context("Expressions") # Skip tests on windows (because they're slow and CRAN complains) if (tolower([["sysname"]]) != "windows") { test_that(".dispatchFilter uses right numeric function", { ## Use expect_prints because toJSON returns class "json" but prints correctly expect_prints( toJSON(.dispatchFilter(5)), paste0( '{"function":"==","args":[{"function":"row",', '"args":[]},{"value":4}]}' ) ) expect_prints( toJSON(.dispatchFilter(c(5, 7))), paste0( '{"function":"in","args":[{"function":"row",', '"args":[]},{"column":[4,6]}]}' ) ) expect_prints( toJSON(.dispatchFilter(5:7)), paste0( '{"function":"between","args":[{"function":"row",', '"args":[]},{"value":4},', '{"value":6},{"value":[true,true]}]}' ) ) }) with_mock_crunch({ ds <- cachedLoadDataset("test ds") test_that("is method works for both expressions and logical expressions", { expect_true(is.CrunchExpr(ds$birthyr + 5)) expect_true(is.CrunchExpr(ds$birthyr == 5)) }) test_that("Arithmetic generates expressions", { e1 <- ds$birthyr + 5 expect_is(e1, "CrunchExpr") zexp <- list( `function` = "+", args = list( list(variable = ""), list(value = 5) ) ) expect_equivalent(zcl(e1), zexp) expect_prints(e1, "Crunch expression: birthyr + 5") e2 <- 5 + ds$birthyr expect_is(e2, "CrunchExpr") expect_prints(e2, "Crunch expression: 5 + birthyr") }) test_that("Integer printing removes L", { e1 <- ds$birthyr + 1L expect_is(e1, "CrunchExpr") expect_prints(e1, "Crunch expression: birthyr + 1") }) test_that("Logic generates expressions", { e1 <- ds$birthyr < 0 expect_is(e1, "CrunchLogicalExpr") expect_prints(e1, "Crunch logical expression: birthyr < 0") }) test_that("R logical & CrunchLogicalExpr", { expect_is( c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) & ds$gender == "Female", "CrunchLogicalExpr" ) expect_is( c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) | ds$gender == "Female", "CrunchLogicalExpr" ) expect_is( ds$gender == "Female" & c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), "CrunchLogicalExpr" ) expect_is( ds$gender == "Female" | c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), "CrunchLogicalExpr" ) }) test_that("Datetime operations: logical", { expect_prints( ds$starttime == "2015-01-01", 'Crunch logical expression: starttime == "2015-01-01"' ) expect_prints( ds$starttime > "2015-01-01", 'Crunch logical expression: starttime > "2015-01-01"' ) expect_prints( ds$starttime == as.Date("2015-01-01"), 'Crunch logical expression: starttime == "2015-01-01"' ) expect_prints( ds$starttime > as.Date("2015-01-01"), 'Crunch logical expression: starttime > "2015-01-01"' ) }) test_that("Logical expr with categoricals", { expect_is(ds$gender == "Male", "CrunchLogicalExpr") expect_prints( ds$gender == "Male", 'Crunch logical expression: gender == "Male"' ) expect_prints( ds$gender == as.factor("Male"), 'Crunch logical expression: gender == "Male"' ) expect_prints( ds$gender %in% "Male", 'Crunch logical expression: gender %in% "Male"' ) expect_prints( ds$gender %in% as.factor("Male"), 'Crunch logical expression: gender %in% "Male"' ) expect_prints( ds$gender %in% c("Male", "Female"), 'Crunch logical expression: gender %in% c("Male", "Female")' ) expect_prints( ds$gender %in% as.factor(c("Male", "Female")), 'Crunch logical expression: gender %in% c("Male", "Female")' ) expect_prints( ds$gender != "Female", 'Crunch logical expression: gender != "Female"' ) expect_prints( ds$gender != as.factor("Female"), 'Crunch logical expression: gender != "Female"' ) }) test_that("Referencing category names that don't exist warns and drops", { expect_warning( expect_prints( ds$gender == "other", "Crunch logical expression: gender %in% character(0)" ), paste("Category not found:", dQuote("other")) ) expect_warning( expect_prints( ds$gender %in% c("other", "Male", "another"), 'Crunch logical expression: gender %in% "Male"' ), paste( "Categories not found:", dQuote("other"), "and", dQuote("another") ) ) expect_warning( expect_prints( ds$gender != "other", "Crunch logical expression: !gender %in% character(0)" ), paste("Category not found:", dQuote("other")) ) }) test_that("Show method for logical expressions", { expect_prints( ds$gender %in% c("Male", "Female"), 'Crunch logical expression: gender %in% c("Male", "Female"' ) expect_prints( ds$gender %in% 1:2, 'Crunch logical expression: gender %in% c("Male", "Female"' ) expect_prints( ds$birthyr == 1945 | ds$birthyr < 1941, "birthyr == 1945 | birthyr < 1941" ) expect_prints( ds$gender %in% "Male" & !$birthyr), 'gender %in% "Male" & !' ) expect_prints( !(ds$gender == "Male"), 'Crunch logical expression: !gender == "Male"' ) ## TODO: better parentheses for ^^ expect_prints( duplicated(ds$gender), "Crunch logical expression: duplicated(gender)" ) expect_prints( duplicated(ds$gender == "Male"), 'Crunch logical expression: duplicated(gender == "Male")' ) }) test_that("Can subset a CrunchExpr with R values", { age <- 2016 - ds$birthyr ## Note: no check for correct number of rows expect_is(age[c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)], "CrunchExpr") expect_prints( toJSON(activeFilter(age[c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)])), paste0( '{"function":"in","args":[{"function":"row",', '"args":[]},{"column":[0,2]}]}' ) ) expect_is(age[c(1, 3)], "CrunchExpr") expect_prints( toJSON(activeFilter(age[c(1, 3)])), paste0( '{"function":"in","args":[{"function":"row",', '"args":[]},{"column":[0,2]}]}' ) ) }) test_that("Show method for expresssions", { skip("TODO: something intelligent with parentheses and order of operations (GH issue #99)") print(ds$birthyr * 3 + 5) print(3 * (ds$birthyr + 5)) }) test_that("as.vector for 3VL CrunchLogicalExpr returns R logical", { vals <- as.vector(ds$birthyr == 1945 | ds$birthyr < 1941) expect_true(is.logical(vals)) expect_equal(which(ds$birthyr == 1945 | ds$birthyr < 1941), 4:20) }) test_that("crunchDifftime expr", { expr <- crunchDifftime(ds$starttime, ds$starttime) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"difftime","args":[{"variable":""},', #nolint '{"variable":""},null]}' ) ) expect_error( crunchDifftime(ds$gender, ds$gender), "variable must be of type 'Datetime' for crunchDifftime" ) }) test_that("datetimeFromCols expr", { expr <- datetimeFromCols(ds$birthyr, ds$birthyr, ds$birthyr) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"datetime","args":[{"variable":""},', #nolint '{"variable":""},', '{"variable":""},null,null,null]}' #nolint ) ) expect_error( datetimeFromCols(ds$gender, ds$gender, ds$gender), "variable must be of type 'Numeric' for datetimeFromCols" ) }) test_that("%ornm% expr", { expr <- (ds$birthyr == 1945) %ornm% (ds$birthyr < 1941) expect_is(expr, "CrunchLogicalExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"ornm","args":[{"function":"==","args":', '[{"variable":""},', '{"value":1945}]},{"function":"<","args":[{"variable":', '""},{"value":1941}]}]}' ) ) }) test_that("is.valid expr", { expr <- is.valid(ds$birthyr) expect_is(expr, "CrunchLogicalExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"is_valid","args":[{"variable":""}]}' #nolint ) ) }) test_that("makeFrame categorical vars exoression", { expr <- makeFrame(ds[c("gender", "location")]) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"array","args":[{"function":"make_frame","args":[{"map":{"0001":{"variable":', # nolint '""},"0002":{"variable":', '""}}},{"value":', '["0001","0002"]}]}],"kwargs":{"numeric":{"value":false}}}' ) ) }) test_that("makeFrame numeric vars expression", { expr <- makeFrame(ds[c("birthyr")]) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"array","args":[{"function":"make_frame","args":[{"map":{"0001":{"variable":', # nolint '""}}},{"value":', '["0001"]}]}],"kwargs":{"numeric":{"value":true}}}' ) ) }) test_that("makeFrame from expressions expression works", { expect_json_equivalent( makeFrame( list(VariableDefinition(ds$gender == "Male", name = "male")), numeric = FALSE )@expression, list( `function` = "array", args = list(list( `function` = "make_frame", args = list(list( map = list( c(zcl(ds$gender == "Male"), list(references = list(name = "male"))) ) ), list(value = I("0001"))) )), kwargs = list(numeric = list(value = FALSE)) ) ) }) test_that("makeFrame from expressions expression requires numeric arg", { expect_error( deriveArray( subvariables = list(VariableDefinition(ds$gender == "Male", name = "male")), name = "Gender MR" ), "Could not guess array type, specify `numeric` argument in `makeFrame()`", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("makeFrame type checks numeric arg", { expect_error( deriveArray( subvariables = list(VariableDefinition(ds$gender == "Male", name = "male")), name = "Gender MR", numeric = "WRONG" ), "Expected `numeric` argument of `makeFrame()` to be TRUE or FALSE", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("makeFrame errors on single subvar", { expect_error( deriveArray( subvariables = VariableDefinition(ds$gender == "Male", name = "male"), name = "Gender MR" ), "Expected a Variable Catalog or a list of Variables/Expressions/VarDefs", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("selectCategories expr", { expr <- selectCategories(ds$gender, "Male") expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"as_selected","args":[{"function":"select_categories","args":', '[{"variable":""},', '{"value":["Male"]}]}]}' ) ) }) test_that("crunchBetween expr", { expr <- crunchBetween(ds$birthyr, 3, 5) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"between","args":[{"variable":""},', # nolint '{"value":3},{"value":5},{"value":[true,false]}]}' ) ) expect_error( crunchBetween(ds$gender, 3, 5), "variable must be of type 'Numeric' for crunchBetween" ) }) test_that("rowAll expr", { expr <- rowAll(ds$mymrset) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"all","args":[{"variable":""}]}' # nolint ) ) expect_error(rowAll(ds$gender), "variable must be of type 'Array' for rowAll") }) test_that("rowAny expr", { expr <- rowAny(ds$mymrset) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"any","args":[{"variable":""}]}' # nolint ) ) expect_error(rowAny(ds$birthyr), "variable must be of type 'Array' for rowAny") }) test_that("rowAnyNA expr", { expr <- rowAnyNA(ds$mymrset) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"any_missing","args":[{"variable":""}]}' # nolint ) ) expect_error(rowAnyNA(ds$gender), "variable must be of type 'Array' for rowAnyNA") }) test_that("rowAllNA expr", { expr <- rowAllNA(ds$mymrset) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"all_missing","args":[{"variable":""}]}' # nolint ) ) expect_error(rowAllNA(ds$gender), "variable must be of type 'Array' for rowAllNA") }) test_that("complete.cases expr", { expr <- complete.cases(ds$mymrset) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"complete_cases","args":[{"variable":""}]}' # nolint ) ) expect_error( complete.cases(ds$gender), "variable must be of type 'Array' for complete.cases" ) }) test_that("is.selected expr", { expr <- is.selected(ds$gender) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"selected","args":[{"variable":""}]}' # nolint ) ) expect_error( is.selected(ds$birthyr), "variable must be of type 'Categorical' for is.selected" ) }) test_that("asSelected expr", { expr <- asSelected(ds$mymrset) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"as_selected","args":[{"variable":""}]}' # nolint ) ) expect_error( asSelected(ds$birthyr), paste0( "variable must be of type 'Categorical', 'Categorical Array', ", "'Multiple Response' for asSelected" ) ) }) test_that("selectedDepth expr", { expr <- selectedDepth(ds$mymrset) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"selected_depth","args":[{"variable":""}]}' # nolint ) ) expect_error( selectedDepth(ds$gender), "variable must be of type 'Multiple Response' for selectedDepth" ) }) test_that("arraySelections expr", { expr <- arraySelections(ds$mymrset) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"selections","args":[{"variable":""}]}' # nolint ) ) expect_error( arraySelections(ds$gender), "variable must be of type 'Multiple Response' for arraySelections" ) }) test_that("nchar expr", { expr <- nchar(ds$textVar) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"char_length","args":[{"variable":""}]}' # nolint ) ) expect_error(nchar(ds$gender), "variable must be of type 'Text' for nchar") }) test_that("trim expr", { expr <- trim(ds$birthyr, 1950, 2000) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"trim","args":[{"variable":""},', # nolint '{"value":1950},{"value":2000}]}' ) ) expect_error(trim(ds$gender), "variable must be of type 'Numeric' for trim") }) test_that("alterCategoriesExpr - var: ids", { expr <- alterCategoriesExpr( ds$catarray, list(list(id = 1, name = "AAA")), c(2, 1, -1), list(list(id = "subvar1", name = "ZZZ")) ) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"alter_categories","args":[{"variable":""}],', # nolint '"kwargs":{"categories":{"value":[{"id":1,"name":"AAA"}]},"order":{"value":[2,1,-1]},', #nolint '"subvariables":{"value":[{"id":"subvar1","name":"ZZZ"}]}}}' ) ) }) test_that("alterCategoriesExpr - var: names", { expr <- alterCategoriesExpr( ds$catarray, list(list(old_name = "A", name = "AAA")), c("B", "A", "No Data"), list(list(old_name = "Second", name = "ZZZ")) ) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"alter_categories","args":[{"variable":""}],', # nolint '"kwargs":{"categories":{"value":[{"id":1,"name":"AAA"}]},"order":{"value":[2,1,-1]},', #nolint '"subvariables":{"value":[{"id":"subvar1","name":"ZZZ"}]}}}' ) ) }) test_that("alterCategoriesExpr - var: subvar alias", { expr <- alterCategoriesExpr( ds$catarray, subvariables = list(list(alias = "subvar1", name = "ZZZ")) ) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"alter_categories","args":[{"variable":""}],', # nolint '"kwargs":{"subvariables":{"value":[{"id":"subvar1","name":"ZZZ"}]}}}' ) ) }) test_that("alterCategoriesExpr - expr: ids", { expr <- alterCategoriesExpr( selectCategories(ds$catarray, "A"), list(list(id = 1, name = "AAA")), c(2, 1, -1), list(list(id = "subvar1", name = "ZZZ")) ) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"alter_categories","args":[{"function":"as_selected","args":', '[{"function":"select_categories","args":', '[{"variable":""},', '{"value":["A"]}]}]}],"kwargs":{', '"categories":{"value":[{"id":1,"name":"AAA"}]},"order":{"value":[2,1,-1]},', '"subvariables":{"value":[{"id":"subvar1","name":"ZZZ"}]}}}' ) ) }) test_that("alterCategoriesExpr - expr: names (failures)", { # Wrong var type expect_error( alterCategoriesExpr(ds$birthyr, list(list(id = 1, name = "AAA"))), "variable must be of type 'Array', 'Categorical' for alterCategoriesExpr" ) # Rely on names when have an expression expect_error( alterCategoriesExpr( selectCategories(ds$catarray, "A"), categories = list(list(old_name = "A", name = "AAA")) ), "Must use category ids when modifying categories of an expression" ) expect_error( alterCategoriesExpr( selectCategories(ds$catarray, "A"), category_order = c("B", "A", "No Data"), ), "Must use category ids when reordering categories of an expression" ) expect_error( alterCategoriesExpr( selectCategories(ds$catarray, "A"), subvariables = list(list(old_name = "Second", name = "ZZZ")) ), "Must use subvariable ids when modifying subvariable names of an expression" ) # bad category name modify expect_error( alterCategoriesExpr( ds$catarray, list(list(old_name = "XYZ", name = "AAA")), ), "Could not find category with old name 'XYZ'" ) # bad category name reorder expect_error( alterCategoriesExpr( ds$catarray, category_order = c("XYZ", "A", "No Data"), ), "Categories 'XYZ' not found in data" ) # bad subvariable name expect_error( alterCategoriesExpr( ds$catarray, subvariables = list(list(old_name = "XYZ", name = "ZZZ")) ), "Could not find subvariable with old name 'XYZ'" ) # bad subvariable alias expect_error( alterCategoriesExpr( ds$catarray, subvariables = list(list(alias = "XYZ", name = "ZZZ")) ), "Could not find subvariable with alias 'XYZ'" ) }) test_that("alterArrayExpr - add var and order", { expr <- alterArrayExpr( ds$mymrset, add = list("4" = ds$gender), order = c("gender", "4", "subvar1", "subvar3"), order_id = "id" ) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"alter_array","args":[{"variable":', '""}],', '"kwargs":{"add":{"map":{"4":{"variable":', '""}}},', '"order":{"value":["gender","4","subvar1","subvar3"]}}}' ) ) }) test_that("alterArrayExpr - add var and order by new alias", { expr <- alterArrayExpr( ds$mymrset, add = list("4" = VarDef(alias = "new_gender", ds$gender)), order = c("subvar2", "new_gender", "subvar1", "subvar3") ) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"alter_array","args":[{"variable":', '""}],', '"kwargs":{"add":{"map":{"4":{"variable":', '"",', '"references":{"alias":"new_gender"}}}},', '"order":{"value":["gender","4","subvar1","subvar3"]}}}' ) ) }) test_that("alterArrayExpr - add var no order", { expr <- alterArrayExpr( ds$mymrset, add = list(ds$gender), ) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"alter_array","args":[{"variable":', '""}],', '"kwargs":{"add":{"map":{"1":{"variable":', '""}}},', '"order":{"value":["gender","subvar1","subvar3","1"]}}}' ) ) }) test_that("alterArrayExpr - remove var", { expr <- alterArrayExpr( ds$mymrset, remove = "gender", remove_id = "id" ) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"alter_array","args":[{"variable":', '""}],', '"kwargs":{"remove":{"value":["gender"]}}}' ) ) expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(alterArrayExpr(ds$mymrset, remove = "subvar2", remove_id = "alias")@expression)), #nolint unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)) ) expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(alterArrayExpr(ds$mymrset, remove = "First", remove_id = "name")@expression)), #nolint unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)) ) }) test_that("alterArrayExpr - subreferences", { expr <- alterArrayExpr( ds$mymrset, subreferences = list("subvar2" = list(name = "new name")) ) expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"alter_array","args":[{"variable":', '""}],', '"kwargs":{"subreferences":{"value":{"gender":{"name":"new name"}}}}}' ) ) }) test_that("arraySubsetExpr", { # aliases expr <- arraySubsetExpr(ds$catarray, c("subvar1", "subvar3"), "alias") expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"array_subset","args":[{"variable":""},', # nolint '{"value":["subvar1","subvar3"]}]}' ) ) # names expr <- arraySubsetExpr(ds$catarray, c("Second", "Last"), "name") expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"array_subset","args":[{"variable":""},', # nolint '{"value":["subvar1","subvar3"]}]}' ) ) # ids expr <- arraySubsetExpr(ds$catarray, c("subvar1", "subvar3"), "id") expect_is(expr, "CrunchExpr") expect_equal( unclass(toJSON(expr@expression)), paste0( '{"function":"array_subset","args":[{"variable":""},', # nolint '{"value":["subvar1","subvar3"]}]}' ) ) # fail expect_error( arraySubsetExpr(ds$catarray, c("XYZ", "subvar3"), "alias"), "Could not find subvariables with alias 'XYZ'" ) # fail expect_error( arraySubsetExpr(asSelected(ds$catarray), c("subvar1", "subvar2"), "alias"), "Must provide subvariable ids when x is an expression" ) expect_error( arraySubsetExpr(ds$gender), "variable must be of type 'Array' for arraySubsetExpr" ) }) }) with_test_authentication({ ds <- newDataset(df) ds$q1 <- factor(rep(c("selected", "not selected"), 10)) test_that("Arithmetic expressions evaluate", { e1 <- ds$v3 + 5 expect_is(e1, "CrunchExpr") e2 <- 5 + ds$v3 expect_is(e2, "CrunchExpr") expect_identical(as.vector(e1), as.vector(ds$v3) + 5) expect_identical(as.vector(e1), as.vector(e2)) expect_identical(as.vector(ds$v3 * ds$v3), df$v3^2) # nolint }) ds <- forceVariableCatalog(ds) # force variable catalog so we can count requests uncached({ with_mock(`crunch::.crunchPageSize` = function(x) 5L, { with(temp.option(httpcache.log = ""), { avlog <- capture.output(v35 <- as.vector(ds$v3 + 5)) }) test_that("as.vector with CrunchExpr is paginated", { logdf <- loadLogfile(textConnection(avlog)) ## GET /values/ 4x ## to get data, then a 5th GET /values/ that returns 0 ## values, which breaks the pagination loop expect_identical(logdf$verb, rep("GET", 5)) expect_identical(grep("table", logdf$url), 1:5) }) test_that("getValues returns the same result when paginated", { expect_equivalent(v35, df$v3 + 5) }) }) }) test_that("Logical expressions evaluate", { e1 <- ds$v3 > 10 expect_is(e1, "CrunchLogicalExpr") expect_identical(as.vector(e1), df$v3 > 10) expect_identical(which(e1), which(df$v3 > 10)) }) test_that("Logical expressions with text variables evaluate", { e2 <- try(ds$v2 == "a") expect_is(e2, "CrunchLogicalExpr") na_filt <- !$v2) # Crunch and R evaluate NA == "a" differently expect_identical(as.vector(e2)[na_filt], df[na_filt, ]$v2 == "a") expect_identical(which(e2), which(df$v2 == "a")) }) test_that("R & Crunch logical together", { e1 <- ds$v3 < 10 | c(rep(FALSE, 15), rep(TRUE, 5)) expect_equivalent( as.vector(ds$v3[e1]), c(8, 9, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27) ) e2 <- TRUE &$v2) expect_equivalent( as.vector(ds$v3[e2]), 23:27 ) e3 <- df$v4 == "B" &$v1) ## Note df expect_equivalent( as.vector(ds$v3[e3]), c(8, 10, 12) ) }) test_that("expressions on expressions evaluate", { e3 <- ds$v3 + ds$v3 + 10 expect_is(e3, "CrunchExpr") expect_prints(e3, "Crunch expression: v3 + v3 + 10") expect_identical(as.vector(e3), 2 * df$v3 + 10) e4 <- ds$v3 + ds$v3 * 2 expect_is(e4, "CrunchExpr") expect_prints(e4, "Crunch expression: v3 + v3 * 2") expect_identical(as.vector(e4), 3 * df$v3) }) varnames <- names(df[-6]) test_that("Select values with Numeric inequality filter", { e5 <- ds$v3[ds$v3 < 10] expect_is(e5, "CrunchVariable") expect_identical(as.vector(e5), c(8, 9)) for (i in varnames) { expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds[[i]][ds$v3 < 10]), df[[i]][1:2], info = i ) } }) test_that("Select values with %in% on Numeric", { for (i in varnames) { expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds[[i]][ds$v3 %in% 10]), df[[i]][3], info = i ) expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds[[i]][ds$v3 %in% c(10, 12)]), df[[i]][c(3, 5)], info = i ) } }) test_that("Select values with %in% on Categorical", { expect_length(as.vector(ds$v3[ds$v4 %in% "B"]), 10) for (i in varnames) { expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds[[i]][ds$v4 %in% "B"]), df[[i]][df$v4 %in% "B"], info = i ) } expect_length(as.vector(ds$v3[ds$q1 %in% "selected"]), 10) }) test_that("Select values with %in% on nonexistent categories", { expect_length(as.vector(ds$v3[ds$v4 %in% numeric(0)]), 0) expect_length(as.vector(ds$v3[!(ds$v4 %in% numeric(0))]), 20) expect_warning( expect_length(as.vector(ds$v3[ds$v4 == "other"]), 0), paste0("Category not found: ", dQuote("other"), ". Dropping.") ) expect_warning( expect_length(as.vector(ds$v3[ds$v4 != "other"]), 20), paste0("Category not found: ", dQuote("other"), ". Dropping.") ) }) uncached({ with_mock(`crunch::.crunchPageSize` = function(x) 5L, { with(temp.option(httpcache.log = ""), { avlog <- capture.output(v3.5 <- as.vector(ds$v3[ds$v4 %in% "B"])) }) test_that("Select values with %in% on Categorical, paginated", { logdf <- loadLogfile(textConnection(avlog)) ## GET v3 entity to get /values/ URL, ## GET v3 entity to get categories to construct expr, ## GET /values/ 2x to get data, ## then a 3rd GET /values/ that returns 0 ## values, which breaks the pagination loop expect_identical(logdf$verb, rep("GET", 5)) expect_identical(grep("values", logdf$url), 3:5) expect_equivalent(v3.5, df$v3[df$v4 %in% "B"]) }) }) }) test_that("Select values with &ed filter", { expect_equivalent( as.vector(ds$v3[ds$v3 >= 10 & ds$v3 < 13]), 10:12 ) f <- ds$v3 >= 10 & ds$v3 < 13 expect_is(f, "CrunchLogicalExpr") for (i in varnames) { expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds[[i]][f]), df[[i]][3:5], info = i ) } }) test_that("Select values with negated filter", { expect_equivalent( as.vector(ds$v3[!(ds$v4 %in% "B")]), df$v3[df$v4 %in% "C"] ) for (i in varnames) { expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds[[i]][!(ds$v4 %in% "B")]), df[[i]][df$v4 %in% "C"], info = i ) } }) test_that("R numeric filter evaluates", { expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$v3[6]), df$v3[6]) }) test_that("If R numeric filter is a range, 'between' is correct", { expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$v3[3:18]), df$v3[3:18]) # even if the range is reversed expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$v3[18:3]), df$v3[3:18]) }) test_that("If R numeric filter has NAs there are no errors", { expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$v3[c(1, NA, 2)]), df$v3[c(1, 2)]) # even if the NAs are at the beginning or end expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$v3[c(1, 2, NA)]), df$v3[c(1, 2)]) expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$v3[c(NA, 1, 2)]), df$v3[c(1, 2)]) }) test_that("R logical filter evaluates", { expect_identical(as.vector(ds$v3[df$v3 < 10]), c(8, 9)) }) test_that("filtered categorical returns factor", { expect_equivalent( as.vector(ds$v4[ds$v4 == "B"]), factor(rep("B", 10)) ) }) test_that("duplicated method", { expect_identical(which(duplicated(ds$v3)), integer(0)) expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$v3[duplicated(ds$v4)]), 10:27) expect_identical(which(duplicated(ds$v3 + 4)), integer(0)) expect_identical(which(duplicated(ds$v4)), 3:20) }) test_that("rollupResolution can be set", { expect_null(rollupResolution(ds$v5)) rollupResolution(ds$v5) <- "M" expect_identical(rollupResolution(ds$v5), "M") }) }) }