context("Multi handle") test_that("Timeout works", { skip_on_os("solaris") h1 <- new_handle(url = httpbin("delay/3")) h2 <- new_handle(url = httpbin("post"), postfields = "bla bla") h3 <- new_handle(url = "", connecttimeout = 1) h4 <- new_handle(url = "http://localhost:14", connecttimeout = 1) m <- new_pool() multi_add(h1, pool = m) multi_add(h2, pool = m) multi_add(h3, pool = m) multi_add(h4, pool = m) rm(h1, h2, h3, h4) gc() out <- multi_run(timeout = 2, pool = m) expect_equal(out, list(success = 1, error = 2, pending = 1)) out <- multi_run(timeout = 0, pool = m) expect_equal(out, list(success = 0, error = 0, pending = 1)) out <- multi_run(pool = m) expect_equal(out, list(success = 1, error = 0, pending = 0)) }) test_that("Callbacks work", { total = 0; h1 <- new_handle(url = httpbin("get")) multi_add(h1, done = function(...){ total <<- total + 1 multi_add(h1, done = function(...){ total <<- total + 1 }) }) gc() # test that callback functions are protected out <- multi_run() expect_equal(out$pending, 0) expect_equal(out$success + out$error, 2) expect_equal(total, 2) }) test_that("Multi cancel works", { expect_length(multi_list(), 0) h1 <- new_handle(url = httpbin("get")) multi_add(h1) expect_length(multi_list(), 1) expect_error(multi_add(h1), "locked") expect_equal(multi_run(timeout = 0), list(success = 0, error = 0, pending = 1)) expect_length(multi_list(), 1) expect_is(multi_cancel(h1), "curl_handle") expect_length(multi_list(), 0) expect_is(multi_add(h1), "curl_handle") expect_length(multi_list(), 1) expect_equal(multi_run(), list(success = 1, error = 0, pending = 0)) expect_length(multi_list(), 0) }) test_that("Errors in Callbacks", { pool <- new_pool() cb <- function(req){ stop("testerror in callback!") } curl_fetch_multi(httpbin("get"), pool = pool, done = cb) curl_fetch_multi(httpbin("status/404"), pool = pool, done = cb) curl_fetch_multi("", pool = pool, fail = cb) gc() expect_equal(total_handles(), 3) expect_error(multi_run(pool = pool), "testerror") gc() expect_equal(total_handles(), 2) expect_error(multi_run(pool = pool), "testerror") gc() expect_equal(total_handles(), 1) expect_error(multi_run(pool = pool), "testerror") gc() expect_equal(total_handles(), 0) expect_equal(multi_run(pool = pool), list(success = 0, error = 0, pending = 0)) }) test_that("Data callback", { con <- rawConnection(raw(0), "r+") on.exit(close(con)) hx <- new_handle() handle_setopt(hx, COPYPOSTFIELDS = jsonlite::toJSON(mtcars)); handle_setheaders(hx, "Content-Type" = "application/json") status <- NULL curl_fetch_multi(httpbin("post"), done = function(res){ status <<- res$status_code }, fail = stop, data = con, handle = hx) rawheaders <- NULL buffer <- raw() hx <- new_handle(accept_encoding = 'identity') curl_fetch_multi(httpbin("get"), handle = hx, done = function(res){ rawheaders <<- res$headers #this somehow breaks the gc #expect_equal(res$status_code, 200) }, fail = stop, data = function(x, finalize = FALSE){ buffer <<- c(buffer, x) # also breaks gc. Looks like circular protect caused by testthat? # expect_is(x, "raw") }) # test that callback functions are protected gc() # perform requests out <- multi_run() expect_equal(out$success, 2) expect_equal(status, 200) # output from callback functions content_len <- curl::parse_headers_list(rawheaders)[['content-length']] expect_length(buffer, as.numeric(content_len)) # get data from buffer content <- rawConnectionValue(con) output <- jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(content)) expect_is(output$json, "data.frame") expect_equal(sort(names(output$json)), sort(names(mtcars))) }) test_that("callback protection", { done <- function(res){ expect_is(res$status_code, "integer") } fail <- function(...){ print("error") } data <- function(x, final){ expect_is(x, "raw") } pool <- new_pool() handle <- new_handle(url = httpbin("get")) multi_add(handle, done = done, fail = fail, data = data, pool = pool) rm(handle, done, fail, data) gc(); gc(); out <- multi_run(pool = pool) expect_equal(out$success, 1) }) test_that("total_con and multi_fdset", { skip_on_os("solaris") skip_if_not(strsplit(curl_version()$version, "-")[[1]][1] >= as.numeric_version("7.30"), "libcurl does not support host_connections") total_con <- 5 pool <- new_pool(total_con = total_con, multiplex = FALSE) for (i in c(4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)) { h1 <- new_handle(url = httpbin(paste0("delay/", i))) multi_add(h1, done = force, fail = cat, pool = pool) } while(length(multi_list(pool = pool))){ res <- multi_run(pool = pool, poll = 1) fdset <- multi_fdset(pool = pool) expect_lte(length(c(fdset$reads, fdset$writes)), min(total_con, res$pending)) } }) test_that("host_con and multi_fdset", { skip_on_os("solaris") skip_if_not(strsplit(curl_version()$version, "-")[[1]][1] >= as.numeric_version("7.30"), "libcurl does not support host_connections") host_con <- 5 pool <- new_pool(host_con = host_con, multiplex = FALSE) for (i in c(4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)) { h1 <- new_handle(url = httpbin(paste0("delay/", i))) multi_add(h1, done = force, fail = cat, pool = pool) } while(length(multi_list(pool = pool))){ res <- multi_run(pool = pool, poll = 1) fdset <- multi_fdset(pool = pool) expect_lte(length(c(fdset$reads, fdset$writes)), min(host_con, res$pending)) } }) test_that("GC works", { gc() expect_equal(total_handles(), 0L) })