context("Reusable handle") h <- new_handle() test_that("Perform", { expect_equal(curl_fetch_memory(httpbin("get"), handle = h)$status, 200) expect_equal(curl_fetch_memory(httpbin("cookies"), handle = h)$status, 200) expect_equal(curl_fetch_memory(httpbin("status/418"), handle = h)$status, 418) }) test_that("Redirect", { expect_equal(curl_fetch_memory(httpbin("redirect/6"), handle = h)$status, 200) expect_equal(curl_fetch_memory(httpbin("relative-redirect/6"), handle = h)$status, 200) expect_equal(curl_fetch_memory(httpbin("absolute-redirect/6"), handle = h)$status, 200) }) test_that("Cookies", { expect_equal(curl_fetch_memory(httpbin("cookies/set?foo=123&bar=456"), handle = h)$status, 200) expect_equal(jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(curl_fetch_memory(httpbin("cookies"), handle = h)$content))$cookies$bar, "456") expect_equal(curl_fetch_memory(httpbin("cookies/delete?bar"), handle = h)$status, 200) if(curl::curl_version()$version == "7.62.0") Sys.sleep(1) #workaround for curl bug #3351 expect_null(jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(curl_fetch_memory(httpbin("cookies"), handle = h)$content))$cookies$bar) }) test_that("Keep-Alive", { # Connection to httpbin already set in previous tests. Subsequent requests # should reuse the connection. # Capture the verbose curl output to look for the connection reuse message h <- handle_setopt(h, verbose=TRUE, debugfunction=function(type, msg) cat(readBin(msg, character()))) req <- capture.output(curl_fetch_memory(httpbin("get"), handle=h)) expect_true(any(grepl("existing connection", req))) handle_setopt(h, verbose=FALSE) }) test_that("Opening and closing a connection",{ # Create connection con <- curl(httpbin("cookies"), handle = h) # Handle is still usable expect_equal(curl_fetch_memory(httpbin("get"), handle = h)$status, 200) # Opening the connection locks the handle open(con) # Recent versions of libcurl will raise an error #if(compareVersion(curl_version()$version, "7.37") > 0){ # expect_error(curl_fetch_memory(httpbin("get", handle = h)) #} expect_equal(jsonlite::fromJSON(readLines(con))$cookies$foo, "123") # After closing it is free again close(con) expect_equal(curl_fetch_memory(httpbin("get"), handle = h)$status, 200) # Removing the connection also unlocks the handle con <- curl(httpbin("cookies"), "rb", handle = h) # Recent versions of libcurl will raise an error #if(compareVersion(curl_version()$version, "7.37") > 0){ # expect_error(curl_fetch_memory(httpbin("get", handle = h)) #} close(con) rm(con) expect_equal(curl_fetch_memory(httpbin("get"), handle = h)$status, 200) }) test_that("Downloading to a file", { tmp <- tempfile() expect_error(curl_download(httpbin("status/418"), tmp, handle = h)) curl_download(httpbin("get?test=boeboe"), tmp, handle = h) expect_equal(jsonlite::fromJSON(tmp)$args$test, "boeboe") curl_download(httpbin("cookies"), tmp, handle = h) expect_equal(jsonlite::fromJSON(tmp)$cookies$foo, "123") }) test_that("handle_setopt validates options", { h <- new_handle() expect_identical(class(h), "curl_handle") expect_error(handle_setopt(h, invalid.option="foo"), "Unknown option: invalid.option") expect_error(handle_setopt(h, badopt1="foo", badopt2="bar"), "Unknown options: badopt1, badopt2") expect_identical(class(handle_setopt(h, username="foo")), "curl_handle") ## i.e. that's a valid option, so it succeeds }) test_that("setting request headers", { h <- new_handle() expect_length(curl:::handle_getheaders(h), 0) handle_setheaders(h, foo = 'bar', baz = 'bak') expect_equal(curl:::handle_getheaders(h), c("foo: bar", "baz: bak", "Expect: ")) handle_setheaders(h, foo = '123') expect_equal(curl:::handle_getheaders(h), c("foo: 123", "Expect: ")) handle_setopt(h, httpheader = c("test: blabla", "foobar: 123")) expect_equal(curl:::handle_getheaders(h), c("test: blabla", "foobar: 123")) handle_setheaders(h) expect_equal(curl:::handle_getheaders(h), c("Expect: ")) handle_reset(h) expect_length(curl:::handle_getheaders(h), 0) }) test_that("Custom vector options", { h <- new_handle() x <- c("", "") handle_setopt(h, mail_rcpt = x) expect_equal(curl:::handle_getcustom(h), x) # This leaks a bit x <- c(x, "") handle_setopt(h, quote = c("bla")) handle_setopt(h, mail_rcpt = x) expect_equal(curl:::handle_getcustom(h), x) # Test free'ing handle_setopt(h, quote = NULL) handle_setopt(h, mail_rcpt = NULL) handle_reset(h) handle_setopt(h, quote = c("bla")) }) test_that("Custom URL parser", { h <- new_handle(timeout = 1L) expect_error(curl_fetch_memory('', handle = h), 'Timeout was reached: [] ', fixed = TRUE) h <- new_handle(timeout = 1L) expect_error(curl_fetch_memory('', handle = h), 'Timeout was reached: [] ', fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("Platform specific features", { if(.Platform$OS.type == 'windows'){ ssl_version <- curl_version()$ssl_version if(get_windows_build() < 7600 || grepl("openssl", Sys.getenv('CURL_SSL_BACKEND'), TRUE)){ expect_match(ssl_version, "OpenSSL.*\\(Schannel\\)") } else { expect_match(ssl_version, "\\(OpenSSL.*\\) Schannel") } } else if(!['unix_socket_path'])){ # This should simply not error expect_is(new_handle(UNIX_SOCKET_PATH = ""), "curl_handle") } }) rm(h) test_that("GC works", { gc() expect_equal(total_handles(), 0L) })