h <- new_handle() test_that("No cookies", { cookies <- handle_cookies(h); expect_is(cookies, "data.frame") expect_equal(nrow(cookies), 0) }) test_that("Add some cookies", { req <- curl_fetch_memory(httpbin("cookies/set?foo=123&bar=ftw"), handle = h) cookies <- handle_cookies(h); expect_is(cookies, "data.frame") expect_equal(nrow(cookies), 2) expect_equal(sort(cookies$name), c("bar", "foo")) expect_equal(sort(cookies$value), c("123","ftw")) expect_true(all(cookies$expiration == Inf)) }) test_that("Coockie with connection", { con <- curl(httpbin("cookies"), handle = h) expect_equal(jsonlite::fromJSON(con)$cookies$foo, "123") }) test_that("Delete a cookie", { req <- curl_fetch_memory(httpbin("cookies/delete?foo"), handle = h) cookies <- handle_cookies(h) foo <- subset(cookies, name == "foo") bar <- subset(cookies, name == "bar") expect_true(bar$expiration > Sys.time()) expect_equal(bar$value, "ftw") # Recent versions of curl immediately drop the cookie if(nrow(foo)){ expect_true(foo$expiration < Sys.time()) expect_true(is.na(foo$value)) } }) test_that("Overwrite a cookie", { req <- curl_fetch_memory(httpbin("cookies/set?foo=888&bar=999"), handle = h) cookies <- handle_cookies(h) foo <- subset(cookies, name == "foo") bar <- subset(cookies, name == "bar") expect_equal(foo$value, "888") expect_equal(bar$value, "999") expect_true(all(cookies$expiration == Inf)) }) rm(h) test_that("GC works", { gc() expect_equal(total_handles(), 0L) })