test_example <- function(path, tests_path = "tests/testthat") { withr::with_dir(system.file(path, package = "cucumber"), { testthat::expect_snapshot( testthat::test_dir( tests_path, reporter = testthat::ProgressReporter$new(show_praise = FALSE), stop_on_failure = FALSE ), transform = function(lines) { lines |> # Remove lines that indicate progress stringr::str_subset("^[\\|/\\-\\\\] \\|", negate = TRUE) |> # Remove empty lines stringr::str_subset("^$", negate = TRUE) |> # Remove test timing information stringr::str_remove_all("\\s\\[\\d+.\\d+s\\]") |> # Remove test run duration stringr::str_remove_all("Duration:\\s\\d+.\\d+\\ss") |> stringr::str_trim() } ) }) } describe("test", { it("should run one feature", { test_example("examples/one_feature") }) it("should run multiple features", { test_example("examples/multiple_features") }) it("should run with box", { test_example("examples/box_support") }) it("should run with shinytest2", { # nolint start # Produces on r-devel: # Superclass process has cloneable=FALSE, but subclass r_process has cloneable=TRUE. A subclass cannot be cloneable when its superclass is not cloneable, so cloning will be disabled for r_process. # nolint end skip_if(R.version$status == "Under development (unstable)") test_example("examples/shinytest2") }) it("should run a Scenario with Given, When, Then, And, But keywords", { test_example("examples/long_scenario") }) it("should run a Scenario with a Table", { test_example("examples/table") }) it("should run a Scenario with a docstring", { test_example("examples/docstring") }) it("should run a Scenario with comments", { test_example("examples/comments") }) it("should run before hook", { test_example("examples/hooks") }) it("should run a Scenario with custom parameters", { test_example("examples/custom_parameters") }) it("should run a Scenario with snapshot test", { testthat::skip_on_cran() test_example("examples/snapshot_test") }) it("should work with covr", { testthat::skip_if(covr::in_covr()) withr::with_dir(system.file("examples/covr_support/tests/testthat", package = "cucumber"), { testthat::expect_snapshot({ source_files <- list.files(c("../../R", "./steps"), full.names = TRUE, pattern = ".R$") test_files <- list.files(".", full.names = TRUE, pattern = ".R$") covr::file_coverage(source_files, test_files) }) }) }) it("should work with custom steps loader", { test_example("examples/custom_steps_loader") }) it("should work with an arbitrary test directory", { test_example("examples/custom_test_dir", "tests/acceptance") }) it("should report success with `testthat::test_dir`", { test_example("examples/with_testthat_success") }) it("should report failure with `testthat::test_dir`", { testthat::skip_if(testthat::is_checking()) test_example("examples/with_testthat_failure") }) it("should work with loading steps from setup files", { test_example("examples/testthat_setup_files") }) it("should work with Scenario Outline", { test_example("examples/scenario_outline") }) })