context("Private variables") with_mock_crunch({ ds <- loadDataset("Private test") test_that("privateVariables", { expect_identical(privateVariables(ds, "name"), "ID Number") expect_identical(privateVariables(ds), "id") with(temp.option(crunch = list(crunch.namekey.dataset = "name")), { expect_identical(privateVariables(ds), "ID Number") }) }) test_that("Can subset dataset with private variable by name/alias", { ds_sub <- ds[c("gender", "id")] expect_identical(names(ds_sub), "gender") expect_identical(aliases(allVariables(ds_sub)), c("gender", "id")) }) test_that("private variables can be accessed with $", { expect_warning( z <- ds$id, "Variable id is private" ) expect_true(is.Numeric(z)) }) test_that("Option not to warn when accessing private variables", { with(temp.option(crunch = list(crunch.warn.private = FALSE)), { expect_warning(ds$id, NA) }) }) test_that("Can delete a private variable", { skip_on_jenkins(paste0( "No idea why this fails to catch the warning on Jenkins but not on ", "Travis or locally" )) with_consent({ expect_warning( expect_DELETE( delete(ds$id), "" ), "Variable id is private" ) }) }) privatize_gender <- paste0( "", " ", "{", '"element":"shoji:catalog",', '"index":{', '"":{}', "}", "}" ) privatize_both <- paste0( "", " ", "{", '"element":"shoji:catalog",', '"index":{', '"":{},', '"":{}', "},", '"graph":[', '"",', '"",', '""', "]", "}" ) test_that("privatizeVariables with one variable", { expect_PATCH( ds <- privatizeVariables(ds, "gender"), privatize_gender ) }) test_that("privatizeVariables handles duplicated inputs", { expect_PATCH( ds <- privatizeVariables(ds, c("gender", "gender")), privatize_gender ) }) test_that("privatizeVariables excludes already private variables", { expect_PATCH( ds <- privatizeVariables(ds, c("gender", "id")), privatize_gender ) }) test_that("privatizeVariables with multiple vars to private", { expect_PATCH( ds <- privatizeVariables(ds, c("gender", "height_inches")), privatize_both ) expect_PATCH( ds <- privatizeVariables(ds, 1:2), privatize_both ) }) test_that("privateVariables<- request", { expect_PATCH( privateVariables(ds) <- "gender", privatize_gender ) expect_PATCH( privateVariables(ds) <- c("gender", "id"), privatize_gender ) }) deprivatize_id <- paste0( "", " ", "{", '"element":"shoji:catalog",', '"index":{', '"":{}', "}", "}" ) test_that("deprivatizeVariables with various input types makes the right request", { expect_PATCH( ds <- deprivatizeVariables(ds, "id"), deprivatize_id ) expect_PATCH( ds <- deprivatizeVariables(ds, c("gender", "id")), deprivatize_id ) expect_no_request(ds <- deprivatizeVariables(ds, c("gender", "height_inches"))) }) test_that("privatize method on variable makes right request", { expect_PATCH( privatize(ds$gender), privatize_gender ) expect_warning( expect_no_request(privatize(ds$id)), "Variable id is private" ) }) test_that("deprivatize method on variable makes right request", { expect_warning( expect_PATCH( deprivatize(ds$id), deprivatize_id ), "Variable id is private" ) expect_no_request(deprivatize(ds$gender)) }) test_that("'s' of privatise spellings work", { expect_PATCH( ds <- privatiseVariables(ds, "gender"), privatize_gender ) expect_PATCH( ds <- privatise(ds$gender), privatize_gender ) expect_PATCH( ds <- deprivatiseVariables(ds, "id"), deprivatize_id ) expect_warning( expect_PATCH( deprivatise(ds$id), deprivatize_id ), "Variable id is private" ) }) }) with_test_authentication({ whereas("Privatize and deprivatize variables and checking that the remote dataset updates", { ds <- newDataset(df) test_that("There are no private variables to start", { expect_equivalent(index(privateFolder(ds)), list()) expect_identical(privateVariables(ds), c()) }) ds <- privatizeVariables(ds, c("v2", "v3")) test_that("privatizeVariables privatizes by alias", { expect_identical(names(ds)[1:2], c("v1", "v4")) expect_identical(privateVariables(ds), c("v2", "v3")) expect_length(privateFolder(ds), 2) expect_length(variables(ds), ncol(df) - 2) expect_identical(dim(ds), c(nrow(df), ncol(df) - 2L)) }) privateVariables(ds) <- "v3" ## work like<-, i.e. adds but doesn't deprivatize by omitting test_that("privateVariables<- does nothing if already private", { expect_identical(privateVariables(ds), c("v2", "v3")) expect_identical(names(ds)[1:2], c("v1", "v4")) expect_identical(dim(ds), c(nrow(df), ncol(df) - 2L)) }) privateVariables(ds) <- "v4" test_that("privateVariables<- adds variables", { expect_identical(names(ds)[1:2], c("v1", "v5")) expect_identical(privateVariables(ds), c("v2", "v3", "v4")) expect_identical(dim(ds), c(nrow(df), ncol(df) - 3L)) }) ds <- deprivatizeVariables(ds, c("v2", "v3", "v4")) test_that("deprivatizeVariables by alias", { expect_identical(privateVariables(ds), c()) expect_identical(dim(ds), dim(df)) expect_warning(ds$v2, NA) expect_true(is.Text(ds$v2)) }) test_that("Can privatize hidden variables and vice versa", { ds <- privatizeVariables(ds, "v2") ds <- hideVariables(ds, "v3") expect_equal(privateVariables(ds), "v2") expect_equal(hiddenVariables(ds), "v3") ds <- privatizeVariables(ds, "v3") ds <- hideVariables(ds, "v2") expect_equal(privateVariables(ds), "v3") expect_equal(hiddenVariables(ds), "v2") ds <- deprivatizeVariables(ds, "v3") ds <- unhideVariables(ds, "v2") }) }) whereas("Checking that array variables can be private", { ds <- newDatasetFromFixture("apidocs") test_that("Can privatize categorical array variables", { expect_true("petloc" %in% names(ds)) privateVariables(ds) <- "petloc" expect_false("petloc" %in% names(ds)) }) test_that("Can privatize MR variables", { expect_true("allpets" %in% names(ds)) ds <- privatizeVariables(ds, "allpets") expect_false("allpets" %in% names(ds)) }) }) test_that("Can privatize array variables even if they only have one subvar", { ds <- mrdf.setup(newDataset(mrdf[c(1, 4)])) expect_identical(names(ds), c("CA", "v4")) expect_length(subvariables(ds$CA), 1) privateVariables(ds) <- "CA" expect_false("CA" %in% names(ds)) }) })