context("Variable transformations") insrts_list <- list( list( anchor = 6, name = "Low", `function` = "subtotal", args = c(1, 2) ), list( anchor = 7, name = "High", `function` = "subtotal", args = c(9, 10) ) ) insrts <- Insertions(data = insrts_list) test_that("Can make a transforms object from Insertions or lists", { expect_true(is.Insertions(insrts)) expect_true(is.list(insrts_list) & !is.Insertions(insrts_list)) trans <- Transforms(insertions = insrts) expect_equal(trans, Transforms(insertions = insrts_list)) expect_equal(trans[["insertions"]], insrts) }) test_that("Transforms validation", { expect_error( Transforms(foo = "bar"), paste( "Transforms must have at least one of", serialPaste(dQuote(c("insertions", "categories", "elements")), "or") ) ) expect_error( Transforms(insertions = "foo"), paste0( "invalid class ", dQuote("Insertions"), " object: Invalid insertions: 1 element is not a Crunch Insertion object\\." ) ) expect_error( Transforms(categories = "foo"), paste0( "invalid class ", dQuote("Categories"), " object: Invalid categories: 1 element is not a Crunch category object\\." ) ) }) cats_list <- mapply(function(i, n, m) list(id = i, name = n, missing = m), i = c(1:10), n = LETTERS[c(1:10)], m = c(rep(FALSE, 6), TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), SIMPLIFY = FALSE ) cats <- Categories(data = cats_list) abs_cats <- AbstractCategories() abs_cats@.Data <- c(cats@.Data, list(AbstractCategory(name = "__fake__bottom__category__"))) insrts_list <- list( list( anchor = "top", name = "First one", `function` = "subtotal", args = c(3, 4) ), list( anchor = "bottom", name = "Last one", `function` = "subtotal", args = c(5, 6) ), list( anchor = 10, name = "High", `function` = "subtotal", args = c(9, 10) ), list( anchor = 2, name = "Low", `function` = "subtotal", args = c(1, 2) ), list( anchor = 8, name = "missing anchor", `function` = "subtotal", args = c(2, 3) ), list( anchor = 4, name = "missing categories", `function` = "subtotal", args = c(7, 8) ) ) insrts <- Insertions(data = insrts_list) test_that("findInsertPosition", { expect_equal(findInsertPosition(insrts[["First one"]], abs_cats), 0) expect_equal(findInsertPosition(insrts[["Last one"]], abs_cats), 11) expect_equal(findInsertPosition(insrts[["High"]], abs_cats), 10) expect_equal(findInsertPosition(insrts[["Low"]], abs_cats), 2) expect_equal(findInsertPosition(insrts[["missing anchor"]], abs_cats), 11) expect_equal(findInsertPosition(insrts[["missing categories"]], abs_cats), 4) }) test_that("collateCats places at beginning", { new_cats <- collateCats(insrts["First one"], cats) expect_equivalent(new_cats[c(2:11)], cats) expect_equivalent(new_cats[1], insrts["First one"]) }) test_that("collateCats places at end", { new_cats <- collateCats(insrts["Last one"], cats) expect_equivalent(new_cats[c(1:10)], cats) expect_equivalent(new_cats[11], insrts["Last one"]) }) test_that("collateCats places at end if the id is improbably high", { new_cats <- collateCats(insrts["High"], cats) expect_equivalent(new_cats[c(1:10)], cats) expect_equivalent(new_cats[11], insrts["High"]) }) test_that("collateCats places after index 2", { new_cats <- collateCats(insrts["Low"], cats) expect_equivalent(new_cats[c(1, 2, 4:11)], cats) expect_equivalent(new_cats[3], insrts["Low"]) }) test_that("collateCats places a missing anchor at end", { new_cats <- collateCats(insrts["missing anchor"], cats) expect_equivalent(new_cats[c(1:10)], cats) expect_equivalent(new_cats[11], insrts["missing anchor"]) }) test_that("collateCats places at an anchor even if the combo categories are na", { new_cats <- collateCats(insrts["missing categories"], cats) expect_equivalent(new_cats[c(1:4, 6:11)], cats) expect_equivalent(new_cats[5], insrts["missing categories"]) }) test_that("collateCats works all together", { new_cats <- collateCats(insrts, cats) expect_length(new_cats, 16) expect_equivalent(new_cats[c(2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)], cats) expect_equivalent(new_cats[c(1, 15, 14, 4, 16, 7)], insrts) # indices for new_cats to name map # 1 - First one # 14 - High # 7 - missing categories # 4 - Low # 15 - Last one # 16 - missing anchor }) test_that("collateCats errors when given bad input", { expect_error( collateCats(insrts["missing categories"], Categories()), "Can't collateCats with no categories" ) }) insrt_heads <- Insertions(data = list(list(name = "Subtitle", anchor = "top"))) # turn into subclassed insertions test_that("Converting insertions to subtypes works", { insrts_subtyped <- subtypeInsertions(insrts) insrt_heads_subtyped <- subtypeInsertions(insrt_heads) # the lengths are the same, we aren't missing anything expect_equal(length(insrts), length(insrts_subtyped)) expect_equal(length(insrt_heads), length(insrt_heads_subtyped)) # the types are correct expect_true(is.Subtotal(insrts_subtyped[[1]])) expect_true(is.Heading(insrt_heads_subtyped[[1]])) expect_true(is.category(cats[[1]])) # we need cats for collation later # we can check the full object and get back a vector of logicals expect_true(all(are.Subtotals(insrts_subtyped))) expect_true(all(are.Headings(insrt_heads_subtyped))) expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(cats, is.category)))) # we can re-subtype with no harm expect_true(all(are.Subtotals(subtypeInsertions(insrts_subtyped)))) expect_true(all(are.Headings(subtypeInsertions(insrt_heads_subtyped)))) # collate and check collated <- collateCats(c(insrts_subtyped, insrt_heads_subtyped), cats) expect_true(all(are.Subtotals(collated[c(1, 5, 8, 15, 16, 17)]))) expect_true(all(are.Headings(collated[2]))) expect_true(all(unlist(lapply( collated[c(3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)], is.category )))) expect_error(subtypeInsertion("foo"), "Must provide an object of type Insertion") expect_error(subtypeInsertions("foo"), "Must provide an object of type Insertions") }) test_that("calcTransform rejects nd arrays", { ary2d <- array(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), dim = c(2, 3), dimnames = list( "foo1" = c("bar", "baz"), "foo2" = c("bar", "baz", "qux") ) ) expect_error( calcTransforms( ary2d, Transforms(insertions = insrts), Categories( list(name = "one", id = 1), list(name = "two", id = 2) ) ), paste0( "Calculating varaible transforms is not ", "implemented for dimensions greater than 1." ) ) }) with_mock_crunch({ ds <- cachedLoadDataset("test ds") test_that("Can get transform", { expect_equivalent( transforms(ds$location), Transforms( insertions = list( Subtotal( name = "London+Scotland", after = 3, categories = c(1, 2) ) ), categories = NULL, elements = NULL ) ) loc_ary <- array(c(7, 10, 17), dim = 3, dimnames = list(c( "London", "Scotland", "London+Scotland" )) ) expect_prints(expect_equivalent(showTransforms(ds$location), loc_ary)) }) test_that("Can set transform (with Insertions)", { expect_null(transforms(ds$gender)) trans_insert <- Transforms(insertions = Insertions( Insertion( anchor = 3, name = "Male+Female", `function` = "subtotal", args = c(1, 2) ) )) expect_PATCH( transforms(ds$gender) <- trans_insert, "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"view":{"transform":{', '"insertions":[{"anchor":3,"name":"Male+Female","function"', ':"subtotal","args":[1,2],"id":1}]}}}}' ) }) test_that("Can set transform (with Subtotal)", { trans_insert <- Transforms(insertions = Insertions( Subtotal( after = 3, name = "Male+Female", categories = c(1, 2) ) )) expect_PATCH( transforms(ds$gender) <- trans_insert, "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"view":{"transform":{', '"insertions":[{"anchor":3,"name":"Male+Female","function"', ':"subtotal","args":[1,2],"kwargs":{"positive":[1,2]},"id":1}]}}}}' ) }) test_that("Can set transform (with Heading)", { trans_insert <- Transforms(insertions = Insertions( Heading(after = 3, name = "Male+Female") )) expect_PATCH( transforms(ds$gender) <- trans_insert, "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"view":{"transform":{', '"insertions":[{"anchor":3,"name":"Male+Female"}]}}}}' ) }) test_that("Can add a MR insertion via `Insertion()`", { expect_PATCH( subtotals(ds$mymrset) <- list( Insertion( anchor = "top", `function` = "any_selected", name = "s1 or s2", id = 1, kwargs = list( variable = "mymrset", subvariable_ids = c("subvar1", "subvar2") ) ) ), "", '{"view":{"transform":{"insertions":[{"anchor":"top","function":"any_selected",', '"name":"s1 or s2","id":1,"kwargs":{"variable":"mymrset","subvariable_ids":', '["subvar1","subvar2"]}}]}}}' ) }) test_that("Can add a MR insertion via `Insertion()` via transforms()<-", { expect_PATCH( transforms(ds$mymrset) <- Transforms( insertions = list(Insertion( anchor = "top", `function` = "any_selected", name = "s1 or s2", id = 1, kwargs = list( variable = "mymrset", subvariable_ids = c("subvar1", "subvar2") ) )) ), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"view":{"transform":{"insertions"', ':[{"anchor":"top","function":"any_selected","name":"s1 or s2",', '"id":1,"kwargs":{"variable":"mymrset","subvariable_ids":["subvar1",', '"subvar2"]}}]}}}}' ) }) test_that("Can delete transform", { expect_PATCH( transforms(ds$location) <- NULL, "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"view":{"transform":{}}}}' ) }) test_that("Non-combine insertions are ignored", { loc_var <- ds$location trns <- transforms(loc_var) trns[["insertions"]][[1]] <- Insertion( name = "London+Scotland", anchor = 3, args = c(1, 2), `function` = "foobar" ) loc_ary <- c(7, 10, NA) names(loc_ary) <- c("London", "Scotland", "London+Scotland") expect_warning( insert_funcs <- makeInsertionFunctions( categories(ds$location)[!$location))], trns ), paste0( "Transform functions other than subtotal are ", "not supported. Applying only subtotals and ", "ignoring foobar" ) ) expect_equivalent(calcTransforms(table(loc_var), insert_funcs), loc_ary) }) test_that("Transform respects anchors", { loc_var <- ds$location trns <- transforms(loc_var) trns[["insertions"]][[1]][["after"]] <- 1 insert_funcs <- makeInsertionFunctions( categories(ds$location)[!$location))], trns ) # No Data is no longer here ??? what made it be here in the first place? loc_ary <- c(7, 17, 10) names(loc_ary) <- c("London", "London+Scotland", "Scotland") expect_equivalent(calcTransforms(table(loc_var), insert_funcs), loc_ary) }) test_that("Transform works without a function (that is, with a heading)", { loc_var <- ds$location trns <- transforms(loc_var) trns[["insertions"]][[1]] <- Heading(name = "London+Scotland", after = 3) insert_funcs <- makeInsertionFunctions( categories(ds$location)[!$location))], trns ) # No Data is no longer here ??? what made it be here in the first place? loc_ary <- c(7, 10, NA) names(loc_ary) <- c("London", "Scotland", "London+Scotland") expect_equivalent( calcTransforms(table(loc_var), insert_funcs), loc_ary ) }) }) with_test_authentication({ ds <- newDataset(df) test_that("Can get and set transforms", { trans <- Transforms(insertions = list( Subtotal( after = 3, name = "B+C", categories = c(1, 2) ) )) expect_null(transforms(ds$v4)) transforms(ds$v4) <- trans trans_resp <- trans trans_resp["categories"] <- list(NULL) trans_resp["elements"] <- list(NULL) expect_json_equivalent(transforms(ds$v4), trans_resp) v4_ary <- array(c(10, 10, 20), dim = 3, dimnames = list(c("B", "C", "B+C")) ) expect_prints(expect_equivalent(showTransforms(ds$v4), v4_ary)) }) test_that("Can remove transforms", { transforms(ds$v4) <- NULL v4_notrans <- array(c(10, 10), dim = 2, dimnames = list(c("B", "C")) ) expect_null(transforms(ds$v4)) expect_prints(expect_equivalent(showTransforms(ds$v4), v4_notrans)) }) })