context("CrunchBox") test_that("Box size limit check", { expect_false(boxTooBig(0, 0)) expect_false(boxTooBig(1, 0)) expect_false(boxTooBig(0, 1)) expect_true(boxTooBig(100, 6)) }) test_that("Embed URL", { expect_identical( boxdataToWidgetURL( "http://cf.example/d/stuff/1a1577c91fbb2c1cbd3800e181188508/dataset.json" ), "//" ) expect_identical( boxdataToWidgetURL("//"), "//" ) }) test_that("Iframe code (prints and returns invisibly)", { expect_output( expect_identical( embedCrunchBox( "http://cf.example/d/stuff/1a1577c91fbb2c1cbd3800e181188508/dataset.json" ), paste0( '' ) ), paste0( '' ), fixed = TRUE ) }) iframe_with_logo <- paste0( '
' ) iframe_with_title <- paste0( '
Example title here
' ) test_that("Iframe code with logo", { expect_output( expect_identical( embedCrunchBox( "http://cf.example/d/stuff/1a1577c91fbb2c1cbd3800e181188508/dataset.json", logo = "//" ), iframe_with_logo ), iframe_with_logo, fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("Iframe code with title", { expect_output( expect_identical( embedCrunchBox( "http://cf.example/d/stuff/1a1577c91fbb2c1cbd3800e181188508/dataset.json", title = "Example title here" ), iframe_with_title ), iframe_with_title, fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("color validator validates", { expect_error( validHexColor(1), "A color must be a character, got numeric instead" ) expect_error( validHexColor("#ffeeaaffeeaa"), "is not a valid hex color" ) expect_error( validHexColor("#zzzzzz"), paste0(dQuote("#zzzzzz"), " is not a valid hex color") ) expect_error( validHexColor("#aabbc"), paste0(dQuote("#aabbc"), " is not a valid hex color") ) expect_equal(validHexColor("#d3d3d3"), "#d3d3d3") expect_equal(validHexColor("d3d3d3"), "#d3d3d3") expect_equal(validHexColor("#d3d3d3ff"), "#d3d3d3") expect_equal(validHexColor("d3d3d3ff"), "#d3d3d3") expect_equal(validHexColor("aliceblue"), "#F0F8FF") }) with_mock_crunch({ ds <- cachedLoadDataset("test ds") ds3 <- cachedLoadDataset("ECON.sav") test_that("preCrunchBoxCheck does not error", { expect_prints( preCrunchBoxCheck(ds), paste0( "We recommend using only categorical and multiple_response variables. ", "These 4 variables have an unsupported type" ) ) }) test_that("Basic box", { expect_POST( crunchBox(ds, filters = NULL), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"filters":[],"weight":null}}' ) }) test_that("Basic box with metadata and filters", { expect_POST( crunchBox(ds, title = "Test box"), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"filters":[', '{"filter":""},', '{"filter":""}],', '"weight":null,"title":"Test box"}}' ) }) test_that("Select variables in box", { expect_POST( crunchBox(ds[2:5], filters = NULL), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"filters":[],"weight":null,', '"where":{"function":"select","args":[{"map":{', '"66ae9881e3524f7db84970d556c34552":', '{"variable":""},', '"loc":', '{"variable":""},', '"949d2dc7e7a24e6090cc88bb92e1d2fb":', '{"variable":""},', '"text":{"variable":""}', "}}]}}}" ) }) test_that("Hidden variables are automatically 'selected' out (and weight is used)", { expect_POST( crunchBox(ds3), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"filters":[],', '"weight":"",', '"where":{"function":"select","args":[{"map":{', '"66ae9881e3524f7db84970d556c34552":', '{"variable":""},', '"d7c21314ca9e453c93069168681a285c":', '{"variable":""}}}]}}}' ) }) test_that("Can override the current weight", { expect_POST( crunchBox(ds3, weight = NULL), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"filters":[],', '"weight":null,', '"where":{"function":"select","args":[{"map":{', '"66ae9881e3524f7db84970d556c34552":', '{"variable":""},', '"d7c21314ca9e453c93069168681a285c":', '{"variable":""}}}]}}}' ) }) test_that("Select filters in box", { expect_POST( crunchBox(ds, filters = filters(ds)[c(2, 1)], title = "Test box"), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"filters":[', '{"filter":""},', '{"filter":""}],', '"weight":null,"title":"Test box"}}' ) expect_POST( crunchBox(ds, filters = filters(ds)[2]), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"filters":[', '{"filter":""}],', '"weight":null}}' ) }) test_that("Boxes can have color palletes specified", { expect_POST( crunchBox(ds, brand_colors = c("#ff0aa4", "#af17ff", "#260aff"), filters = NULL ), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"filters":[],"weight":null,', '"display_settings":{"palette":{"brand_colors":', '{"primary":"#ff0aa4","secondary":"#af17ff",', '"message":"#260aff"}}}}}' ) expect_POST( crunchBox(ds, brand_colors = c(message = "#ff0aa4", secondary = "#af17ff", primary = "#260aff"), filters = NULL ), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"filters":[],"weight":null,', '"display_settings":{"palette":{"brand_colors":', '{"message":"#ff0aa4","secondary":"#af17ff",', '"primary":"#260aff"}}}}}' ) expect_POST( crunchBox(ds, brand_colors = list( secondary = "#af17ff", message = "#ff0aa4", primary = "#260aff" ), filters = NULL ), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"filters":[],"weight":null,', '"display_settings":{"palette":{"brand_colors":', '{"secondary":"#af17ff","message":"#ff0aa4",', '"primary":"#260aff"}}}}}' ) expect_POST( crunchBox(ds, static_colors = list( "#ff0aa4", "#af17ff", "#260aff" ), filters = NULL ), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"filters":[],"weight":null,', '"display_settings":{"palette":{"static_colors":', '["#ff0aa4","#af17ff","#260aff"]}}}}' ) expect_POST( crunchBox(ds, category_color_lookup = list( "cat1" = "#ff0aa4", "cat2" = "#af17ff", "cat3" = "#260aff" ), filters = NULL ), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"filters":[],"weight":null,', '"display_settings":{"palette":{"category_lookup":', '{"cat1":"#ff0aa4","cat2":"#af17ff",', '"cat3":"#260aff"}}}}}' ) }) test_that("Input validation", { expect_error(crunchBox(), "'dataset' must be a CrunchDataset") expect_error(crunchBox(4), "'dataset' must be a CrunchDataset") expect_error( crunchBox(ds, 4), "'filters' should be a FilterCatalog or NULL" ) expect_error( crunchBox(ds, brand_colors = c( "#ff0aa4", "#af17ff", "#260aff", "#ff0aa4", "#af17ff", "#260aff" )), paste0( sQuote("brand_colors"), " must be at most 3 elements long" ) ) expect_error( crunchBox(ds, brand_colors = 1), paste0( sQuote("brand_colors"), " must be character ", "vector or list of characters" ) ) expect_error( crunchBox(ds, brand_colors = list(a = "aabbcc")), paste0( "If ", sQuote("brand_colors"), " is a named list, it must contain only ", serialPaste(dQuote(c("primary", "secondary", "message")), collapse = "and" ) ) ) expect_error( crunchBox(ds, static_colors = 1), paste0( sQuote("static_colors"), " must be a vector or ", "list of characters" ) ) expect_error( crunchBox(ds, category_color_lookup = "a"), paste0(sQuote("category_color_lookup"), " must be a named list") ) expect_error( crunchBox(ds, category_color_lookup = list("a")), paste0(sQuote("category_color_lookup"), " must be a named list") ) }) test_that("Box too big message", { with_mock(`crunch:::.boxlimit` = function() -1, { expect_error( crunchBox(ds[2:5], filters = filters(ds)[1]), "4 variables and 1 filter results in too many cubes" ) expect_error( crunchBox(ds[2]), "1 variable and 2 filters results in too many cubes" ) }) }) }) with_test_authentication({ testdf <-[1:8], function(x) df$v4, simplify = FALSE)) testdf$cat <- as.factor(letters[1:10]) testdf$num <- 1 ds <- newDataset(testdf) ds$mr <- makeMR(ds[letters[1:8]], name = "Excessively long variable name to trigger the check for length", selections = "B" ) names(subvariables(ds$mr))[1] <- "Another really really long name to check for the same for subvariables" names(categories(ds$cat))[2] <- "Extra long category name because we check those too" test_that("check box catches the various cases", { expect_prints( preCrunchBoxCheck(ds), paste0( "Shorter variable names will display in the menus better. ", "This variable has a name longer than 40 characters" ) ) }) weight(ds) <- ds$num hiddenVariables(ds) <- "num" filters(ds)[["A filter"]] <- ds$cat == "d" test_that("We can make a box", { expect_true(is.character(crunchBox(ds))) }) })