test_that("vanilla usage", { sc1 <- new("EffectScenario", name="foo") sc2 <- new("EffectScenario", name="foo", tag="bar") p <- list(kd=1, hb=2, alpha=3, beta=4) ps1 <- parameter_set("foo", p) ## vanilla scenarios # single scenario, set vector of atomic values expect_equal(set_param(sc1, unlist(p))@param, p) # single scenario, single parameter set expect_equal(set_param(sc1, ps1)@param, p) # multiple scenarios, atomic vector lst <- set_param(c(sc1,sc1), unlist(p)) expect_equal(lst[[1]]@param, p) expect_equal(lst[[2]]@param, p) # multiple scenarios, parameter set lst <- set_param(c(sc1,sc1), ps1) expect_equal(lst[[1]]@param, p) expect_equal(lst[[2]]@param, p) }) test_that("special cases", { sc1 <- minnow_it sc2 <- sc1 %>% set_times(sc1@times + max(sc1@times)) p <- list(kd=1) ps1 <- parameter_set(sc1@name, p, tag=sc1@tag) # all scenarios within a sequence need to be modified sequence(seq=c(sc1, sc2)) %>% set_param(ps1) -> seq expect_equal(length(seq@scenarios), 2) expect_equal(seq@scenarios[[1]]@param$kd, p$kd) expect_equal(seq@scenarios[[2]]@param$kd, p$kd) }) test_that("invalid arguments", { sc1 <- new("EffectScenario", name="foo") sc2 <- new("EffectScenario", name="foo", tag="bar") p <- list(kd=1) ps1 <- parameter_set("foo", p) ps2 <- parameter_set("foo", tag="bar", param=p) # multiple scenarios, one mismatch expect_error(set_param(c(sc1, sc2), ps1)) # multiple parameter sets match, i.e. ambiguous assignments suppressMessages(expect_error(set_param(sc1, list(ps1, ps1)))) # inconsistent types expect_error(set_param(sc1, list(1, ps1))) # model & tag dont match expect_error(set_param(sc1, ps2)) # warn if invalid parameters were passed as argument sc3 <- new("EffectScenario", param.req=c("a")) expect_warning(set_param(sc3, c("b"=1))) })