## The tests in this file run only if the environment variable ## RUN_ALL_CV_TESTS is set to true, in which case the tests create ## three data sets in the global environment, Auto, Cara, ## Caravan, and Prestige. if (Sys.getenv("RUN_ALL_CV_TESTS") == "true"){ # test that different algorithms produce the same results # using selectStepAIC() for a lm data(Auto, package="ISLR2") m <- lm(mpg ~ . - name - origin, data=Auto) test_that("cvSelect naive vs Woodbury lm", { expect_equal(cv(selectStepAIC, Auto, k=5, seed=123, working.model=m, method="naive"), cv(selectStepAIC, Auto, k=5, seed=123, working.model=m, method="Woodbury") ) }) # test that parallel computations work correctly using selectStepAIC() # for a lm test_that("cvSelect parallel lm", { expect_equal(cv(selectStepAIC, Auto, k=5, seed=123, working.model=m), cv(selectStepAIC, Auto, k=5, seed=123, working.model=m, ncores=2) ) }) # test that different algorithms produce the same results # using selectStepAIC() for a Gaussian glm m.glm <- lm(mpg ~ . - name - origin, data=Auto) test_that("cvSelect exact vs Woodbury glm", { expect_equal(cv(selectStepAIC, Auto, k=5, seed=123, working.model=m.glm, method="exact"), cv(selectStepAIC, Auto, k=5, seed=123, working.model=m.glm, method="Woodbury") ) }) # longer tests test_that("cvSelect exact vs hatvalues loo glm", { expect_equal(cv(selectStepAIC, Auto, k="loo", working.model=m.glm, method="exact"), cv(selectStepAIC, Auto, k="loo", working.model=m.glm, method="hatvalues") ) }) test_that("cvSelect Woodbury vs hatvalues loo glm", { expect_equal(cv(selectStepAIC, Auto, k="loo", working.model=m.glm, method="Woodbury"), cv(selectStepAIC, Auto, k="loo", working.model=m.glm, method="hatvalues") ) }) # test that parallel computations work correctly using selectStepAIC() # for a glm data("Caravan", package="ISLR2") assign("Cara", Caravan[1:500, c(1:10, 86)], envir=.GlobalEnv) m.caravan <- glm(Purchase ~ ., data=Cara, family=binomial) test_that("cvSelect parallel glm", { expect_equal(cv(selectStepAIC, Cara, k=5, seed=123, working.model=m.caravan, criterion=BayesRule), cv(selectStepAIC, Cara, k=5, seed=123, working.model=m.caravan, ncores=2, criterion=BayesRule) ) }) data("Prestige", package="carData") m.pres <- lm(prestige ~ income + education + women, data=Prestige) test_that("cvSelect parallel selectTrans", { expect_equal( cv(selectTrans, data=Prestige, working.model=m.pres, seed=1463, predictors=c("income", "education", "women"), response="prestige", family="yjPower"), cv(selectTrans, data=Prestige, working.model=m.pres, seed=1463, predictors=c("income", "education", "women"), response="prestige", family="yjPower", ncores=2) ) }) data("Auto", package="ISLR2") Auto$cylinders <- factor(Auto$cylinders, labels=c("3.4", "3.4", "5.6", "5.6", "8")) Auto$year <- as.factor(Auto$year) Auto$origin <- factor(Auto$origin, labels=c("America", "Europe", "Japan")) rownames(Auto) <- make.names(Auto$name, unique=TRUE) Auto$name <- NULL m.auto <- lm(mpg ~ ., data = Auto) num.predictors <- c("displacement", "horsepower", "weight", "acceleration") test_that("cvSelect parallel selectTransStepAIC", { expect_equal( cv(selectTransStepAIC, data=Auto, seed=76692, working.model=m.auto, predictors=num.predictors, response="mpg", AIC=FALSE, criterion=medAbsErr), cv(selectTransStepAIC, data=Auto, seed=76692, working.model=m.auto, predictors=num.predictors, response="mpg", AIC=FALSE, criterion=medAbsErr, ncores=2) ) }) # test meta CV data("Auto", package="ISLR2") for (p in 1:10){ command <- paste0("m.", p, "<- lm(mpg ~ poly(horsepower, ", p, "), data=Auto)") eval(parse(text=command)) } cv1 <- cv(selectModelList, Auto, k=10, k.meta="loo", working.model=models(m.1, m.2, m.3, m.4, m.5, m.6, m.7, m.8, m.9, m.10), save.model=TRUE, seed=123) cv2 <- cv(models(m.1, m.2, m.3, m.4, m.5, m.6, m.7, m.8, m.9, m.10), meta=TRUE, k=10, k.meta="loo", save.model=TRUE, seed=123) cv1$criterion <- cv2$criterion <- NULL test_that("cv(SelectModelList()) and cv.modList() produce same meta CV/k-LOO", { expect_equal(cv1, cv2) }) cv1 <- cv(selectModelList, Auto, working.model=models(m.1, m.2, m.3, m.4, m.5, m.6, m.7, m.8, m.9, m.10), save.model=TRUE, seed=123) cv2 <- cv(models(m.1, m.2, m.3, m.4, m.5, m.6, m.7, m.8, m.9, m.10), meta=TRUE, save.model=TRUE, seed=123) cv1$criterion <- cv2$criterion <- NULL test_that("cv(SelectModelList()) and cv.modList() produce same meta CV/k-fold", { expect_equal(cv1, cv2) }) test_that("meta SelectModelList() works with parallel computation loo", { expect_equal( cv(selectModelList, Auto, k="loo", working.model=models(m.1, m.2, m.3, m.4, m.5, m.6, m.7, m.8, m.9, m.10), save.model=TRUE), cv(selectModelList, Auto, k="loo", working.model=models(m.1, m.2, m.3, m.4, m.5, m.6, m.7, m.8, m.9, m.10), save.model=TRUE, ncores=2) ) }) test_that("meta SelectModelList() works with parallel computation k-fold", { expect_equal( cv(selectModelList, Auto, working.model=models(m.1, m.2, m.3, m.4, m.5, m.6, m.7, m.8, m.9, m.10), save.model=TRUE), cv(selectModelList, Auto, working.model=models(m.1, m.2, m.3, m.4, m.5, m.6, m.7, m.8, m.9, m.10), save.model=TRUE, ncores=2) ) }) }