context("CrunchDataFrame merging") with_mock_crunch({ ds <- cachedLoadDataset("test ds") test_that("the most basic case of merging a CrunchDataFarme with a data.frame", { ds_df <- local_df <- data.frame(gender = factor(c("Male", "Female")), new = factor("new")) expect_silent(merged_df <- merge(ds_df, local_df, by.x = "gender", by.y = "gender" )) expect_is(merged_df, "CrunchDataFrame") expect_identical(nrow(merged_df), nrow(ds)) expect_identical(ncol(merged_df), ncol(ds) + 1L) # ds$gender has Male, Female and NA rows, whenever gender is NA, the # new column should also be NA. When gender is Male or Female the new # column should be new. expect_identical( merged_df$new, factor(c( "new", "new", NA, "new", "new", "new", "new", NA, NA, "new", "new", "new", "new", NA, NA, NA, "new", "new", "new", NA, "new", "new", "new", NA, "new" )) ) expect_identical($new),$gender)) }) test_that("merge.CrunchDataFrame input validation", { # make sure that sort input is validated ds_df <- local_df <- data.frame(gender = c("Male", "Female"), new = "new") expect_error( merged_df <- merge(ds_df, local_df, sort = "not_an_input" ), paste0("'arg' should be one of ", dQuote("x"), ", ", dQuote("y")) ) # check that there is a warning if all is specified. expect_warning( merge(ds_df, local_df, all = TRUE), paste0( "options ", serialPaste(dQuote(c("all", "all.x", "all.y"))), " are not currently supported by merge.CrunchDataFrame. ", "The results will include all rows from whichever argument ", "\\(x or y\\) is used to sort." ) ) }) test_that("merge.CrunchDataFrame works with sort=y", { # when sort=y is specified, the resulting order of the CrunchDataFrame # should follow the ordering present in y, and include all of the data # for each row in the data.frame and the subset of rows in the # CrunchDataset that match ds_df <- # Each letter appears twice in textVar expect_equal(table(ds_df$textVar %in% c("w", "n"))[["TRUE"]], 4) df_local <- data.frame( textVar = c("w", "n"), new = factor(c("new1", "new2")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) expect_silent(merged_df <- merge(ds_df, df_local, by = "textVar", sort = "y" )) expect_identical(nrow(merged_df), 4L) expect_identical(merged_df$textVar, c("w", "w", "n", "n")) # Check another variable to see that the row order is correct (shifted) expect_identical( merged_df$starttime, from8601(c( "1956-02-13", "1956-01-28", "1955-12-28", "1955-12-30" )) ) expect_identical( merged_df$new, factor(c("new1", "new1", "new2", "new2")) ) }) test_that("merge.CrunchDataFrame duplicates rows when needed", { # if the data.frame that is being merged with a CrunchDataFrame has # duplicates in the column that is used in the by argument, then the # rows in the CrunchDataset should be 'duplicated'. This doesn't # actually alter the number of rows on Crunch, it just adds more # than one instance of the row number in the row.order attribute of the # CrunchDataFrame. More than on row number in row.order will return # that value multiple times (in the approriate locations) when # as.vector is called / the column is used. # If sort=y and y only has a subset of the elements in the by columns # that the CrunchDataset has, the rows from the dataset that are not in # y will be removed from the CrunchDataFrame (again, removed here only # means that their row indeces will not be in row.order) ds_df <- df_local <- data.frame( textVar = c("w", "w"), new = factor(c("new1", "new2")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) expect_silent(merged_df <- merge(ds_df, df_local, by.x = "textVar", by.y = "textVar", sort = "y" )) expect_identical(nrow(merged_df), 4L) expect_identical(merged_df$textVar, c("w", "w", "w", "w")) expect_identical( merged_df$starttime, from8601(c( "1956-02-13", "1956-01-28", "1956-02-13", "1956-01-28" )) ) expect_identical( merged_df$new, factor(c("new1", "new1", "new2", "new2")) ) # Make sure the behavior for sort=x is the same when the CrunchDataset # or data.frame don't have the same members: the elements from x are # always preserved (and used for ordering), but if there is more than # one element in the data.frame's by column, those rows are duplicated. ds_df <- # must over-write the CrunchDataFrame expect_silent(merged_df <- merge(ds_df, df_local, by.x = "textVar", by.y = "textVar", sort = "x" )) expect_identical(nrow(merged_df), 27L) expect_identical(merged_df$textVar, c( "w", "w", "n", "x", "b", "q", "s", "l", "v", "v", "y", "m", "t", "s", "e", "z", "k", "n", "w", "w", "v", "i", "h", "z", "m", "c", "x" )) expect_identical( merged_df$starttime, from8601(c( "1956-02-13", "1956-02-13", "1955-12-28", "1955-11-17", "1956-02-08", "1956-01-17", "1956-01-21", "1956-02-07", "1955-12-25", "1956-01-17", "1955-12-12", "1955-11-21", "1955-12-06", "1956-01-19", "1955-12-15", "1956-02-07", "1956-02-08", "1955-12-30", "1956-01-28", "1956-01-28", "1956-01-01", "1956-01-15", "1955-11-13", "1955-11-17", "1955-11-09", "1955-12-22", "1955-12-20" )) ) expect_identical( merged_df$new, factor(c( "new1", "new2", rep(NA, 16), "new1", "new2", rep(NA, 7) )) ) }) test_that("merge.CrunchDataFrame recreates even instantiated columns", { ds_df <- brtyr <- ds_df$birthyr loc <- ds_df$location expect_silent(merged_df <- merge(ds_df, data.frame(gender = c("Male", "Female"), new = "new"), by.x = "gender", by.y = "gender" )) expect_identical(ncol(merged_df), ncol(ds) + 1L) expect_identical(names(merged_df), c(names(ds), "new")) }) test_that("merge.CrunchDataFrame can handle a locally modified crunchdataframe", { ds_df <- ds_df$local_var <- c(1:25) expect_silent(merged_df <- merge(ds_df, data.frame(gender = c("Male", "Female"), new = "new"), by.x = "gender", by.y = "gender" )) expect_identical(ncol(merged_df), ncol(ds) + 2L) expect_identical(names(merged_df), c(names(ds), "local_var", "new")) expect_identical(merged_df$local_var, ds_df$local_var) }) test_that("fix_bys returns the reference to be used for by", { df <- data.frame(foo = c(1, 2), bar = c(3, 4)) expect_equal(fix_bys(df, "bar"), "bar") }) test_that("fix_bys input validation", { expect_error( fix_bys("foo", "bar"), "foo must be a data.frame or CrunchDataFrame" ) df <- data.frame(foo = c(1, 2), bar = c(3, 4)) expect_error(fix_bys(df, c("foo", "bar")), "by must reference one and only one variable") expect_error(fix_bys(df, "baz"), "baz does not reference a variable in df") }) })