test_that("est_rscu works for internal dataset yeast_cds", { rscu <- est_rscu(count_codons(yeast_cds)) expect_true("data.frame" %in% class(rscu)) expect_equal(nrow(rscu), 61) }) test_that('empty codon frequency matrix', { expect_equal(nrow(est_rscu(matrix())), 61) }) test_that('sequence with strong bias', { seq <- paste0(rep('AAA', 20), collapse = '') seqs <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(seq) rscu <- est_rscu(count_codons(seqs)) expect_equal(rscu$prop[rscu$codon == 'AAA'], 1 - 1/22) }) test_that('sequence with no bias', { ct <- get_codon_table() ct <- ct[amino_acid != '*'] seq <- paste0(ct$codon, collapse = '') seqs <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(seq) rscu <- est_rscu(count_codons(seqs)) expect_true(all(rscu$RSCU == 1)) })