postgres") local_db_table(con, tibble(a = 1:2e3, b = 2, x = "a"), "df_x") expect_no_error( DBI::dbWithTransaction( con, { dbplyr:::db_col_types(con, "df_x", rlang::current_env()) DBI::dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM df_x LIMIT 1") } ) ) }) test_that("casts `y` column for local df", { con <- src_test("postgres") DBI::dbExecute(con, "CREATE SCHEMA dbplyr_test_schema") withr::defer(DBI::dbExecute(con, "DROP SCHEMA dbplyr_test_schema")) df <- tibble(id = 1L, val = 10L, arr = "{1,2}") types <- c(id = "bigint", val = "bigint", arr = "integer[]") local_db_table(con, value = df, types = types, temporary = FALSE, "df_x") table2 <- DBI::Id(schema = "dbplyr_test_schema", table = "df_x2") local_db_table(con, value = df, types = types, temporary = FALSE, table2) y <- tibble( id = "2", val = 20, arr = "{1, 2, 3}" ) out <- tibble( id = bit64::as.integer64(1:2), val = bit64::as.integer64(10L, 20L), arr = structure(c("{1,2}", "{1,2,3}"), class = "pq__int4") ) expect_equal( rows_append( tbl(con, "df_x"), y, copy = TRUE, in_place = FALSE ) %>% collect(), out ) rows_append( tbl(con, "df_x"), y, copy = TRUE, in_place = TRUE ) # also works with schema rows_append( tbl(con, table2), y, copy = TRUE, in_place = TRUE ) expect_equal(tbl(con, "df_x") %>% collect(), out) types_expected <- c(id = "int8", val = "int8", arr = "_int4") expect_equal(db_col_types(con, table2), types_expected) expect_equal(db_col_types(con, in_schema("public", "df_x")), types_expected) }) test_that("can upsert with returning", { con <- src_test("postgres") df_x <- tibble(a = 1:2, b = 11:12, c = 1:2, d = c("a", "b")) x <- local_db_table(con, df_x, "df_x") df_y <- tibble(a = 2:3, b = c(12L, 13L), c = -(2:3), d = c("y", "z")) y <- local_db_table(con, df_y, "df_y") %>% mutate(c = c + 1) # Errors because there is no unique index expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { rows_upsert( x, y, by = c("a", "b"), in_place = TRUE, returning = everything(), method = "on_conflict" ) }, transform = snap_transform_dbi) # DBI method does not need a unique index expect_error( rows_upsert( x, y, by = c("a", "b"), in_place = TRUE, returning = everything(), method = "cte_update" ), NA ) x <- local_db_table(con, df_x, "df_x2") db_create_index(con, "df_x2", columns = c("a", "b"), unique = TRUE) expect_equal( rows_upsert( x, y, by = c("a", "b"), in_place = TRUE, returning = everything(), method = "on_conflict" ) %>% get_returned_rows() %>% arrange(a), tibble( a = 2:3, b = 12:13, c = c(-1L, -2L), d = c("y", "z") ) ) expect_equal( collect(x), tibble(a = 1:3, b = 11:13, c = c(1L, -1L, -2L), d = c("a", "y", "z")) ) }) test_that("correctly escapes dates", { con <- src_test("postgres") dd <- as.Date("2022-03-04") expect_equal(escape(dd, con = con), sql("'2022-03-04'::date")) })