context("tree conversion data.frame") data(acme) test_that("", { data(acme) acmedf <-, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, 'p', 'cost', 'pathString') acme2 <- as.Node(acmedf, na.rm = TRUE) expect_equal(as.list(acme), as.list(acme2)) expect_true(is.null(acme2$children[[1]]$p)) expect_equal(, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, 'p', 'cost'),, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, 'p', 'cost')) #test that if they are not different it fails # acc2 <- acme2$Climb("Accounting") # acc2$newField <- 'new value' # expect_equal(as.list(acme), as.list(acme2)) }) test_that("FromDataFrameTable no extra column", { pathString <- c("a/b/c/d", "a/b/c/e", "a/f") df <- data.frame(pathString) tree <- FromDataFrameTable(df) expect_equal(Get(tree$leaves, "name"), c(d = "d", e = "e", f = "f")) }) test_that("FromDataFrameTable reserved words", { pathString <- c("a/b/c/d", "a/b/c/e", "a/f") value <- c("d", "e", "f") df <- data.frame(pathString, value, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) #no warn expect_warning(tree <- FromDataFrameTable(df, na.rm = TRUE), NA) expect_equal(Get(tree$leaves, "value"), c(d = "d", e = "e", f = "f")) expect_warning(tree <- FromDataFrameTable(df, na.rm = TRUE, check = "no-warn"), NA) expect_equal(Get(tree$leaves, "value"), c(d = "d", e = "e", f = "f")) #reserved words pathString <- c("name/path/height/count", "name/path/height/e", "name/leaves") value <- c("d", "e", "f") df <- data.frame(pathString, value, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) expect_that(tree <- FromDataFrameTable(df, na.rm = TRUE), gives_warning()) expect_equal(Get(tree$leaves, "value"), c(count2 = "d", e = "e", leaves2 = "f")) df <- data.frame(pathString, value, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) expect_warning(tree <- FromDataFrameTable(df, na.rm = TRUE, check = "no-warn"), NA) expect_equal(Get(tree$leaves, "value"), c(count2 = "d", e = "e", leaves2 = "f")) }) test_that("FromDataFrameNetwork reserved words", { parent <- c("a", "a", "b", "c", "c") child <- c("b", "f", "c", "d", "e") value <- c(0:4) network_df <- data.frame(parent, child, value, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) #no warn expect_warning(tree <- FromDataFrameNetwork(network_df), regexp = NA) #reserved words parent <- c("a", "a", "b", "c", "c") child <- c("b", "f", "c", "d", "e") name <- c(0:4) network_df <- data.frame(parent, child, name, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) expect_that(tree <- FromDataFrameNetwork(network_df), gives_warning()) expect_warning(tree <- FromDataFrameNetwork(network_df, check = "no-warn"), NA) }) test_that("", { data(acme) acmedf <-, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, myp = 'p', 'cost', pstr = function(x) x$pathString, sg = acme$Get( function(x) x$p) ) expect_equal(names(acmedf), c("levelName", "myp", "cost", "pstr", "sg")) expect_equal(acmedf[2, 4], "Acme Inc./Accounting") expect_equal(acmedf$sg, acmedf$sg) }) test_that(" list attributes", { data(acme) acme$Set(data = list(list(list(a = 1, b = "a"))), filterFun = isLeaf) acme$Set(data = list(list(list(b = "c"))), filterFun = function(n) isNotLeaf(n) && isNotRoot(n)) expect_identical(, data = "data")$data, c(NA, "c", "1, a", "1, a", "c", "1, a", "1, a", "c", "1, a", "1, a", "1, a")) }) test_that("ToDataFrameTable", { data(acme) acme$myfield <- "yes" acmedf <- ToDataFrameTable(acme, myp = "p", "cost", "myfield", pstr = function(x) x$pathString) expect_equal(names(acmedf), c("myp", "cost", "myfield", "pstr")) expect_equal(acmedf[2, 4], "Acme Inc./Accounting/New Accounting Standards") expect_equal(nrow(acmedf), acme$leafCount) expect_true(all(acmedf$myfield == "yes")) }) test_that("ToDataFrameNetwork climb", { data(acme) acmedf <- ToDataFrameNetwork(acme, "p", direction = "climb") expect_equal(names(acmedf), c("from", "to", "p")) expect_equal(acmedf$to, c("Accounting", "Research", "IT", "New Software", "New Accounting Standards", "New Product Line", "New Labs", "Outsource", "Go agile", "Switch to R")) expect_equal(acmedf$from, c("Acme Inc.", "Acme Inc.", "Acme Inc.", "Accounting", "Accounting", "Research", "Research", "IT", "IT", "IT")) }) test_that("ToDataFrameNetwork descend", { data(acme) acmedf <- ToDataFrameNetwork(acme, "p", direction = "descend") expect_equal(names(acmedf), c("from", "to", "p")) expect_equal(acmedf$from, c("Accounting", "Research", "IT", "New Software", "New Accounting Standards", "New Product Line", "New Labs", "Outsource", "Go agile", "Switch to R")) expect_equal(acmedf$to, c("Acme Inc.", "Acme Inc.", "Acme Inc.", "Accounting", "Accounting", "Research", "Research", "IT", "IT", "IT")) }) test_that("ToDataFrame sub-tree", { data(acme) it <- acme$Climb("IT") df <- ToDataFrameTree(it) expect_equal(dim(df), c(4, 1)) expect_equal(stri_sub(df[1, 1], 1, 2), 'IT') }) test_that("ToDataFrameTypeCol level", { data(acme) acme$IT$Outsource$AddChild("India") acme$IT$Outsource$AddChild("Poland") acmedf <- ToDataFrameTypeCol(acme) expect_equal(names(acmedf), c('level_1', 'level_2', 'level_3', 'level_4')) expect_true( all(acmedf$level_1 == 'Acme Inc.')) expect_equal(acmedf$level_2, c('Accounting', 'Accounting', 'Research', 'Research', 'IT', 'IT', 'IT', 'IT')) expect_equal(acmedf$level_3, c('New Software', 'New Accounting Standards', 'New Product Line', 'New Labs', 'Outsource', 'Outsource', 'Go agile', 'Switch to R')) expect_equal(acmedf$level_4, c(NA, NA, NA, NA, 'India', 'Poland', NA, NA)) }) test_that("ToDataFrameTypeCol type", { data(acme) acme$IT$Outsource$AddChild("India") acme$IT$Outsource$AddChild("Poland") acme$Set(type = c('company', 'department', 'project', 'project', 'department', 'project', 'project', 'department', 'program', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'project')) acmedf <- ToDataFrameTypeCol(acme, type = 'type', prefix = NULL) expect_equal(names(acmedf), c('company', 'department', 'program', 'project')) expect_true( all(acmedf$company == 'Acme Inc.')) expect_equal(acmedf$department, c('Accounting', 'Accounting', 'Research', 'Research', 'IT', 'IT', 'IT', 'IT')) expect_equal(acmedf$program, c(NA, NA, NA, NA, 'Outsource', 'Outsource', NA, NA)) expect_equal(acmedf$project, c('New Software', 'New Accounting Standards', 'New Product Line', 'New Labs', 'India', 'Poland', 'Go agile', 'Switch to R')) }) test_that("FromDataFrameTable col-levels", { data(acme) acme$Set(floor = c(1, 2, 3), filterFun = function(x) x$level == 2) x <- ToDataFrameTable(acme, "pathString", "floor", "p", "cost") xN <- FromDataFrameTable(x, colLevels = list(NULL, "floor", c("p", "cost")), na.rm = TRUE) expect_equal(xN$Climb("Accounting")$floor, 1) expect_true(is.null(xN$Climb("Accounting", "New Accounting Standards")$floor)) expect_true(is.null(xN$floor)) expect_equal(xN$Climb("Accounting", "New Accounting Standards")$p, 0.75) }) test_that("FromDataFrameNetwork descend", { data(acme) x <- ToDataFrameNetwork(acme, "p", "cost", direction = "descend") xN <- FromDataFrameNetwork(x) expect_equal(xN$totalCount, acme$totalCount) expect_equal(xN$Get("name"), acme$Get("name")) expect_equal(xN$Get("p"), acme$Get("p")) expect_equal(xN$height, acme$height) expect_equal(xN$Get("level"), acme$Get("level")) expect_equal(xN$Get(function(x) x$parent$name), acme$Get(function(x) x$parent$name)) expect_equal(xN$Get("isLeaf"), acme$Get("isLeaf")) }) test_that("FromDataFrameNetwork climb", { data(acme) x <- ToDataFrameNetwork(acme, "p", "cost", direction = "climb") xN <- FromDataFrameNetwork(x) expect_equal(xN$totalCount, acme$totalCount) expect_equal(xN$Get("name"), acme$Get("name")) expect_equal(xN$Get("p"), acme$Get("p")) expect_equal(xN$height, acme$height) expect_equal(xN$Get("level"), acme$Get("level")) expect_equal(xN$Get(function(x) x$parent$name), acme$Get(function(x) x$parent$name)) expect_equal(xN$Get("isLeaf"), acme$Get("isLeaf")) }) test_that("FromDataFrameNetwork order", { data(acme) x <- ToDataFrameNetwork(acme, "p", "cost") odr <- c(4, 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 2, 7, 5, 3) x <- x[odr, ] xN <- FromDataFrameNetwork(x) expect_equal(xN$Get("name"), acme$Get("name")) x <- x[, c('to', 'from', 'p', 'cost')] xN <- FromDataFrameNetwork(x) expect_equal(xN$Get("name"), acme$Get("name")) })