context("File Writer") test_that("File writer is properly cleaned", { fp1 <- file_writer(tempfile()) fp2 <- file_writer(tempfile()) expect_equal(total_writers(), 0) fp1(raw(5)) fp1(raw(10)) expect_equal(total_writers(), 1) fp2(raw(5)) fp2(raw(10)) gc() expect_equal(total_writers(), 2) fp2(raw(0), close = TRUE) expect_equal(total_writers(), 1) rm(fp1); gc() expect_equal(total_writers(), 0) }) test_that("File writer is closed at the end of the data callback", { pool <- new_pool() tmp <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(tmp)) curl_fetch_multi(httpbin("get"), data = tmp, pool = pool) expect_equal(total_writers(), 0) multi_run(pool = pool) expect_equal(total_writers(), 0) json <- readLines(tmp) expect_true(jsonlite::validate(json)) })