# custom scalar translated correctly Code (expect_error(test_translate_sql(grepl("exp", x, ignore.case = TRUE)))) Output Error in `grepl()`: ! `ignore.case = TRUE` isn't supported in Snowflake translation. i It must be FALSE instead. # pmin() and pmax() respect na.rm Code test_translate_sql(pmin(x, y, z, na.rm = TRUE)) Output COALESCE(IFF(COALESCE(IFF(`x` <= `y`, `x`, `y`), `x`, `y`) <= `z`, COALESCE(IFF(`x` <= `y`, `x`, `y`), `x`, `y`), `z`), COALESCE(IFF(`x` <= `y`, `x`, `y`), `x`, `y`), `z`) --- Code test_translate_sql(pmax(x, y, z, na.rm = TRUE)) Output COALESCE(IFF(COALESCE(IFF(`x` >= `y`, `x`, `y`), `x`, `y`) >= `z`, COALESCE(IFF(`x` >= `y`, `x`, `y`), `x`, `y`), `z`), COALESCE(IFF(`x` >= `y`, `x`, `y`), `x`, `y`), `z`) # row_number() with and without group_by() and arrange(): unordered defaults to Ordering by NULL (per empty_order) Code mf %>% mutate(rown = row_number()) Output SELECT `df`.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) AS `rown` FROM `df` --- Code mf %>% group_by(y) %>% mutate(rown = row_number()) Output SELECT `df`.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY `y` ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) AS `rown` FROM `df` --- Code mf %>% arrange(y) %>% mutate(rown = row_number()) Output SELECT `df`.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY `y`) AS `rown` FROM `df` ORDER BY `y`