library(ctsem) library(testthat) context("intervalise") test_that("intervals", { data('longexample') #Then convert to wide format wideexample <- ctLongToWide(datalong = longexample, id = "id", time = "time", manifestNames = c("Y1", "Y2", "Y3"), TDpredNames = "TD1", TIpredNames = c("TI1", "TI2")) #Then convert the absolute times to intervals, using the Tpoints reported from the prior step. wide <- ctIntervalise(datawide = wideexample, Tpoints = 4, n.manifest = 3, n.TDpred = 1, n.TIpred = 2, manifestNames = c("Y1", "Y2", "Y3"), TDpredNames = "TD1", TIpredNames = c("TI1", "TI2") ) dt <- matrix(t(diff(t(wideexample[,paste0('T',0:2)]))), nrow=2,ncol=2, dimnames = list(c("1", "2"), c("dT1", "dT2"))) dt[1,2] = .001 expect_equal(wide[,c('dT1','dT2')], dt) })