test_that("util_warning works", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("withr") withr::local_options(dataquieR.CONDITIONS_WITH_STACKTRACE = TRUE, dataquieR.ERRORS_WITH_CALLER = TRUE, dataquieR.WARNINGS_WITH_CALLER = TRUE, dataquieR.MESSAGES_WITH_CALLER = TRUE) expect_warning(util_warning("The one and everything is %d (%s).", 42, "Douglas Adams"), regexp = ".*The one and everything is 42 .Douglas Adams.*", perl = TRUE) testenv <- new.env(parent = baseenv()) testenv$g <- function(...) { util_warning(...) } environment(testenv$g) <- asNamespace("dataquieR") f <- function(...) { g(...) } environment(f) <- testenv h <- function(...) { do.call(g, list(...)) } environment(h) <- testenv expect_warning(f("The one and everything is %d (%s).", 42, "Douglas Adams"), regexp = paste( ".*The one and everything is", "42 \\(Douglas Adams\\).*" ), perl = TRUE) expect_warning(h("The one and everything is %d (%s).", 42, "Douglas Adams"), regexp = paste( ".*The one and everything is", "42 \\(Douglas Adams\\).*" ), perl = TRUE) }) test_that("util_warning works", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("withr") withr::local_options(dataquieR.CONDITIONS_WITH_STACKTRACE = TRUE, dataquieR.ERRORS_WITH_CALLER = TRUE, dataquieR.WARNINGS_WITH_CALLER = TRUE, dataquieR.MESSAGES_WITH_CALLER = TRUE) expect_warning(util_warning("The one and everything is %d (%s).", 42, "Douglas Adams"), regexp = "The one and everything is 42 (Douglas Adams).", fixed = TRUE) g <- function(...) { util_warning(...) } environment(g) <- asNamespace("dataquieR") testenv <- new.env(parent = baseenv()) testenv$gg <- force(g) f <- function(...) { gg(...) } environment(f) <- testenv h <- function(...) { do.call(gg, list(...)) } environment(h) <- testenv expect_warning(f("The one and everything is %d (%s).", 42, "Douglas Adams"), regexp = paste( ".*The one and everything is", "42 \\(Douglas Adams\\).*" ), perl = TRUE) expect_warning(h("The one and everything is %d (%s).", 42, "Douglas Adams"), regexp = paste( ".*The one and everything is", "42 \\(Douglas Adams\\).*" ), , perl = TRUE) x <- function(m) { warning(m) } w <- function(w) { util_warning(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } expect_warning( withCallingHandlers(x(""), warning = w), regexp = "Warning", fixed = TRUE ) expect_warning( withCallingHandlers(x("CAVE CANEM"), warning = w), regexp = "CAVE CANEM", fixed = TRUE ) })