# ungroup() produces nice error messages Code memdb_frame(x = 1) %>% pull(non_existent) Condition Error in `pull()`: Caused by error: ! object 'non_existent' not found Code memdb_frame(x = 1) %>% pull("non_existent") Condition Error in `pull()`: ! Can't extract columns that don't exist. x Column `non_existent` doesn't exist. Code memdb_frame(x = 1) %>% pull(1000) Condition Error in `pull()`: ! Can't extract columns past the end. i Location 1000 doesn't exist. i There is only 1 column. Code memdb_frame(x = 1) %>% pull(x, "name_non_existent") Condition Error in `pull()`: ! Can't extract columns that don't exist. x Column `name_non_existent` doesn't exist.