R Under development (unstable) (2024-11-30 r87409 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > Sys.setenv("R_TESTS" = "") > library(testthat) > #Need to execute the following for manual checking > #Sys.setenv(NOT_CRAN = "true") > #test_check("dae", filter = "testOneStructure") > #testthat::test_file("testthat/testDesignGGPlot.r") > test_check("dae") Loading required package: dae Loading required package: ggplot2 #### Test for mat.Vpred and designAmeasures using Smith's small example #### Test for Ameasures using Cochran&Cox PBIBD2 #### Test for mat.Vpredicts using using Smith's small example #### Test for Ameasures using Cochran&Cox PBIBD2 #### Test for using Cochran&Cox PBIBD2 #### Test for designAnatomy using Cochran&Cox PBIBD2 #### Test for BIBD example #### Test for Jarrett & Ruggiero example #### Test for designTwophaseAnatomies #### Test for designTwophaseAnatTitles #### Test for Baby pseudoterm example #### Test for pseudoreplicated N experiment #### Test for Repeated LSD for Housewives example #### Test for Preece examples #### Test for Mostafa's green wall experiment in 2014 #### Test for four-tiered corn example #### Test for plaid example #### Test for Piepho example with pseudoreplication #### FAME example with complicated pseudoterm structure #### Test for Piracicaba Euc pulp example #### Test for Split plot with rows and columns in main and split-plots #### Test for EXP249 - a two-phase, p-rep design #### Test for designGGPlot using FHPain #### Test for designGGPlot using SPLGrass #### Test for Tukey.1df using Kirk example #### Test for factor manipulation #### Test for conversion to numeric #### Test interaction.ABC.plot #### Test for marginality algoritm using LRCCD #### Test for marginality when not all treatment combinations are observed #### Test for marginality when nested treatments #### Test for fac.nested #### Test for fac.multinested #### Test for designAnatomy with single structure #### Test for pstructure with factor nesting #### Test for partially aliased terms #### Test for pstructure with generalized factors #### Test for pstructure with difficult marginality single structure #### Test for projector #### Test for designRandomize #### Test for AthleteRandomize #### Test for two part randomize #### Test for set.RNGkind #### Test for source formation #### Test for designAnatomy for Thao designs #### Test for designAnatomy with sources and marginality using Cochran&Cox PBIBD2 #### Test for Jarrett & Ruggiero example #### Test for Baby pseudoterm example #### Test for pseudoreplicated N experiment #### Test for Repeated LSD for Housewives example #### Test for Preece examples #### Test for Mostafa's green wall experiment in 2014 #### Test for four-tiered corn example #### Test for Piepho example with pseudoreplication #### FAME example with complicated pseudoterm structure #### Test for Piracicaba Euc pulp example #### Test for Split plot with rows and columns in main and split-plots #### Test for EXP249 - a two-phae, p-rep design #### Test for EXP249A - a two-phae, p-rep design #### Test for Brien and Payne 3-tier sensory experiment [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 60 | PASS 0 ] ══ Skipped tests (60) ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • On CRAN (60): 'testAmeasures.r:6:3', 'testAmeasures.r:67:3', 'testAmeasures.r:116:3', 'testAmeasures.r:208:3', 'testCanon.r:6:3', 'testCanon.r:27:3', 'testCanon.r:145:3', 'testCanon.r:189:3', 'testCanon.r:263:3', 'testCanon.r:319:3', 'testCanon.r:360:3', 'testCanon.r:398:3', 'testCanon.r:467:3', 'testCanon.r:482:3', 'testCanon.r:585:3', 'testCanon.r:613:3', 'testCanon.r:690:3', 'testCanon.r:740:3', 'testCanon.r:782:3', 'testCanon.r:831:3', 'testCanon.r:849:3', 'testCanon.r:893:3', 'testDesignGGPlot.r:6:3', 'testDesignGGPlot.r:69:3', 'testDiagnostic.r:6:3', 'testFac.r:6:3', 'testFac.r:64:3', 'testInteractionABCplot.r:6:3', 'testMarginal.r:6:4', 'testMarginal.r:101:3', 'testMarginal.r:136:3', 'testNestedFacs.r:6:3', 'testNestedFacs.r:31:3', 'testOneStructure.r:6:3', 'testOneStructure.r:44:3', 'testOneStructure.r:130:3', 'testOneStructure.r:149:3', 'testOneStructure.r:167:3', 'testProj.r:6:3', 'testRandomize.r:17:2', 'testRandomize.r:229:3', 'testRandomize.r:317:3', 'testRandomize.r:355:3', 'testSources.r:6:3', 'testSources.r:56:3', 'testSources.r:149:3', 'testSources.r:272:3', 'testSources.r:350:3', 'testSources.r:391:3', 'testSources.r:467:3', 'testSources.r:497:3', 'testSources.r:545:3', 'testSources.r:585:3', 'testSources.r:665:3', 'testSources.r:707:3', 'testSources.r:757:3', 'testSources.r:775:3', 'testSources.r:823:3', 'testSources.r:891:3', 'testSources.r:941:3' [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 60 | PASS 0 ] Deleting unused snapshots: • testDesignGGPlot/colfacets-bottom-switch-placement.new.svg • testDesignGGPlot/colfacets-bottom-switch-placement.svg • testDesignGGPlot/colfacets-bottom.new.svg • testDesignGGPlot/colfacets-bottom.svg • testDesignGGPlot/colfacets-placement.new.svg • testDesignGGPlot/colfacets-placement.svg • testDesignGGPlot/rowfacets-switch-placement.new.svg • testDesignGGPlot/rowfacets-switch-placement.svg • testDesignGGPlot/rowfacets-switch.new.svg • testDesignGGPlot/rowfacets-switch.svg • testDesignGGPlot/rows-and-columns-indexed-by-2-factors.new.svg • testDesignGGPlot/rows-and-columns-indexed-by-2-factors.svg • testDesignGGPlot/using-facetstrips-place-from-designblocksggplot.new.svg • testDesignGGPlot/using-facetstrips-place-from-designblocksggplot.svg • testInteractionABCplot/abcinteract-error.svg • testInteractionABCplot/abcinteract-labs.svg • testInteractionABCplot/abcinteract-plain.svg > #test_check("dae", filter = "DesignGGPlot") > #test_file("testthat/testDesignGGPlot.r", package = "dae") > #test_file("testthat/testInteractionABCplot.r", package = "dae") > > proc.time() user system elapsed 3.26 0.45 3.70