# window_order errors for data frame Code (expect_error(window_order(data.frame(x = 1)))) Output Error in `window_order()`: ! `.data` must be a , not a data frame. i Did you mean to use `arrange()` instead? Code (expect_error(window_order("a"))) Output Error in `window_order()`: ! `.data` must be a , not a string. # window_order only accepts variables Code (expect_error(window_order(lf, x + y))) Output Error in `window_order()`: ! Each element of `...` must be a single column name or a column wrapped in `desc()`. x Element 1 is `x + y`. # window order works afer renaming variable Code lazy_frame(x = 1, y = 1) %>% window_order(y) %>% rename(y2 = y) %>% mutate( x_cum = cumsum(x)) Output SELECT `q01`.*, SUM(`x`) OVER (ORDER BY `y2` ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) AS `x_cum` FROM ( SELECT `x`, `y` AS `y2` FROM `df` ) AS `q01` Code lazy_frame(x = 1, y = 1) %>% rename(y2 = y) %>% window_order(y2) %>% mutate( x_cum = cumsum(x)) Output SELECT `q01`.*, SUM(`x`) OVER (ORDER BY `y2` ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) AS `x_cum` FROM ( SELECT `x`, `y` AS `y2` FROM `df` ) AS `q01` # window_frame errors for data frame Code (expect_error(window_frame(data.frame(x = 1)))) Output Error in `window_frame()`: ! `.data` must be a , not a .