test_that("global variables are as expected", { expect_identical(drift_dm_approx_error(), 1e-20) expect_identical(drift_dm_medium_approx_error(), .0001) expect_identical(drift_dm_small_approx_error(), .01) expect_identical(drift_dm_rough_approx_error(), .1) expect_identical(drift_dm_robust_prm(), 1e-10) expect_identical(drift_dm_default_rounding(), 3) expect_identical(drift_dm_default_probs(), seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1)) b_coding_list <- drift_dm_default_b_coding() expect_identical(b_coding_list$column, "Error") expect_identical(b_coding_list$u_name_value, c(corr = 0)) expect_identical(b_coding_list$l_name_value, c(err = 1)) expect_identical(length(b_coding_list), 3L) }) test_that("prms_to_str works as expected", { expect_equal( prms_to_str(c("as", "bas", "mu_"), c(1, 2, 3)), "as=>1\nbas=>2\nmu_=>3" ) expect_identical( prms_to_str( x = c("a", "b", "d"), prms = c(1, 2, 3), round_digits = 3, collapse = c(";", "!"), sep = c("!", "#") ), "a!1;b!2;d!3" ) expect_identical( prms_to_str(dmc_dm()), "muc=>4\nb=>0.6\nnon_dec=>0.3\nsd_non_dec=>0.02\ntau=>0.04\nA=>0.1\nalpha=>4" ) }) test_that("prms_to_str input checks", { expect_error(prms_to_str( x = c("as", "bas", "mu_"), prms = rnorm(3), round_digits = NA ), "not a valid numeric") expect_error(prms_to_str( x = c(1, 2, 3), prms = rnorm(3), round_digits = 3 ), "not of type character") expect_error(prms_to_str( x = c("a", "b", "c"), prms = c("1", 2, 3), round_digits = 3 ), "not a valid numeric") expect_error(prms_to_str( x = c("a", "b"), prms = c(1, 2, 3), round_digits = 3 ), "don't match") expect_error(prms_to_str( x = character(), prms = numeric(), round_digits = 3 ), "are of length zero") expect_error( prms_to_str( x = c("a", "b", "d"), prms = c(1, 2, 3), round_digits = 3, collapse = NA ), "not of type character" ) }) test_that("check_if_named_vector input checks", { expect_error( check_if_named_numeric_vector(c("1", 2, 3), "x"), "numeric vector" ) expect_error( check_if_named_numeric_vector(c(1, 2, 3), "x", length = 2), "2 entries" ) expect_error( check_if_named_numeric_vector(c(1, 2, 3), "x", length = 3), "ensure that x is a named vector" ) expect_error( check_if_named_numeric_vector(c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3), "x", labels = c("a", "x", "z") ), "can not be adressed" ) expect_error( check_if_named_numeric_vector(c(a = NA, b = 2, c = 3), "x"), "NAs" ) expect_error( check_if_named_numeric_vector(numeric(), "x"), "empty vector" ) expect_error( check_if_named_numeric_vector(c(a = 2, 3), "x"), "for each entry" ) expect_error( check_if_named_numeric_vector(c(a = 2, b = 3), "foo", c("x", "x")), "duplicate" ) expect_error( check_if_named_numeric_vector(c(a = 2, a = 3), "foo", c("x", "y")), "duplicate" ) expect_warning( check_if_named_numeric_vector(c(a = Inf, b = 3), "foo"), "infinite" ) expect_error( check_if_named_numeric_vector(c(a.3 = 2, b = 3), "foo"), "characters" ) }) test_that("prm_cond_combo_2_labels and prms_cond_combo", { # test case 1 a_model <- drift_dm( prms_model = c(a = 2, b = 2), conds = c("i", "c"), subclass = "test" ) prms_cond_combo_1 <- prms_cond_combo(a_model) expect_identical( prms_cond_combo_1, matrix(c("a", "b", "i", "i"), nrow = 2, byrow = T) ) expect_identical( prm_cond_combo_2_labels(prms_cond_combo_1), c("a", "b") ) # test case 2 a_model <- drift_dm( prms_model = c(a = 2, b = 2, c = 2), conds = c("i", "c", "d"), subclass = "test", instr = "b ~ " ) prms_cond_combo_2 <- prms_cond_combo(a_model) expect_identical( prms_cond_combo_2, matrix(c( "a", "b", "b", "b", "c", "i", "i", "c", "d", "i" ), nrow = 2, byrow = T) ) expect_identical( prm_cond_combo_2_labels(prms_cond_combo_2), c("a", "b.i", "b.c", "b.d", "c") ) }) test_that("prm_con_combo_2_labels input checks", { temp <- matrix(sample(1:10, 6, TRUE)) expect_error( prm_cond_combo_2_labels(temp), "is.character" ) temp <- matrix(sample(LETTERS, 6, TRUE)) expect_error( prm_cond_combo_2_labels(temp), "nrow" ) expect_error( prm_cond_combo_2_labels(as.vector(temp)), "is.matrix" ) }) test_that("get_lower_upper_smart works as expected", { # test case 1 - just vectors a_model <- drift_dm( prms_model = c(a = 2, b = 2, c = 2), conds = c("i", "c"), subclass = "test", instr = "b ~ " ) expect_list <- list( lower = c("a" = 1, "b.i" = 2, "b.c" = 2, "c" = 3), upper = c("a" = 4, "b.i" = 5, "b.c" = 5, "c" = 6) ) expect_identical( get_lower_upper_smart(a_model, c(1, 2, 3), c(4, 5, 6)), expect_list ) # continue with test case 2 - named numeric vectors expect_identical( get_lower_upper_smart( a_model, c(b = 2, a = 1, c = 3), c(a = 4, c = 6, b = 5) ), expect_list ) # continue with test case 3 - lists expect_identical( get_lower_upper_smart( a_model, list(default_values = c(1, 2, 3)), list(default_values = c(c = 6, b = 5, a = 4)) ), expect_list ) # continue with test case 3 - lists, but with special variation expect_list$lower["b.i"] <- 4 expect_identical( get_lower_upper_smart( a_model, list( default_values = c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3), i = c(b = 4) ), # in cond i, let lower of b be 4 list(default_values = c(c = 6, b = 5, a = 4)) ), expect_list ) # final check for label a_model <- drift_dm( prms_model = c(a = 2, b = 2, c = 2), conds = c("i", "c"), subclass = "test", instr = "b ~ " ) expect_list <- list( lower = c(1, 2, 2, 3), upper = c(4, 5, 5, 6) ) expect_identical( get_lower_upper_smart( a_model, c(1, 2, 3), c(4, 5, 6), labels = F ), expect_list ) }) test_that("get_lower_upper_smart input checks", { # general input errors a_model <- drift_dm( prms_model = c(a = 2, b = 2, c = 2), conds = c("i", "c"), subclass = "test", instr = "b ~ " ) expect_error( get_lower_upper_smart( a_model, lower = c("1", "2", "3"), upper = c("1") ), "illegal data type" ) expect_error( get_lower_upper_smart( a_model, lower = c(1, 2), upper = c("1") ), "must match" ) expect_error( get_lower_upper_smart( a_model, lower = c(1, 2, 3), upper = c(1, 2, 3), labels = NULL ), "is.logical" ) # check if lower < upper expect_warning( get_lower_upper_smart( a_model, lower = c(1, 2, 3), upper = c(0, 2, 3) ), "larger than" ) # check from list formation expect_error( get_lower_upper_smart( a_model, list( i = c(b = 4), i = c(b = 4) ), # in cond i, let lower of b be 4 list(default_values = c(c = 6, b = 5, a = 4)) ), "with the name \\'default_values\\'" ) expect_error( get_lower_upper_smart( a_model, list( default_valu = c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3), i = c(b = 4) ), list(default_values = c(c = 6, b = 5, a = 4)) ), "not part of the model" ) expect_error( get_lower_upper_smart( a_model, list( default_values = c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3), i = c(a = 4) ), list(default_values = c(c = 6, b = 5, a = 4)) ), "not unique across conditions" ) }) test_that("get_example_fits_ids", { # some very rough checks; as this function is an auxiliary function that is # only used for package examples aux_fits <- get_example_fits_ids() # how it should look like real_fits <- load_fits_ids( path = test_path("fixtures"), fit_procedure_name = "test_case_saved" ) expect_identical(names(real_fits), names(aux_fits)) expect_identical( names(real_fits$drift_dm_fit_info), names(aux_fits$drift_dm_fit_info) ) # check the coefficients coefs <- coef(aux_fits) expect_identical(coefs$muc, c(4.70, 5.4, 5.8)) expect_identical(coefs$b, c(0.44, 0.40, 0.60)) expect_identical(coefs$non_dec, c(0.34, 0.30, 0.32)) expect_identical(coefs$sd_non_dec, c(0.03, 0.04, 0.01)) expect_identical(coefs$tau, c(0.04, 0.05, 0.11)) expect_identical(coefs$A, c(0.10, 0.09, 0.19)) expect_identical(coefs$alpha, c(7.00, 3, 3.7)) expect_identical( aux_fits$drift_dm_fit_info$obs_data_ids, ulrich_flanker_data[ulrich_flanker_data$ID %in% 1:3, ] ) expect_identical( class(aux_fits$drift_dm_fit_info$drift_dm_obj), c("dmc_dm", "drift_dm") ) })