context("Categorical Array") with_mock_crunch({ ds <- cachedLoadDataset("test ds") test_that("makeArray creates a VariableDefinition with dataset subset", { expect_json_equivalent( makeArray(ds[, "gender"], name = "Gender array"), list( name = "Gender array", subvariables = I(""), type = "categorical_array" ) ) }) test_that("makeArray creates a VariableDefinition with list of variables", { expect_json_equivalent( makeArray(list(ds$gender), name = "Gender array"), list( name = "Gender array", subvariables = I(""), type = "categorical_array" ) ) }) test_that("makeArray creates a VariableDefinition with variables subset", { expect_json_equivalent( makeArray(variables(ds)[names(ds) == "gender"], name = "Gender array 2" ), list( name = "Gender array 2", subvariables = I(""), type = "categorical_array" ) ) }) test_that("makeMR creates a VariableDefinition", { expect_json_equivalent( makeMR(ds[, "gender"], name = "Gender MR", selections = "Male"), list( name = "Gender MR", subvariables = I(""), type = "multiple_response", selected_categories = I("Male") ) ) }) <- "Must provide the name for the new variable" no.match <- "No variables supplied" no.selections <- paste( "Must provide the names of the category or", "categories that indicate the dichotomous selection" ) wrong.type <- "Expected subvariables to be either" invalid.selection <- "not found in variable's categories" not.categorical <- "are not Categorical" test_that("makeArray error conditions", { expect_error(makeArray(), expect_error(makeArray(ds[, "gender"]), expect_error( makeArray(ds[grep("NO variables", names(ds))], name = "foo"), no.match ) expect_error( makeArray(ds$gender, name = "foo"), wrong.type ) }) test_that("makeMR error conditions", { expect_error(makeMR(), no.selections) expect_error(makeMR(ds[, "gender"]), no.selections) expect_error(makeMR(ds[, "gender"], selections = "Male"), expect_error( makeMR(ds[grep("NO variables", names(ds))], name = "foo", selections = "X" ), no.match ) expect_error( makeMR(ds[, "gender"], selections = "Other", name = "Gen"), invalid.selection ) expect_error( makeMR(ds[, c("gender", "birthyr")], selections = "Male", name = "Gen" ), not.categorical ) expect_error( makeMR(ds[, c("gender", "NOTAVARIABLE")], selections = "Male", name = "Gen" ), "Undefined columns selected: NOTAVARIABLE" ) }) test_that("makeMRFromText errors correctly", { expect_error( makeMRFromText(ds$var, "; "), "Must supply a name for the new variable" ) expect_error( makeMRFromText(ds$birthyr, name = "name"), paste0( dQuote("ds$birthyr"), " is of class NumericVariable, it must be a Crunch TextVariable." ), fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("createSubvarDeriv generates the correct variable definition", { expected <- list( `function` = "case", args = list( list( column = I(1:3), type = list( value = list( class = "categorical", categories = list( list( id = 1, name = "No Data", numeric_value = NA, missing = TRUE ), list( id = 2, name = "Yes", numeric_value = NA, missing = FALSE ), list( id = 3, name = "No", numeric_value = NA, missing = FALSE ) ) ) ) ), list( `function` = "is_missing", args = list( list(variable = "") ) ), list( `function` = "~=", # nolint args = list( list(variable = ""), list(value = "^oak; |; oak; |; oak$|^oak$") ) ) ), references = list(name = "oak", alias = "textVar_oak") ) varDef <- createSubvarDeriv(ds$textVar, str = "oak", delim = "; ", selected = "Yes", not_selected = "No", unanswered = NA ) expect_equivalent(varDef, expected) }) test_that("escapeRegex escapes all metacharacters", { metachars <- c(".", "^", "$", "*", "+", "?", "{", "}", "[", "]", "\\", "|", "(", ")") str <- paste0("vb", metachars, "net") expect_identical(escapeRegex(str), paste0("vb\\", metachars, "net")) expect_identical(escapeRegex("vb.a|net"), "vb\\.a\\|net") }) test_that("buildDelimRegex generates the expected regular expression", { rx <- buildDelimRegex("maple", "; ") expect_true(grepl(rx, "maple")) expect_true(grepl(rx, "maple; birch")) expect_true(grepl(rx, "oak; maple; birch")) expect_true(grepl(rx, "birch; maple")) expect_false(grepl(rx, "birch; sugar maple")) expect_false(grepl(rx, "maple butter; oak")) # test delimiters that are regex characters expect_true(grepl(buildDelimRegex("maple", "| "), "oak| maple| birch")) expect_false(grepl(buildDelimRegex("maple", "| "), "oak| sugar maple| birch")) }) test_that("makeMRFromText sends the correct variable derivation", { ds2 <- loadDataset("") trees <- c("birch", "sugar maple", "maple butter", "oak", "maple") expected <- VariableDefinition( derivation = zfunc( "select_categories", zfunc( "array", zfunc( "select", list(map = lapply(trees, function(tree) { return(createSubvarDeriv(ds2$delimed_text, str = tree, delim = "; ", selected = "Yes", not_selected = "No", unanswered = NA )) })), list(value = I(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))) ) ), list(value = I("selected")) ), name = "New Mr" ) varDef <- makeMRFromText(ds2$delimed_text, delim = "; ", name = "New Mr", selected = "Yes", not_selected = "No", unanswered = NA ) expect_equivalent(varDef, expected) }) test_that("deriveArray with subvariable expr creates a categorical VariableDefinition", { expect_json_equivalent( deriveArray( subvariables = list(VariableDefinition(ds$gender == "Male", name = "male")), name = "Gender MR", numeric = FALSE ), list( name = "Gender MR", derivation = list( `function` = "array", args = list(list( `function` = "make_frame", args = list(list( map = list( c(zcl(ds$gender == "Male"), list(references = list(name = "male"))) ) ), list(value = I("0001"))) )), kwargs = list(numeric = list(value = FALSE)) ) ) ) }) test_that("deriveArray with subvariable expr creates a numeric VariableDefinition", { expect_json_equivalent( deriveArray( subvariables = list(VariableDefinition(ds$birthyr + 10, name = "birthyr + 10")), name = "birthyr addition", numeric = TRUE ), list( name = "birthyr addition", derivation = list( `function` = "array", args = list(list( `function` = "make_frame", args = list(list( map = list( c(zcl(ds$birthyr + 10), list(references = list(name = "birthyr + 10"))) #nolint ) ), list(value = I("0001"))) )), kwargs = list(numeric = list(value = TRUE)) ) ) ) }) }) with_test_authentication({ whereas("We bind with makeArray", { ds <- mrdf.setup(newDataset(mrdf), name = "arrayVar") test_that("can make Categorical Array with Dataset subset", { expect_equal(c("arrayVar", "v4"), names(ds)) expect_true(is.CA(ds$arrayVar)) }) test_that("can delete the array we just bound", { with_consent(ds$arrayVar <- NULL) expect_identical(names(ds), "v4") expect_identical(ncol(ds), 1L) }) }) whereas("Testing dichotomizing and undichotomizing", { ds <- mrdf.setup(newDataset(mrdf), name = "arrayVar") var <- ds$arrayVar test_that("setup to make MultipleResponse from CategoricalArray", { expect_true(is.CA(var)) }) test_that("can make MultipleResponse from CategoricalArray by editing category$selected", { categories(var)[[1]]$selected <- TRUE var <- refresh(var) ## Refresh required if changing type by editing categories expect_true(is.Multiple(var)) categories(var)[[1]]$selected <- FALSE var <- refresh(var) ## Refresh required if changing type by editing categories expect_true(is.CA(var)) }) test_that(paste0( "can make MultipleResponse from CategoricalArray by dichotomizing ", "categories (and back by undichotomize)" ), { categories(var) <- dichotomize(categories(var), 1) var <- refresh(var) ## Refresh required if changing type by editing categories expect_true(is.Multiple(var)) categories(var) <- undichotomize(categories(var)) var <- refresh(var) ## Refresh required if changing type by editing categories expect_true(is.CA(var)) }) test_that("can (un)dichotomize directly on the variable", { var <- dichotomize(var, 1) expect_true(is.Multiple(var)) expect_true(is.Multiple(refresh(var))) var <- undichotomize(var) expect_true(is.CA(var)) expect_true(is.CA(refresh(var))) }) test_that("can (un)dichotomize on var in dataset", { ds <- refresh(ds) ds$arrayVar <- dichotomize(ds$arrayVar, 1) expect_true(is.Multiple(ds$arrayVar)) expect_true(is.Multiple(refresh(ds)$arrayVar)) ds$arrayVar <- undichotomize(ds$arrayVar) expect_true(is.CA(ds$arrayVar)) expect_true(is.CA(refresh(ds)$arrayVar)) }) }) test_that("can make MultipleResponse directly", { ds <- newDataset(mrdf) cast.these <- grep("mr_", names(ds)) ds[cast.these] <- lapply(ds[cast.these], castVariable, "categorical") ds$arrayVar <- makeMR(ds[cast.these], name = "arrayVar", selections = "1.0") var <- ds$arrayVar expect_true(is.Multiple(var)) var <- undichotomize(var) expect_true(is.CA(var)) ## unbind. u <- unbind(var) ds <- refresh(ds) expect_true(setequal(names(ds), names(mrdf))) expect_identical(ncol(ds), 4L) }) whereas("makeMRFromText functions as expected", { ds <- mrdf.setup(newDataset(mrdf)) v <- c("ma.ple; birch", "oak; ma.ple; birch", "birch; sugar maple", "maple butter; oak") ds$delim <- c( "ma.ple; birch", "oak; ma.ple; birch", "birch; sugar maple", "maple butter; oak" ) test_that("makeMRFromText creates a variable", { ds$mr_5 <- makeMRFromText(ds$delim, delim = "; ", name = "myMR") expect_true(is.derived(ds$mr_5)) expect_equivalent(dim(as.vector(ds$mr_5)), c(nrow(ds), 5)) }) }) whereas("deriveArray with subvariables functions as expected", { ds <- newDataset(mrdf) ds$mrVar <- deriveArray( list(VariableDefinition(ds$v4 == "B", name = "subvar name", alias = "sv_alias")), name = "MR Variable", numeric = FALSE ) test_that("can make MR with formMR", { expect_identical(names(ds), c(names(mrdf), "mrVar")) expect_true(is.MR(ds$mrVar)) expect_true(is.Categorical(ds$mrVar$sv_alias)) expect_equal(unclass(as.vector(table(ds$mrVar$sv_alias))), c(2, 2)) }) }) })