describe("tokenize", { it("should tokenize feature string into a list of scenarios", { # Arrange lines <- c( "Feature: Guess the word", "", " Scenario: Maker starts a game", " When the Maker starts a game", " Then the Maker waits for a Breaker to join", " Scenario: Breaker joins a game", " Given the Maker has started a game with the word 'silky'", " When the Breaker joins the Maker's game", " Then the Breaker must guess a word with 5 characters" ) # Act result <- tokenize(lines) # Assert expect_equal( result, list( list( type = "Feature", value = "Guess the word", children = list( list( type = "Scenario", value = "Maker starts a game", children = list( list( type = "Step", value = "the Maker starts a game", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Step", value = "the Maker waits for a Breaker to join", children = NULL, data = NULL ) ), data = NULL ), list( type = "Scenario", value = "Breaker joins a game", children = list( list( type = "Step", value = "the Maker has started a game with the word 'silky'", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Step", value = "the Breaker joins the Maker's game", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Step", value = "the Breaker must guess a word with 5 characters", children = NULL, data = NULL ) ), data = NULL ) ), data = NULL ) ) ) }) it("should ignore comments and newlines", { # Arrange lines <- c( "# This is a comment", "", "Feature: Guess the word", "", "", " # The first example has two steps", " Scenario: Maker starts a game", "", "", "", " When the Maker starts a game", "", " # This is a Then step", " Then the Maker waits for a Breaker to join", "", " # The second example has three steps", "" ) # Act result <- tokenize(lines) # Assert expect_equal( result, list( list( type = "Feature", value = "Guess the word", children = list( list( type = "Scenario", value = "Maker starts a game", children = list( list( type = "Step", value = "the Maker starts a game", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Step", value = "the Maker waits for a Breaker to join", children = NULL, data = NULL ) ), data = NULL ) ), data = NULL ) ) ) }) it("should tokenize a feature with Background", { # Arrange lines <- c( "Feature: Multiple site support", "", " Background:", "", " Given a global administrator named \"Greg\"", " And a blog named \"Greg's anti-tax rants\"", " And a customer named \"Dr. Bill\"", " And a blog named \"Expensive Therapy\" owned by \"Dr. Bill\"", "", " Scenario: Dr. Bill posts to his own blog", " Given I am logged in as Dr. Bill", " When I try to post to \"Expensive Therapy\"", " Then I should see \"Your article was published.\"", "", " Scenario: Dr. Bill tries to post to somebody else's blog, and fails", " Given I am logged in as Dr. Bill", " When I try to post to \"Greg's anti-tax rants\"", " Then I should see \"Hey! That's not your blog!\"" ) # Act result <- tokenize(lines) expect_equal( result, list( list( type = "Feature", value = "Multiple site support", children = list( list( type = "Background", value = "", children = list( list( type = "Step", value = "a global administrator named \"Greg\"", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Step", value = "a blog named \"Greg's anti-tax rants\"", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Step", value = "a customer named \"Dr. Bill\"", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Step", value = "a blog named \"Expensive Therapy\" owned by \"Dr. Bill\"", children = NULL, data = NULL ) ), data = NULL ), list( type = "Scenario", value = "Dr. Bill posts to his own blog", children = list( list( type = "Step", value = "I am logged in as Dr. Bill", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Step", value = "I try to post to \"Expensive Therapy\"", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Step", value = "I should see \"Your article was published.\"", children = NULL, data = NULL ) ), data = NULL ), list( type = "Scenario", value = "Dr. Bill tries to post to somebody else's blog, and fails", children = list( list( type = "Step", value = "I am logged in as Dr. Bill", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Step", value = "I try to post to \"Greg's anti-tax rants\"", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Step", value = "I should see \"Hey! That's not your blog!\"", children = NULL, data = NULL ) ), data = NULL ) ), data = NULL ) ) ) }) it("should tokenize Scenario Outline", { # Arrange lines <- c( "Scenario Outline: eating", " Given there are cucumbers", " When I eat cucumbers", " Then I should have cucumbers", " Examples:", " | start | eat | left |", " | 12 | 5 | 7 |", " | 20 | 5 | 15 |" ) # Act result <- tokenize(lines) # Assert expect_equal( result, list( list( type = "Scenario Outline", value = "eating", children = list( list( type = "Step", value = "there are cucumbers", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Step", value = "I eat cucumbers", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Step", value = "I should have cucumbers", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Scenarios", value = "", children = NULL, data = c("| start | eat | left |", "| 12 | 5 | 7 |", "| 20 | 5 | 15 |") ) ), data = NULL ) ) ) }) it("should tokenize docstring with triple quote marks", { # Arrange lines <- c( "Scenario: blog", " Given a blog post named \"Random\" with Markdown body", " \"\"\"", " Some Title, Eh?", " ===============", " Here is the first paragraph of my blog post. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,", " consectetur adipiscing elit.", " \"\"\"" ) # Act result <- tokenize(lines) # Assert expect_equal( result, list( list( type = "Scenario", value = "blog", children = list( list( type = "Step", value = "a blog post named \"Random\" with Markdown body", children = NULL, data = c( "\"\"\"", "Some Title, Eh?", "===============", "Here is the first paragraph of my blog post. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,", "consectetur adipiscing elit.", "\"\"\"" ) ) ), data = NULL ) ) ) }) it("should tokenize docstring with triple single-quotes", { # Arrange lines <- c( "Scenario: blog", " Given a blog post named \"Random\" with Markdown body", " '''", " Some Title, Eh?", " ===============", " Here is the first paragraph of my blog post. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,", " consectetur adipiscing elit.", " '''" ) # Act result <- tokenize(lines) # Assert expect_equal( result, list( list( type = "Scenario", value = "blog", children = list( list( type = "Step", value = "a blog post named \"Random\" with Markdown body", children = NULL, data = c( "'''", "Some Title, Eh?", "===============", "Here is the first paragraph of my blog post. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,", "consectetur adipiscing elit.", "'''" ) ) ), data = NULL ) ) ) }) it("should tokenize docstring with backticks", { # Arrange lines <- c( "Scenario: blog", " Given a blog post named \"Random\" with Markdown body", " ```", " Some Title, Eh?", " ===============", " Here is the first paragraph of my blog post. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,", " consectetur adipiscing elit.", " ```" ) # Act result <- tokenize(lines) # Assert expect_equal( result, list( list( type = "Scenario", value = "blog", children = list( list( type = "Step", value = "a blog post named \"Random\" with Markdown body", children = NULL, data = c( "```", "Some Title, Eh?", "===============", "Here is the first paragraph of my blog post. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,", "consectetur adipiscing elit.", "```" ) ) ), data = NULL ) ) ) }) it("should tokenize docstring no matter the delimiter indentation", { # Arrange lines <- c( "Scenario: blog", " Given a blog post named \"Random\" with Markdown body", "```", "Some Title, Eh?", "===============", "Here is the first paragraph of my blog post. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,", "consectetur adipiscing elit.", "```" ) # Act result <- tokenize(lines) # Assert expect_equal( result, list( list( type = "Scenario", value = "blog", children = list( list( type = "Step", value = "a blog post named \"Random\" with Markdown body", children = NULL, data = c( "```", "Some Title, Eh?", "===============", "Here is the first paragraph of my blog post. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,", "consectetur adipiscing elit.", "```" ) ) ), data = NULL ) ) ) }) it("should tokenize a Data Table", { # Arrange lines <- c( "Given the following users exist:", " | name | email |", " | Jane | |" ) # Act result <- tokenize(lines) # Assert expect_equal( result, list( list( type = "Step", value = "the following users exist:", children = NULL, data = c("| name | email |", "| Jane | |") ) ) ) }) it("should tokenize a Data Table no matter the indentation", { # Arrange lines <- c( "Given the following users exist:", " | name | email |", " | Jane | |" ) # Act result <- tokenize(lines) # Assert expect_equal( result, list( list( type = "Step", value = "the following users exist:", children = NULL, data = c("| name | email |", "| Jane | |") ) ) ) }) it("should tokenize Data Table and ignore commented lines", { # Arrange lines <- c( "Feature: Guess the word", " # Scenario: Breaker joins a game", " # Given the Maker has started a game with the word 'silky'", " # When the Breaker joins the Maker's game", "", " Scenario: Maker starts a game", " When the Maker starts a game", " Then the Maker waits for a Breaker to join", " | x | y |", " | 1 | 2 |", "", "# Scenario: Breaker joins a game", "# Given the Maker has started a game with the word 'silky'", "# When the Breaker joins the Maker's game" ) # Act result <- tokenize(lines) # Assert expect_equal( result, list( list( type = "Feature", value = "Guess the word", children = list( list( type = "Scenario", value = "Maker starts a game", children = list( list( type = "Step", value = "the Maker starts a game", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Step", value = "the Maker waits for a Breaker to join", children = NULL, data = c("| x | y |", "| 1 | 2 |") ) ), data = NULL ) ), data = NULL ) ) ) }) it("should tokenize feature files with 4 spaces indent", { # Arrange lines <- c( "Feature: Guess the word", " Scenario: Maker starts a game", " When the Maker starts a game", " Then the Maker waits for a Breaker to join" ) indent <- "^\\s{4}" # Act withr::with_options(list(cucumber.indent = indent), { result <- tokenize(lines) }) # Assert expect_equal( result, list( list( type = "Feature", value = "Guess the word", children = list( list( type = "Scenario", value = "Maker starts a game", children = list( list( type = "Step", value = "the Maker starts a game", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Step", value = "the Maker waits for a Breaker to join", children = NULL, data = NULL ) ), data = NULL ) ), data = NULL ) ) ) }) it("should read free-form text after Feature, Background, Scenario, Scenario Outline keywords", { # Arrange lines <- c( "Feature: Guess the word", "", " This is a freeform text after Feature", "", " Background:", "", " This is a freeform text after Background", "", " Given a global administrator named \"Greg\"", "", " Scenario: Maker starts a game", "", " This is a freeform text after Scenario", "", " When the Maker starts a game", " Then the Maker waits for a Breaker to join", "", " Scenario Outline: eating", "", " This is a freeform text after Scenario Outline", "", " Given there are cucumbers", " When I eat cucumbers", " Then I should have cucumbers", " Examples:", " | start | eat | left |", " | 12 | 5 | 7 |", " | 20 | 5 | 15 |" ) # Act result <- tokenize(lines) # Assert expect_equal( result, list( list( type = "Feature", value = "Guess the word", children = list( list( type = "Background", value = "", children = list( list( type = "Step", value = "a global administrator named \"Greg\"", children = NULL, data = NULL ) ), data = "This is a freeform text after Background" ), list( type = "Scenario", value = "Maker starts a game", children = list( list( type = "Step", value = "the Maker starts a game", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Step", value = "the Maker waits for a Breaker to join", children = NULL, data = NULL ) ), data = "This is a freeform text after Scenario" ), list( type = "Scenario Outline", value = "eating", children = list( list( type = "Step", value = "there are cucumbers", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Step", value = "I eat cucumbers", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Step", value = "I should have cucumbers", children = NULL, data = NULL ), list( type = "Scenarios", value = "", children = NULL, data = c("| start | eat | left |", "| 12 | 5 | 7 |", "| 20 | 5 | 15 |") ) ), data = "This is a freeform text after Scenario Outline" ) ), data = "This is a freeform text after Feature" ) ) ) }) it("should throw an error on unknown keyword", { # Arrange lines <- c( "Feature: Guess the word", "", " Unknown: Maker starts a game", " When the Maker starts a game", " Then the Maker waits for a Breaker to join" ) # Act & Assert expect_error(tokenize(lines)) }) })