test_that("data_modify works", { data(iris) out <- data_modify( iris, Sepal_W_z = standardize(Sepal.Width), Sepal_Wz_double = 2 * Sepal_W_z ) expect_equal( out$Sepal_W_z, as.vector(scale(iris$Sepal.Width)), ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-3 ) expect_equal( out$Sepal_Wz_double, 2 * as.vector(scale(iris$Sepal.Width)), ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-3 ) }) test_that("data_modify works with strings", { data(iris) out <- data_modify( iris, "Sepal_W_z = standardize(Sepal.Width)" ) expect_equal( out$Sepal_W_z, as.vector(scale(iris$Sepal.Width)), ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-3 ) out <- data_modify( iris, c( "Sepal_W_z = standardize(Sepal.Width)", "Sepal_Wz_double = 2 * Sepal_W_z" ) ) expect_equal( out$Sepal_Wz_double, 2 * as.vector(scale(iris$Sepal.Width)), ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-3 ) }) test_that("data_modify preserves labels", { data(efc) out <- data_modify( efc, c12hour_c = center(c12hour), c12hour_z = c12hour_c / sd(c12hour, na.rm = TRUE) ) expect_identical( attributes(out$c12hour_c)$label, attributes(efc$c12hour)$label ) expect_identical( attributes(out$c12hour_z)$label, attributes(efc$c12hour)$label ) out <- data_modify( efc, c( "c12hour_c = center(c12hour)", "c12hour_z = c12hour_c / sd(c12hour, na.rm = TRUE)" ) ) expect_identical( attributes(out$c12hour_c)$label, attributes(efc$c12hour)$label ) expect_identical( attributes(out$c12hour_z)$label, attributes(efc$c12hour)$label ) }) test_that("data_modify recycling works", { data(iris) out <- data_modify(iris, x = 1) expect_equal(out$x, rep(1, nrow(iris)), ignore_attr = TRUE) out <- data_modify(iris, x = c(1, 2)) expect_equal(out$x, rep(c(1, 2), nrow(iris) / 2), ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_error(data_modify(iris, x = 1:4), regex = "same length") out <- data_modify(iris, x = "a") expect_equal(out$x, rep("a", nrow(iris)), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("data_modify recycling works", { data(iris) d <- data_group(iris, "Species") expect_silent(data_modify(d, x = 1, test = 1:2)) }) test_that("data_modify expression in character vector", { data(iris) x <- "var_a = Sepal.Width" out <- data_modify(iris, x) expect_identical( colnames(out), c( "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species", "var_a" ) ) }) test_that("data_modify expression in character vector", { data(iris) foo <- function(data) { y <- "var_a = Sepal.Width" head(data_modify(data, y)) } out <- foo(iris) expect_identical( colnames(out), c( "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species", "var_a" ) ) expect_identical(out$var_a, out$Sepal.Width) foo2 <- function(data, z) { head(data_modify(data, z)) } out <- foo2(iris, "var_a = Sepal.Width") expect_identical( colnames(out), c( "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species", "var_a" ) ) expect_identical(out$var_a, out$Sepal.Width) }) test_that("data_modify expression in character vector", { data(iris) aa <- "2 * Sepal.Width" out <- data_modify(iris, new_var = aa) expect_identical( colnames(out), c( "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species", "new_var" ) ) expect_identical(out$new_var, 2 * out$Sepal.Width) foo_nv <- function(data, z) { head(data_modify(data, new_var = z)) } out <- foo_nv(iris, "2 * Sepal.Width") expect_identical( colnames(out), c( "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species", "new_var" ) ) expect_identical(out$new_var, 2 * out$Sepal.Width) }) test_that("data_modify expression as character vector", { data(iris) x <- "var_a = Sepal.Width" y <- "Sepal_Wz_double = 2 * var_a" out <- data_modify(iris, c(x, y)) expect_identical( colnames(out), c( "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species", "var_a", "Sepal_Wz_double" ) ) expect_identical(out$var_a, out$Sepal.Width) expect_identical(out$Sepal_Wz_double, 2 * out$Sepal.Width) foo1 <- function(data) { x1 <- "var_a = Sepal.Width" y1 <- "Sepal_Wz_double = 2 * var_a" data_modify(iris, c(x1, y1)) } out <- foo1(iris) expect_identical( colnames(out), c( "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species", "var_a", "Sepal_Wz_double" ) ) expect_identical(out$var_a, out$Sepal.Width) expect_identical(out$Sepal_Wz_double, 2 * out$Sepal.Width) foo2 <- function(data, z3) { data_modify(data, z3) } out <- foo2(iris, c("var_a = Sepal.Width", "Sepal_Wz_double = 2 * var_a")) expect_identical( colnames(out), c( "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species", "var_a", "Sepal_Wz_double" ) ) expect_identical(out$var_a, out$Sepal.Width) expect_identical(out$Sepal_Wz_double, 2 * out$Sepal.Width) # works with separated strings data(iris) out <- data_modify(iris, "var_a = Sepal.Width", "Sepal_Wz_double = 2 * var_a") expect_identical(out$var_a, out$Sepal.Width) expect_identical(out$Sepal_Wz_double, 2 * out$Sepal.Width) }) test_that("data_modify remove variables with NULL", { data(iris) out <- data_modify(iris, PL_new = 2 * Petal.Length, Petal.Length = NULL) expect_identical(colnames(out), c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Width", "Species", "PL_new")) expect_identical(out$PL_new, 2 * iris$Petal.Length) }) test_that("data_modify works on grouped data", { data(efc) grouped_efc <- data_group(efc, "c172code") out <- data_modify( grouped_efc, c12hour_c = center(c12hour), c12hour_z = c12hour_c / sd(c12hour, na.rm = TRUE), c12hour_z2 = standardize(c12hour) ) out2 <- lapply(by(efc["c12hour"], efc$c172code, scale), as.vector) expect_equal( na.omit(out$c12hour_z2[out$c172code == 1]), out2[[1]], ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-3 ) }) test_that("data_modify works on grouped data, with character vectors", { data(efc) grouped_efc <- data_group(efc, "c172code") out <- data_modify( grouped_efc, c( "c12hour_c = center(c12hour)", "c12hour_z = c12hour_c / sd(c12hour, na.rm = TRUE)", "c12hour_z2 = standardize(c12hour)" ) ) out2 <- lapply(by(efc["c12hour"], efc$c172code, scale), as.vector) expect_equal( na.omit(out$c12hour_z2[out$c172code == 1]), out2[[1]], ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-3 ) expect_equal( na.omit(out$c12hour_z[out$c172code == 1]), out2[[1]], ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-3 ) }) test_that("data_modify works on grouped data, preserves attributes and labels", { data(efc) grouped_efc <- data_group(efc, "c172code") out <- data_modify( grouped_efc, c12hour_c = center(c12hour) ) expect_identical( attributes(out$c12hour)$label, attributes(efc$c12hour)$label ) }) test_that("data_modify works on grouped data, inside functions", { data(efc) foo4 <- function(data) { data_modify( data, c( "c12hour_c = center(c12hour)", "c12hour_z = c12hour_c / sd(c12hour, na.rm = TRUE)", "c12hour_z2 = standardize(c12hour)" ) ) } out <- foo4(data_group(efc, "c172code")) out2 <- lapply(by(efc["c12hour"], efc$c172code, scale), as.vector) expect_equal( na.omit(out$c12hour_z2[out$c172code == 1]), out2[[1]], ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-3 ) expect_equal( na.omit(out$c12hour_z[out$c172code == 1]), out2[[1]], ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-3 ) foo5 <- function(data, rec) { data_modify(data, rec) } out <- foo5( data_group(efc, "c172code"), c( "c12hour_c = center(c12hour)", "c12hour_z = c12hour_c / sd(c12hour, na.rm = TRUE)", "c12hour_z2 = standardize(c12hour)" ) ) out2 <- lapply(by(efc["c12hour"], efc$c172code, scale), as.vector) expect_equal( na.omit(out$c12hour_z2[out$c172code == 1]), out2[[1]], ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-3 ) expect_equal( na.omit(out$c12hour_z[out$c172code == 1]), out2[[1]], ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-3 ) }) test_that("data_modify errors for non df", { expect_error(data_modify(iris$Sepal.Length, Sepal_W_z = standardize(Sepal.Width))) }) test_that("data_modify errors for empty data frames", { data(mtcars) x <- mtcars[1, ] expect_error( data_modify(x[-1, ], new_var = 5), regex = "empty data frame" ) }) test_that("data_modify errors for non df", { data(efc) a <- "center(c22hour)" # <---------------- error in variable name b <- "c12hour_c / sd(c12hour, na.rm = TRUE)" expect_error( data_modify(efc, c12hour_c = a, c12hour_z = b), regex = "c22hour" ) a <- "center(c12hour)" b <- "c12hour_c / sd(c21hour, na.rm = TRUE)" expect_error( data_modify(efc, c12hour_c = a, c12hour_z = b), regex = "c12hour_c" ) expect_error( data_modify(efc, c12hour_c = a, c12hour_z = b), regex = "second expression" ) }) test_that("data_modify message about recycling values", { expect_snapshot(head(data_modify(iris, Sepal.Width = 1))) expect_snapshot(head(data_modify(iris, Sepal.Width = 1:2))) expect_snapshot(head(data_modify(iris, Petal.Length = 1, Sepal.Width = 1))) expect_snapshot(head(data_modify(iris, Petal.Length = 1, Sepal.Width = 1:2))) expect_snapshot(head(data_modify(iris, Petal.Length = 2, Sepal.Width = 2))) }) test_that("data_modify message about modified variables", { expect_snapshot(head(data_modify(iris, Sepal.Width = 2 * Sepal.Width))) expect_snapshot(head(data_modify(iris, Petal.Length = Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width = Petal.Width))) }) test_that("data_modify works with character variables, and inside functions", { data(efc) a <- "center(c12hour)" b <- "c12hour_c / sd(c12hour, na.rm = TRUE)" d <- "standardize(c12hour)" out <- data_modify( efc, c12hour_c = a, c12hour_z = b, c12hour_z2 = d ) expect_equal( out$c12hour_z2, as.vector(scale(efc$c12hour)), ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-3 ) expect_equal( out$c12hour_z, as.vector(scale(efc$c12hour)), ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-3 ) # when calling functions a1 <- "center(c12hour)" b1 <- "c12hour_c / sd(c12hour, na.rm = TRUE)" d1 <- "standardize(c12hour)" foo <- function(data, x1, x2, x3) { data_modify( efc, c12hour_c = x1, c12hour_z = x2, c12hour_z2 = x3 ) } out <- foo(efc, a1, b1, d1) expect_equal( out$c12hour_z2, as.vector(scale(efc$c12hour)), ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-3 ) expect_equal( out$c12hour_z, as.vector(scale(efc$c12hour)), ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-3 ) # when calling functions, arguments inside function defined foo2 <- function(data) { a2 <- "center(c12hour)" b2 <- "c12hour_c / sd(c12hour, na.rm = TRUE)" d2 <- "standardize(c12hour)" data_modify( efc, c12hour_c = a2, c12hour_z = b2, c12hour_z2 = d2 ) } out <- foo2(efc) expect_equal( out$c12hour_z2, as.vector(scale(efc$c12hour)), ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-3 ) expect_equal( out$c12hour_z, as.vector(scale(efc$c12hour)), ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-3 ) }) test_that("data_modify works with grouped df when overwriting existing variables", { data(iris) iris_grp <- data_group(iris, "Species") out <- data_modify(iris_grp, Sepal.Length = normalize(Sepal.Length)) expect_equal(head(out$Sepal.Length), c(0.53333, 0.4, 0.26667, 0.2, 0.46667, 0.73333), tolerance = 1e-3) out <- data_modify( iris_grp, Sepal.Length = normalize(Sepal.Length), Sepal.Length2 = 2 * Sepal.Length ) expect_equal(head(out$Sepal.Length2), 2 * c(0.53333, 0.4, 0.26667, 0.2, 0.46667, 0.73333), tolerance = 1e-3) }) test_that("data_modify works with functions that return character vectors", { data(iris) set.seed(123) out <- data_modify(iris, grp = sample(letters[1:3], nrow(iris), TRUE)) expect_identical(head(out$grp), c("c", "c", "c", "b", "c", "b")) }) test_that("data_modify 1:n() and similar works in (grouped) data frames", { data(mtcars) out <- data_modify(mtcars, Trials = 1:n()) # nolint expect_identical(out$Trials, 1:32) x <- data_group(mtcars, "gear") out <- data_modify(x, Trials = 1:n()) # nolint expect_identical(out$Trials[out$gear == 3], 1:15) expect_identical(out$Trials[out$gear == 4], 1:12) out <- data_modify(x, Trials = 3:(n() + 2)) expect_identical(out$Trials[out$gear == 3], 3:17) expect_identical(out$Trials[out$gear == 4], 3:14) }) test_that("data_modify .if/.at arguments", { data(iris) d <- iris[1:5, ] # validate results out <- data_modify(d, .at = "Species", .modify = as.numeric) expect_identical(out$Species, c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)) out <- data_modify(d, .if = is.factor, .modify = as.numeric) expect_identical(out$Species, c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)) out <- data_modify(d, new_length = Petal.Length * 2, .at = "Species", .modify = as.numeric) expect_identical(out$Species, c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)) expect_named(out, c( "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species", "new_length" )) # .at and .if cannot be used at same timne expect_error( data_modify(d, .at = "Species", .if = is.factor, .modify = as.numeric), regex = "You cannot use both" ) # modify must be a function expect_error( data_modify(d, .at = "Species", .modify = "a"), regex = "`.modify` must" ) # unknown variable expect_error( data_modify(d, .at = c("Species", "Test"), .modify = as.numeric), regex = "Variable \"Test\"" ) # unknown variables expect_error( data_modify(d, .at = c("Species", "Hi", "Test"), .modify = as.numeric), regex = "Variables \"Hi\" and \"Test\"" ) # one of .at or .if must be specified expect_error( data_modify(d, .modify = as.numeric), regex = "You need to specify" ) # function not applicable to factors expect_error( data_modify(d, .at = "Species", .modify = function(x) 2 / y + x), regex = "Error in modifying variable" ) # function not applicable to factors expect_error( data_modify(d, .at = "Species", .modify = function(x) 2 * x), regex = "Error in modifying variable" ) # .modify needs to be specified expect_error( data_modify(d, .at = "Species", .if = is.factor), regex = "You need to specify" ) # newly created variables are processed by if/at out <- data_modify(d, new_length = Petal.Length * 2, .if = is.numeric, .modify = round) expect_equal(out$new_length, c(3, 3, 3, 3, 3), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) skip_if_not_installed("withr") withr::with_environment( new.env(), test_that("data_modify 1:n() and similar works in (grouped) data frames inside function calls", { data(mtcars) x <- data_group(mtcars, "gear") foo <- function(d) { out <- data_modify(d, Trials = 1:n()) # nolint out$Trials } expect_identical( foo(x), c( 1L, 2L, 3L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 12L, 13L, 14L, 15L, 11L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 12L ) ) }) ) test_that("data_modify errors on non-defined function", { expect_error(data_modify(iris, Species = foo())) })