cat("This is libcurl version", curl_version()$version, "with", curl_version()$ssl_version, "\n") # Try to load test server find_test_server <- function(){ h <- new_handle(timeout = 10, failonerror = TRUE) # Try to download latest test-server list servers <- tryCatch({ con <- curl("", handle = h) on.exit(close(con)) out <- source(con, local = TRUE) out$value }, error = function(e){ message("Failed to download server list:", e$message) c("", "", "") }) # Try each test-server in the list for(host in servers){ tryCatch({ url <- paste0(host, "/get") req <- curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = h) return(host) }, error = function(e){ message(paste0("Not using ", host, ": ", e$message)) }) } stop("All testing servers seem unavailable. No internet connection?") } testserver <- Sys.getenv("HTTPBIN_TEST_SERVER", find_test_server()) cat("Using test server:", testserver, "\n") httpbin <- function(path){ paste0(testserver, "/", sub("^/", "", path)) }