# shiny objects give useful errors Code lf %>% filter(a == input$x) %>% show_query() Condition Error: ! Cannot translate shiny inputs to SQL. i Do you want to force evaluation in R with (e.g.) `!!input$x` or `local(input$x)`? --- Code lf %>% filter(a == x()) %>% show_query() Condition Error: ! Cannot translate a shiny reactive to SQL. i Do you want to force evaluation in R with (e.g.) `!!foo()` or `local(foo())`? # con must not be NULL Code escape("a") Condition Error in `escape()`: ! `con` must not be NULL. --- Code sql_vector("a") Condition Error in `sql_vector()`: ! `con` must not be NULL. # data frames give useful errors Code escape(mtcars, con = simulate_dbi()) Condition Error: ! Cannot translate a data.frame to SQL. i Do you want to force evaluation in R with (e.g.) `!!df$x` or `local(df$x)`?