context("Making a new dataset") test_that("write.csv.gz gzips a csv", { df <- data.frame(a = 1:1000) f <- tempfile() f2 <- tempfile() write.csv.gz(df, file = f) write.csv(df, file = f2, row.names = FALSE) expect_true(file.exists(f)) expect_true(file.exists(f2)) expect_true(file.size(f) < file.size(f2)) ## bc compression expect_equal(read.csv(f), df) ## It sniffs the conn type expect_equal(read.csv(f2), df) }) test_that("newDataset input validation", { expect_error( newDataset(NULL), "Can only make a Crunch dataset from a two-dimensional data" ) expect_error( newDataset(1:5), "Can only make a Crunch dataset from a two-dimensional data" ) }) with_mock_crunch({ test_that("Basic exercise of turning data.frame to Crunch payload", { expect_POST( newDataset(data.frame(a = 1), name = "Testing"), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"name":"Testing",', '"table":{"element":"crunch:table",', '"metadata":{"a":{"type":"numeric","name":"a","alias":"a"}},', '"order":["a"]}}}' ) }) test_that("Turning data.frame to Crunch payload without a name", { expect_POST( newDataset(data.frame(a = 1)), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"name":"data.frame(a = 1)",', '"table":{"element":"crunch:table",', '"metadata":{"a":{"type":"numeric","name":"a","alias":"a"}},', '"order":["a"]}}}' ) }) test_that("Turning data.frame to Crunch payload with a long name", { expect_POST( newDataset(data.frame(a = 1, really_really_long_name = 2)), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"name":"data.frame(a = 1, ', 'really_really_long_nam","table":{"element":"crunch:table",', '"metadata":{"a":{"type":"numeric","name":"a","alias":"a"},', '"really_really_long_name":{"type":"numeric",', '"name":"really_really_long_name","alias":"really_really_long_name"}},', '"order":["a","really_really_long_name"]}}}' ) }) test_that("uploadData writes out a gzipped file", { ds <- cachedLoadDataset("test ds") with_DELETE(NULL, { ## with_DELETE to handle the cleanup so we can see the real error expect_POST( uploadData(ds, data.frame(a = 1)), "", "list(uploaded_file" ) }) }) test_that("createDataset with named args", { expect_POST( createDataset(name = "Foo", description = "Bar."), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"name":"Foo",', '"description":"Bar."}}' ) }) test_that("createDataset returns a dataset", { with_POST( "", expect_true(is.dataset(createDataset(name = "Foo"))) ) }) test_that("newDataset calls newDatasetFromFile if given a string", { expect_POST( newDataset("helper.R"), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"name":"helper.R"}}' ) }) test_that("newDataset with an .sss schema posts to sources", { temp_file <- tempfile("schema", fileext = ".sss") file.create(temp_file) expect_POST( newDataset(x = "helper.R", schema = temp_file), "", paste0("list\\(uploaded_file = list\\(path = .*", basename(temp_file)), fixed = FALSE ) }) test_that("newDataset with an .xml schema posts to sources", { temp_file <- tempfile("schema", fileext = ".xml") file.create(temp_file) expect_POST( newDataset(x = "helper.R", schema = temp_file), "", paste0("list\\(uploaded_file = list\\(path = .*", basename(temp_file)), fixed = FALSE ) }) test_that("newDataset with a .json schema posts to datasets", { path_json <- system.file("example-datasets", "pets.json", package = "crunch") content_json <- readLines(path_json) expect_POST( newDataset(x = "helper.R", schema = path_json), "", content_json ) }) test_that("newDataset with an unsupported schema format throws an error", { unsupported_format <- sample( c('foo', 'bar', 'txt', 'csv', 'doc', "prosciutto"), 1 ) expect_error( newDataset(x = "helper.R", schema = paste0("schema.", unsupported_format)), "Unsupported schema type:" ) }) test_that("newDataset with schema and data posts, adds to batches and appends", { with_POST("", { # the batch had to be mocked in tests/testthat/ because # we supressMessages which makes detecting it harder temp_file <- tempfile("schema", fileext = ".sss") file.create(temp_file) ds <- newDataset(x = "teardown.R", schema = temp_file) }) }) test_that("newDataset(FromFile) cleans up the dataset entity if the file is invalid", { with_POST("", { expect_DELETE( newDataset("NOTAFILE.exe"), "" ) with_DELETE(NULL, { expect_error( newDataset("NOTAFILE.exe"), "File not found" ) }) }) }) test_that("newDataset(FromFile) can take an s3 URL", { with_DELETE(NULL, { expect_POST( newDataset("s3://"), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity",', '"body":{"url":"s3://"}}' ) }) }) test_that("newDataset(FromFile) can take an http(s) URL", { with_DELETE(NULL, { expect_POST( newDataset(""), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity",', '"body":{"location":""}}' ) }) }) test_that("newDatasetByColumn", { expect_POST( newDatasetByColumn(data.frame(a = 1), name = "Bam!"), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"name":"Bam!"}}' ) }) test_that("createSource validation", { expect_error( createSource("File not found"), "File not found" ) expect_error( createSource(name = "x"), "Must provide a file or url to createSource" ) }) test_that("newExampleDataset", { expect_POST( newExampleDataset(), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"name":"Example dataset",' ) }) }) with_test_authentication({ whereas("The two methods for sending data", { testfile.csv <- "fake.csv" testfile.df <- read.csv(testfile.csv) test_that("fake.csv is what we expect", { expect_identical(dim(testfile.df), c(20L, 6L)) }) test_that("newDataset creates a dataset if given a file", { ds <- newDataset(testfile.csv) expect_true(is.dataset(ds)) expect_identical(nrow(ds), 20L) expect_identical(ncol(ds), 6L) expect_equivalent(mean(ds[[2]]), mean(testfile.df[[2]])) }) test_that("Dataset-by-column variable types get set correctly", { ds <- newDatasetByColumn(df) expect_valid_df_import(ds) expect_equivalent(mean(ds$v3), mean(df$v3)) expect_true(setequal(names(df), names(ds))) expect_identical(names(df), names(ds)) }) }) m <- fromJSON(system.file("example-datasets", "pets.json", package = "crunch"), simplifyVector = FALSE ) whereas("Creating with metadata and csv", { test_that("createWithMetadataAndFile using docs example", { ds <- newDatasetFromFixture("apidocs") expect_valid_apidocs_import(ds) }) test_that("data.frame with spaces in column names", { input <- data.frame(a = factor("A"), b = 4) names(input) <- c("var one", "var two") expect_identical(names(input), c("var one", "var two")) ds <- newDataset(input) expect_identical(names(ds), c("var one", "var two")) }) test_that("Can create dataset with data in S3", { ds <- createWithMetadataAndFile(m, file = "s3://testing-crunch-io/example-dataset.csv" ) expect_valid_apidocs_import(ds) ds2 <- newDatasetFromFixture("apidocs") ## Compare to dataset imported from local file upload expect_identical(dim(ds), dim(ds2)) expect_identical(as.vector(ds$q1), as.vector(ds2$q1)) ## Could add more assertions }) }) test_that("Duplicate subvariables are forbidden", { m2 <- m ## Add a duplicate subvariable dupe <- list(name = "Another", alias = "allpets_1") m2$body$table$metadata$allpets$subvariables[[4]] <- dupe expect_error(createWithMetadataAndFile( m2, system.file("example-datasets", "pets.csv", package = "crunch") )) }) test_that("newDataset without specifying name grabs object name", { dsz <- newDataset(df) expect_true(is.dataset(dsz)) expect_identical(name(dsz), "df") expect_valid_df_import(dsz) }) test_that("data.frame with missing data in datetime & date columns", { input <- data.frame( date = c(as.Date("2020-01-01"), NA), datetime = as.POSIXlt(c(NA, "2020-01-01 01:05:00"), tz = "UTC") ) ds <- newDataset(input, "missing vals datetimes") expect_is(ds$date, "DatetimeVariable") expect_equal(as.vector(ds$date), input$date) expect_is(ds$datetime, "DatetimeVariable") expect_equal(as.vector(ds$datetime), input$datetime) }) })