context("Test routines for safe column scaling") # initialization of inputs for testing function library(MASS) library(Matrix) set.seed(123) # sample 200 observations from multivariate normal with mean = 0, var = Sigma Sigma <- matrix(0.5, nrow = 50, ncol = 50) + diag(0.5, nrow = 50) dat <- mvrnorm(n = 200, mu = rep(0, 50), Sigma = Sigma) center <- TRUE scale <- TRUE # unit tests test_that("`scale` and `safeColScale` produce the same output", { dat_safeColScaled <- safeColScale(dat, center, scale) dat_scaled <- scale(dat, center, scale) expect_equal(dat_scaled, dat_safeColScaled) }) test_that("`safeColScale` avoid NA in its output even when `scale` fails to", { # make first column constant dat[, 1] <- 0.5 # check that scale fails to avoid NAs dat_scaled <- scale(dat, center, scale) expect_true(sum(colSums( > 0) # check that safeColScale avoids NAs dat_safeColScaled <- safeColScale(dat, center, scale) expect_true(sum(colSums( == 0) }) test_that("`safeColScale` ouputs a matrix object", { expect_equal(class(safeColScale(dat, center, scale)), c("matrix", "array")) expect_equal( class(safeColScale(as(dat, "dgCMatrix"), center, scale)), c("matrix", "array") ) }) # `safeColScale` is faster than `scale` # library(ggplot2) # library(microbenchmark) # mb_scale <- microbenchmark(safeColScale(target), scale(target), # times = 20, unit = "s") # p_mb_scale <- ggplot(data = mb_scale, aes(y = time / 1e9, x = expr)) + # geom_violin() + theme_grey(base_size = 20) + # xlab("Method") + ylab("Time (seconds)") # print(mb_scale) # print(p_mb_scale)