context("Variables") with_mock_crunch({ ds <- cachedLoadDataset("test ds") ds2 <- loadDataset("an archived dataset", "archived") test_that("Variable init, as, is", { expect_true(is.variable(ds[[1]])) expect_true(all(vapply(ds, is.variable, logical(1)))) expect_false(is.variable(5)) expect_false(is.variable(NULL)) }) test_that("Variable subclass definitions, is", { expect_true(is.dataset(ds)) expect_true(is.Categorical(ds$gender)) expect_true(is.Numeric(ds$birthyr)) expect_true(is.Text(ds[["textVar"]])) expect_true(is.Datetime(ds$starttime)) expect_true(is.Multiple(ds$mymrset)) expect_true(is.Array(ds$mymrset)) expect_false(is.CA(ds$mymrset)) }) test_that("is.derived", { expect_false(is.derived(ds2$gender)) expect_false(is.derived(ds2$birthyr)) expect_true(is.derived(ds2$mymrset2)) }) test_that("has.categories", { expect_true(has.categories(ds$gender)) expect_true(has.categories(ds$mymrset)) expect_false(has.categories(ds$birthyr)) expect_true(has.categories("categorical_array")) expect_identical( has.categories(c( "categorical", "numeric", "text", "datetime", "categorical_array", "multiple_response" )), c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE) ) }) test_that("Categories for categorical", { thisone <- categories(ds$gender) expect_true(is.categories(thisone)) expect_length(thisone, 3) expect_true(is.category(thisone[[1]])) }) test_that("Categories for noncategorical", { expect_null(categories(ds$birthyr)) }) test_that("Variable metadata retrieved from tuples", { expect_identical(name(ds$gender), "Gender") expect_identical(description(ds$starttime), "Interview Start Time") expect_identical(alias(ds$gender), "gender") expect_identical(id(ds$gender), "66ae9881e3524f7db84970d556c34552") expect_identical(notes(ds$gender), "") expect_identical(notes(ds$birthyr), "Asked instead of age") expect_false(uniformBasis(ds$mymrset)) }) test_that("Variable setter requests", { expect_PATCH( name(ds$gender) <- "Sex", "", '{"":{"name":"Sex"}}' ) expect_PATCH( notes(ds$gender) <- "extra info", "", '{"":{"notes":"extra info"}}' ) expect_PATCH( uniformBasis(ds$mymrset) <- TRUE, "", '{"":{"uniform_basis":true}}' ) }) test_that("Variable setters don't hit server if data not changed", { expect_no_request(name(ds$gender) <- "Gender") }) test_that("Name setter requires non-missing character input", { expect_error( name(ds$gender) <- 45, 'Names must be of class "character"' ) expect_error( name(ds$gender) <- NA_character_, "Names must be non-missing" ) }) test_that("Cannot unset name or alias", { expect_error( name(ds$gender) <- NULL, 'Names must be of class "character"' ) expect_error( alias(ds$gender) <- NULL, 'Names must be of class "character"' ) }) test_that("Backstop method for if you try to set name on NULL", { expect_error( name(ds$NOTAVARIABLE) <- "Not a variable", "Cannot set name on NULL" ) }) test_that("refresh", { expect_identical(ds$gender, refresh(ds$gender)) }) test_that("can modify digits on var object", { expect_identical(digits(ds$birthyr), 2L) expect_PATCH( digits(ds$birthyr) <- 0, "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"format":{"data":', '{"digits":0}}}}' ) expect_error( digits(ds$birthyr) <- -1, "digit specifications should be between 0 and 16" ) expect_error( digits(ds$birthyr) <- 999, "digit specifications should be between 0 and 16" ) expect_error( digits(ds$birthyr) <- 0.7, "digit specifications should be an integer" ) expect_error( digits(ds$birthyr) <- "0.7", "digit specifications should be an integer" ) expect_error( digits(ds$gender) <- 0, "digit specifications can only be set for numeric variables" ) }) }) with_test_authentication({ ds <- newDataset(df) test_that("show methods", { expect_identical(getShowContent(ds$v3), c( "v3 (numeric)", "", " Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. ", " 8.00 12.75 17.50 17.50 22.25 27.00 " )) expect_identical(getShowContent(ds$v4), c( "v4 (categorical)", "", " Count", "B 10", "C 10" )) ## TODO: add other types. And move to fixtures. }) test_that("before modifying", { expect_identical(name(ds$v1), "v1") expect_identical(description(ds$v2), "") expect_identical(alias(ds$v1), "v1") expect_identical(name(ds$v3), "v3") expect_identical(alias(ds$v3), "v3") expect_identical(notes(ds$v1), "") }) name(ds$v1) <- "Variable 1" description(ds$v2) <- "Description 2" notes(ds$v1) <- "Some additional information" alias(ds$v1) <- "var1" test_that("can modify name, description, alias, notes on var in dataset", { expect_null(ds$v1) expect_identical(name(ds$var1), "Variable 1") expect_identical(alias(ds$var1), "var1") expect_identical(description(ds$v2), "Description 2") expect_identical(notes(ds$var1), "Some additional information") ds <- refresh(ds) expect_null(ds$v1) expect_identical(name(ds$var1), "Variable 1") expect_identical(notes(ds$var1), "Some additional information") expect_identical(description(ds$v2), "Description 2") }) test_that("Can unset description and notes", { description(ds$v2) <- NULL expect_identical(description(ds$v2), "") notes(ds$var1) <- NULL expect_identical(notes(ds$var1), "") }) v3 <- ds$v3 name(v3) <- "alt" description(v3) <- "asdf" alias(v3) <- "Alias!" test_that("can modify name, description, alias on var object", { expect_identical(name(v3), "alt") expect_identical(description(v3), "asdf") expect_identical(alias(v3), "Alias!") v3 <- refresh(v3) expect_identical(name(v3), "alt") expect_identical(description(v3), "asdf") expect_identical(alias(v3), "Alias!") }) test_that("can modify digits on var object", { expect_identical(digits(ds$v3), 2L) expect_silent(digits(ds$v3) <- 0) expect_identical(digits(ds$v3), 0L) }) })