# These tests are very basic for now. Either they need to be extended or # the plotting functions to be removed/amended. test_that("plot_sd", { rs <- minnow_it %>% simulate() %>% dplyr::mutate(trial="foo") plot_sd( model_base = minnow_it, treatments = minnow_it@exposure@series %>% dplyr::mutate(trial="foo"), rs_mean = rs ) succeed() }) test_that("plot_ppc", { rs <- minnow_it %>% simulate() %>% dplyr::mutate(trial="foo") rr <- rs %>% dplyr::select(1, Y=2, X=2, 3) plot_ppc(rs_mean=rs, rs_range=rr, obs_mean=rs ) succeed() }) test_that("plot_epx", { rs <- metsulfuron %>% epx_mtw(level = 10, factor_cutoff = 1000) plot_epx(rs, metsulfuron@exposure@series) succeed() }) test_that("plot_scenario", { lifecycle::expect_deprecated({ plot_scenario(minnow_it) }) succeed() })