context("General functions") test_that("General NWIS retrievals working", { testthat::skip_on_cran() multiSite <- readNWISdata( sites = c("04025500", "040263491"), service = "iv", parameterCd = "00060", startDate = "2020-11-01", endDate = "2020-11-02" ) expect_is(multiSite$dateTime, "POSIXct") recent_uv <- readNWISdata( siteNumber = "04025500", parameterCd = "00060", service = "uv", startDate = as.Date(Sys.Date() - 10), endDate = Sys.Date() ) expect_equal(grep( x = attr(recent_uv, "url"), pattern = "" ), 1) older_uv <- readNWISdata( siteNumber = "04025500", parameterCd = "00060", service = "uv", startDate = "2016-01-01", endDate = "2016-01-02" ) expect_equal(grep( x = attr(older_uv, "url"), pattern = "" ), 1) expect_error(readNWISdata(), "No arguments supplied") expect_error(readNWISdata(siteNumber = NA), "NA's are not allowed in query") bBoxEx <- readNWISdata(bBox = c(-83, 36.5, -81, 38.5), parameterCd = "00010") expect_true(length(unique(bBoxEx$site_no)) > 1) startDate <- as.Date("2013-10-01") endDate <- as.Date("2014-09-30") waterYear <- readNWISdata( bBox = c(-83, 36.5, -81, 38.5), parameterCd = "00010", service = "dv", startDate = startDate, endDate = endDate ) expect_is(waterYear$dateTime, "POSIXct") siteInfo <- readNWISdata( stateCd = "WI", parameterCd = "00010", hasDataTypeCd = "iv", service = "site" ) expect_is(siteInfo$station_nm, "character") # nolint start: line_length_linter url <- "" dv <- importRDB1(url, asDateTime = FALSE) # nolint end dailyStat <- readNWISdata( site = c("03112500", "03111520", "02319394"), service = "stat", statReportType = "daily", statType = c("p25", "p50", "p75", "min", "max"), parameterCd = "00065", convertType = FALSE ) expect_true(length(dailyStat$min_va) > 1) expect_is(dailyStat$p25_va, "character") waterYearStat <- readNWISdata( site = c("01646500"), service = "stat", statReportType = "annual", statYearType = "water", missingData = "on" ) expect_is(waterYearStat$mean_va, "numeric") expect_is(waterYearStat$parameter_cd, "character") # Empty data # note....not empty anymore! # nolint start: line_length_linter urlTest <- ",1.1&ParameterCd=63680&startDT=2016-12-13&endDT=2016-12-13" x <- importWaterML1(urlTest) expect_true(all(c("agency_cd", "site_no", "dateTime", "tz_cd") %in% names(x))) # nolint end # Test list: args <- list( sites = "05114000", service = "iv", parameterCd = "00060", startDate = "2014-05-01T00:00Z", endDate = "2014-05-01T12:00Z" ) instData <- readNWISdata(args) args <- list( sites = "05114000", service = "dv", parameterCd = "00060", startDate = "2014-05-01", endDate = "2014-05-01" ) dailyData <- readNWISdata(args) expect_lt(nrow(dailyData), nrow(instData)) args <- list(stateCd = "OH", parameterCd = "00665") sites <- whatNWISsites(args) expect_type(sites, "list") # Test counties: dailyStaffordVA <- readNWISdata( stateCd = "Virginia", countyCd = "Stafford", parameterCd = "00060", startDate = "2015-01-01", endDate = "2015-01-30" ) expect_gt(nrow(dailyStaffordVA), 1) AS <- readNWISdata(stateCd = "AS", service = "site") expect_gt(nrow(AS), 0) site_id <- "01594440" rating_curve <- readNWISdata( service = "rating", site_no = site_id, file_type = "base" ) rating_curve2 <- readNWISrating( siteNumber = site_id, type = "base" ) expect_equal( attr(rating_curve, "url"), "" ) expect_equal(rating_curve$INDEP, rating_curve2$INDEP) state_rating_list <- readNWISdata( service = "rating", file_type = "base", period = 24 ) expect_true(all(names(state_rating_list) %in% c( "agency_cd", "site_no", "type", "update_time", "url" ))) multi_hucs <- c("07130007", "07130011") multi_huc <- dataRetrieval::readNWISdata( huc = multi_hucs, parameterCd = "63680", startDate = "2015-06-18", endDate = "2015-06-18", service = "dv" ) expect_equal(2, nrow(multi_huc)) peak_data <- readNWISdata( service = "peak", state_cd = "PA" ) expect_lt(nrow(peak_data), 100000) peak_data <- readNWISdata( service = "peak", huc2_cd = "20" ) expect_lt(nrow(peak_data), 100000) }) test_that("whatNWISdata", { # no service specified: availableData <- whatNWISdata(siteNumber = "05114000") expect_equal(ncol(availableData), 24) uvData <- whatNWISdata(siteNumber = "05114000", service = "uv") expect_equal(unique(uvData$data_type_cd), "uv") # multiple services uvDataMulti <- whatNWISdata( siteNumber = c("05114000", "09423350"), service = c("uv", "dv") ) expect_true(all(unique(uvDataMulti$data_type_cd) %in% c("uv", "dv"))) # state codes: flowAndTemp <- whatNWISdata( stateCd = "WI", service = c("uv", "dv"), parameterCd = c("00060", "00010"), statCd = "00003" ) expect_true(all(unique(flowAndTemp$data_type_cd) %in% c("uv", "dv"))) expect_true(all(unique(flowAndTemp$parm_cd) %in% c("00060", "00010"))) expect_true(all(unique(flowAndTemp$stat_cd) %in% c("00003", NA))) # site service sites <- whatNWISdata(stateCd = "WI", service = "site") expect_true(all(c("gw", "sv", "qw", "dv", "pk", "uv") %in% unique(sites$data_type_cd))) }) test_that("General WQP retrievals working", { testthat::skip_on_cran() nameToUse <- "pH" pHData <- readWQPdata(siteid = "USGS-04024315", characteristicName = nameToUse) expect_is(pHData$ActivityStartDateTime, "POSIXct") # testing lists: startDate <- as.Date("2013-01-01") secchi.names <- c( "Depth, Secchi disk depth", "Depth, Secchi disk depth (choice list)", "Secchi Reading Condition (choice list)", "Water transparency, Secchi disc" ) args_2 <- list( "startDateLo" = startDate, "startDateHi" = "2013-12-31", statecode = "WI", characteristicName = secchi.names ) wqp.summary <- readWQPdata(args_2, querySummary = TRUE) expect_true("list" %in% class(wqp.summary)) # Testing multiple lists: arg_3 <- list( "startDateLo" = startDate, "startDateHi" = "2013-12-31" ) arg_4 <- list( statecode = "WI", characteristicName = secchi.names ) wqp.summary <- readWQPdata(arg_3, arg_4, querySummary = TRUE) expect_true("list" %in% class(wqp.summary)) lakeSites <- whatWQPsites(args_2) expect_type(lakeSites, "list") wqp.summary_no_atts <- readWQPdata( siteid = "USGS-04024315", characteristicName = nameToUse, ignore_attributes = TRUE ) expect_true(!all(c("siteInfo", "variableInfo") %in% names(attributes(wqp.summary_no_atts)))) }) test_that("WQP head query retrievals working", { testthat::skip_on_cran() nameToUse <- "pH" pHDataQueryResults <- readWQPdata( siteid = "USGS-04024315", characteristicName = nameToUse, querySummary = TRUE ) expect_false(is.null(pHDataQueryResults$date)) expect_is(pHDataQueryResults$date, "Date") expect_false(is.null(pHDataQueryResults$`total-site-count`)) expect_is(pHDataQueryResults$`total-site-count`, "numeric") expect_false(is.null(pHDataQueryResults$`total-result-count`)) expect_is(pHDataQueryResults$`total-result-count`, "numeric") pHDataQueryResults <- readWQPqw( siteNumbers = "USGS-04024315", parameterCd = nameToUse, querySummary = TRUE ) expect_false(is.null(pHDataQueryResults$date)) expect_is(pHDataQueryResults$date, "Date") expect_false(is.null(pHDataQueryResults$`total-site-count`)) expect_is(pHDataQueryResults$`total-site-count`, "numeric") expect_false(is.null(pHDataQueryResults$`total-result-count`)) expect_is(pHDataQueryResults$`total-result-count`, "numeric") }) test_that("zeroPad handles NAs", { toPad <- c(1, 5, 55, NA) padded <- zeroPad(toPad, 3) expect_true(identical(c("001", "005", "055", NA), padded)) }) test_that("Dates with no days can be handled", { testthat::skip_on_cran() empty_df <- readNWISgwl("425957088141001", startDate = "1980-01-01") expect_true(nrow(empty_df) > 0) }) context("whatWQPsamples") test_that("whatWQPsamples working", { testthat::skip_on_cran() # The warning is caused by a confirmed bug in WQP siteInfo <- suppressWarnings(whatWQPsamples(siteid = "USGS-01594440")) expect_true(nrow(siteInfo) > 0) }) context("whatWQPmetrics") test_that("whatWQPmetrics working", { testthat::skip_on_cran() type <- "Stream" siteInfo <- whatWQPmetrics(countycode = "US:55:025", siteType = type) expect_true(ncol(siteInfo) >= 21) }) context("whatWQPdata") test_that("whatWQPdata working", { testthat::skip_on_cran() site1 <- whatWQPdata(siteid = "USGS-01594440") expect_is(site1, "data.frame") expect_equal(1, nrow(site1)) type <- "Stream" sites <- whatWQPdata(countycode = "US:55:025", siteType = type) expect_gt(nrow(sites), 1) lakeSites <- whatWQPdata(siteType = "Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment", statecode = "US:55") expect_is(lakeSites$activityCount, "numeric") }) context("whatNWISsites") test_that("whatNWISsites working", { testthat::skip_on_cran() siteListPhos <- whatNWISsites(stateCd = "OH", parameterCd = "00665") expect_true(nrow(siteListPhos) > 0) expect_true(is.numeric(siteListPhos$dec_lat_va)) bboxSites <- whatNWISsites(bbox = c(-92.5, 45.4, -87, 47), parameterCd = "00060") expect_true(nrow(bboxSites) > 0) expect_true(is.numeric(bboxSites$dec_lat_va)) }) context("readWQPdots") test_that("readWQPdots working", { testthat::skip_on_cran() # bbox vector turned into single string with coords separated by semicolons formArgs_bbox <- dataRetrieval:::readWQPdots(bbox = c(-92.5, 45.4, -87, 47)) expect_true(length(formArgs_bbox) == 2) expect_true(length(gregexpr(";", formArgs_bbox)[[1]]) == 3) # NWIS names (siteNumber) converted to WQP expected names (siteid) formArgs_site <- dataRetrieval:::readWQPdots(siteNumber = "04010301") expect_true(length(formArgs_site) == 2) expect_true("siteid" %in% names(formArgs_site$values)) expect_false("siteNumber" %in% names(formArgs_site$values)) # NWIS names (stateCd) converted to WQP expected names (statecode) formArgs <- dataRetrieval:::readWQPdots(stateCd = "OH", parameterCd = "00665") expect_true(length(formArgs$values) == 3) expect_true("statecode" %in% names(formArgs$values)) expect_false("stateCd" %in% names(formArgs$values)) }) context("getWebServiceData") test_that("long urls use POST", { testthat::skip_on_cran() baseURL <- dataRetrieval:::drURL("Result") url <- paste0(baseURL, rep("reallylongurl", 200), collapse = "" ) with_mock( RETRY = function(method, ...) { return(method == "POST") }, status_code = function(resp) 200, headers = function(resp) list(`content-type` = "logical"), content = function(resp, encoding) resp, expect_true(getWebServiceData(url)), .env = "httr" ) }) test_that("ngwmn urls don't use post", { testthat::skip_on_cran() baseURL <- dataRetrieval:::drURL("NGWMN") url <- paste0(baseURL, rep("urlwithngwmn", 200), collapse = "" ) with_mock( RETRY = function(method, ...) { return(method == "POST") }, status_code = function(resp) 200, headers = function(resp) list(`content-type` = "logical"), content = function(resp, encoding) resp, expect_false(getWebServiceData(url)), .env = "httr" ) }) test_that("400 errors return a verbose error", { testthat::skip_on_cran() # nolint start: line_length_linter url <- ",42.303044,-92.167168,42.646524&format=mapper" # nolint end expect_message(getWebServiceData(url)) }) test_that("internal functions", { # get empty_col type expect_equal(dataRetrieval:::empty_col("numeric"), numeric()) expect_equal(dataRetrieval:::empty_col("character"), character()) expect_equal(dataRetrieval:::empty_col("Date"), as.Date(numeric(), origin = "1970-01-01")) # add empty columns df1 <- data.frame( a = 1:2, b = c("a", "b"), c = as.Date(c("2010-01-01", "2010-01-02")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) df2 <- data.frame( d = 1:2, b = c("a", "b"), e = factor(c("c", "d")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) df2_ret <- dataRetrieval:::add_empty_col(df2, df1, c("a", "c")) df1_ret <- dataRetrieval:::add_empty_col(df1, df2, c("d", "e")) expect_true(ncol(df2_ret) == 5) expect_true(ncol(df1_ret) == 5) expect_true(all([, c("a", "c")]))) expect_true(all([, c("d", "e")]))) bound_df <- dataRetrieval:::r_bind_dr(df1, df2) expect_true(nrow(bound_df) == 4) expect_true(class(bound_df$c) == "Date") expect_true(class(bound_df$a) == "integer") expect_true(class(bound_df$b) == "character") }) test_that("profiles", { # Data profiles: "Organization Data" org_data <- readWQPdata( statecode = "WI", countycode = "Dane", service = "Organization" ) expect_true(all(c( "OrganizationIdentifier", "OrganizationFormalName" ) %in% names(org_data))) # Data profiles: "Site Data Only" site_data <- readWQPdata( statecode = "WI", countycode = "Dane", service = "Station" ) expect_true(all(c("ProviderName", "MonitoringLocationIdentifier") %in% names(site_data))) # Data profiles: "Project Data" project_data <- readWQPdata( statecode = "WI", countycode = "Dane", service = "Project" ) expect_true(all(c( "OrganizationIdentifier", "OrganizationFormalName" ) %in% names(project_data))) # Data profiles: "Project Monitoring Location Weighting Data" proj_mlwd <- readWQPdata( statecode = "WI", countycode = "Dane", service = "ProjectMonitoringLocationWeighting" ) expect_true(all(c( "OrganizationIdentifier", "OrganizationFormalName" ) %in% names(proj_mlwd))) # Data profiles: "Sample Results (physical/chemical metadata)": samp_data <- readWQPdata( siteid = "USGS-04024315", dataProfile = "resultPhysChem" ) expect_true(all(c( "OrganizationIdentifier", "OrganizationFormalName" ) %in% names(samp_data))) # Data profiles: "Sample Results (biological metadata)" samp_bio <- readWQPdata( siteid = "USGS-04024315", dataProfile = "biological" ) expect_true(all(c( "OrganizationIdentifier", "OrganizationFormalName" ) %in% names(samp_bio))) # Data profiles: "Sample Results (narrow)" samp_narrow <- readWQPdata( siteid = "USGS-04024315", dataProfile = "narrowResult" ) expect_true(all(c( "OrganizationIdentifier", "OrganizationFormalName" ) %in% names(samp_narrow))) # Data profiles: "Sampling Activity" samp_activity <- readWQPdata( siteid = "USGS-04024315", dataProfile = "activityAll" ) expect_true(all(c( "OrganizationIdentifier", "OrganizationFormalName" ) %in% names(samp_activity))) # Data profile: "Sampling Activity Metrics" act_metrics <- readWQPdata( statecode = "WI", countycode = "Dane", service = "ActivityMetric" ) expect_true(all(c( "OrganizationIdentifier", "OrganizationFormalName" ) %in% names(act_metrics))) # Data profile: "Result Detection Quantitation Limit Data" dl_data <- readWQPdata( siteid = "USGS-04024315", service = "ResultDetectionQuantitationLimit" ) expect_true(all(c( "OrganizationIdentifier", "OrganizationFormalName" ) %in% names(dl_data))) }) test_that("readWQPsummary", { testthat::skip_on_cran() dane_county_data <- readWQPsummary( countycode = "US:55:025", summaryYears = 5, siteType = "Stream" ) summary_names <- c( "Provider", "MonitoringLocationIdentifier", "YearSummarized", "CharacteristicType", "CharacteristicName", "ActivityCount", "ResultCount", "LastResultSubmittedDate", "OrganizationIdentifier", "OrganizationFormalName", "MonitoringLocationName", "MonitoringLocationTypeName", "ResolvedMonitoringLocationTypeName", "HUCEightDigitCode", "MonitoringLocationUrl", "CountyName", "StateName", "MonitoringLocationLatitude", "MonitoringLocationLongitude" ) expect_true(all(summary_names %in% names(dane_county_data))) expect_true(diff(range(dane_county_data$YearSummarized)) <= 5) lake_sites <- readWQPsummary( siteType = "Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment", CharacteristicName = "Temperature, water", countycode = "US:55:025" ) expect_true(all(summary_names %in% names(lake_sites))) expect_true(diff(range(lake_sites$YearSummarized)) >= 5) site1 <- readWQPsummary( siteid = "USGS-07144100", summaryYears = 5 ) expect_type(site1$ActivityCount, "double") expect_type(site1$MonitoringLocationIdentifier, "character") # nolint start: line_length_linter expect_equal( attr(site1, "url"), "" ) # nolint end }) test_that("importWQP convertType", { testthat::skip_on_cran() rawSampleURL_NoZip <- constructWQPURL("USGS-01594440", "01075", "", "", zip = FALSE) rawSampleURL_NoZip_char <- importWQP(rawSampleURL_NoZip, zip = FALSE, convertType = FALSE) expect_is(rawSampleURL_NoZip_char$ResultMeasureValue, "character") phos <- readWQPdata(statecode = "WI", countycode = "Dane", characteristicName = "Phosphorus", startDateLo = "2022-01-01", convertType = FALSE) expect_is(phos$ResultMeasureValue, "character") SC <- readWQPqw(siteNumbers = "USGS-05288705", parameterCd = "00300", convertType = FALSE) expect_is(SC$ResultMeasureValue, "character") lakeSites_chars <- whatWQPdata( siteType = "Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment", statecode = "US:55", convertType = FALSE ) expect_is(lakeSites_chars$lat, "character") })