if(identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")& .Machine$sizeof.pointer != 4){ library(ctsem) library(testthat) context("ctRasch") #develop some expectations here! test_that("ctRasch1", { set.seed( 1234 ) #install software # source(file = 'https://github.com/cdriveraus/ctsem/raw/master/installctsem.R') invlog=function (x) exp(x)/(1 + exp(x)) n.manifest=7 #gen data gm <- ctModel(DRIFT=-.3, DIFFUSION=.3, CINT=.1, TRAITVAR=diag(.3,1), #old approach to allow individual variation LAMBDA= rep(1,each=n.manifest), n.latent=1,n.manifest=n.manifest,Tpoints=20, MANIFESTMEANS=c(0,rep(c(.5,-.5),each=(n.manifest-1)/2)),T0MEANS=-.3,T0VAR=.5) d=ctGenerate(gm,n.subjects = 20,logdtsd=.2) d[,gm$manifestNames] <- rbinom(nrow(d)*gm$n.manifest,size=1,prob=invlog(d[,gm$manifestNames])) #model to fit m <- ctModel( n.latent = 1, n.manifest = n.manifest, MANIFESTMEANS = c(0,paste0('m',2:n.manifest,'|param|FALSE')), #set prior to N(0,1), disable individual variation LAMBDA = rep(1,n.manifest), DIFFUSION='diff|log1p_exp(2*param)', T0MEANS='t0m|param|TRUE|.2', CINT = 'b|param|TRUE|1', #use standard normal for mean prior, individual variation = TRUE (default), default scale for sd type = "stanct" ) md <- ctModel( n.latent = 1, n.manifest = n.manifest, MANIFESTMEANS = c(0,paste0('m',2:n.manifest,'|param|FALSE')), #set prior to N(0,1), disable individual variation LAMBDA = rep(1,n.manifest), DIFFUSION='diff|log1p_exp(2*param)', T0MEANS='t0m|param|TRUE|.2', CINT = 'b|param|TRUE|1', #use standard normal for mean prior, individual variation = TRUE (default), default scale for sd type = "standt" ) #plot(m) m$manifesttype[]=md$manifesttype[]=1 #set type to binary cores=2 #fit with integration (linearised approximation) ro <- ctStanFit( datalong = d, ctstanmodel = m,cores=cores, # plot=10,verbose=0, intoverstates = T,priors=F, optimize=T,intoverpop=T)#,optimcontrol=list(stochastic=F)) so=summary(ro) rod <- ctStanFit( datalong = d, ctstanmodel = md,cores=cores, # plot=10,verbose=0, intoverstates = T,priors=F, optimize=T,intoverpop=T)#,optimcontrol=list(stochastic=F)) sod=summary(rod) #fit without integration r <- ctStanFit( datalong = d, #fit=FALSE, #set this to skip fitting and just get the standata and stanmodel objects ctstanmodel = m, iter = 300,verbose=0, control=list(max_treedepth=8), priors=TRUE, chains = cores,plot=F, intoverstates = FALSE, optimize=FALSE,intoverpop=FALSE) s=summary(r) # s # so a=cbind(s$popmeans[order(rownames(s$popmeans)),1,drop=FALSE],so$popmeans[order(rownames(so$popmeans)),1]) colnames(a)=NULL # print(a) testthat::expect_equivalent( s$popmeans[order(rownames(s$popmeans)),1], so$popmeans[order(rownames(so$popmeans)),1],tol=.1) }) }