context("Summary statistic insertions") # Skip tests on windows (because they're slow and CRAN complains) if (tolower([["sysname"]]) != "windows") { test_that("SummaryStats accepts a variety of inputs", { mean1 <- SummaryStat( name = "Approval", stat = "mean", categories = c(1, 2), after = 2 ) expect_true(is.SummaryStat(mean1)) mean2 <- SummaryStat(name = "Approval2", stat = "mean", after = 2) expect_true(is.SummaryStat(mean2)) mean3 <- SummaryStat( name = "mean", stat = "mean", categories = c(1, 2) ) expect_true(is.SummaryStat(mean3)) expect_message( expect_equal(anchor(mean3), NA_integer_), paste0( "Can't determine the anchor position without a ", "variable. However, when this is added to a Crunch ", "variable or CrunchCube it will follow the last ", "category given" ) ) median1 <- SummaryStat( name = "Approval3", stat = "median", categories = c(2, 3), after = 2 ) expect_true(is.SummaryStat(median1)) expect_true(all(are.SummaryStats(Insertions(mean1, mean2, median1)))) }) test_that("SummaryStat validates", { expect_error( SummaryStat(categories = c(1, 2), stat = "mean", after = 2), "argument \"name\" is missing, with no default" ) expect_error( SummaryStat(name = "mean", categories = c(1, 2), after = 2), "argument \"stat\" is missing, with no default" ) expect_error( SummaryStat( name = "not a stat", stat = "not a stat", after = 2 ), paste0( ".*not a stat.* is not a known summary statistic for ", "insertions. Available stats are: mean and median" ) ) }) all_mean <- SummaryStat(name = "mean", stat = "mean", after = 1) one_two_mean <- SummaryStat( name = "mean", stat = "mean", after = 1, categories = c(1, 2) ) all_median <- SummaryStat(name = "median", stat = "median", after = 1) test_that("SummaryStat attribute getters", { expect_equal(func(all_mean), "mean") expect_equal(func(all_median), "median") expect_equal(arguments(one_two_mean), c(1, 2)) }) test_that("SummaryStat setters", { # names name(all_mean) <- "new name" expect_equal(name(all_mean), "new name") # arguments arguments(all_mean) <- c(2, 3) expect_equal(arguments(all_mean), c(2, 3)) arguments(one_two_mean) <- c(2, 3) expect_equal(arguments(one_two_mean), c(2, 3)) # anchors anchor(all_mean) <- 2 expect_equal(anchor(all_mean), 2) expect_equal(all_mean$position, "relative") anchor(all_mean) <- "bottom" # anchor grabs position when after is null expect_equal(anchor(all_mean), "bottom") expect_equal(all_mean$position, "bottom") # after is null when position is anything other than relative expect_null(all_mean$after) }) pet_feelings <- loadCube("./cubes/feelings-pets.json") pet_feelings_w <- loadCube("./cubes/feelings-pets-weighted.json") test_that("can set and calc a mean insertion", { # remove subtotals transforms(pet_feelings) <- NULL transforms(pet_feelings_w) <- NULL # there are no transforms (yet!) expect_equal( transforms(pet_feelings), TransformsList(feelings = NULL, animals = NULL) ) expect_equal( transforms(pet_feelings_w), TransformsList(feelings = NULL, animals = NULL) ) # add transforms pet_feelings <- addSummaryStat(pet_feelings, stat = "mean", var = "feelings") pet_feelings_w <- addSummaryStat(pet_feelings_w, stat = "mean", var = "feelings") feelings_trans <- Transforms( insertions = Insertions( SummaryStat( name = "mean", stat = "mean", position = "bottom", categories = c(1L, 4L, 3L, 5L, 2L, -1L) ) ), elements = NULL, categories = NULL ) expect_json_equivalent( transforms(pet_feelings), list("feelings" = feelings_trans, "animals" = NULL) ) # check that they are calculated and added in the correct place. base_cube <- as.array(pet_feelings) calced_means <- apply(base_cube, 2, weighted.mean, x = c(10, 7.5, 5, 2.5, 0)) expect_equivalent( applyTransforms(pet_feelings), rbind(base_cube, "mean" = calced_means) ) # with a weighted cube expect_json_equivalent( transforms(pet_feelings_w), list("feelings" = feelings_trans, "animals" = NULL) ) # check that they are calculated and added in the correct place. base_cube <- as.array(pet_feelings_w) calced_means <- apply(base_cube, 2, weighted.mean, x = c(10, 7.5, 5, 2.5, 0)) expect_equivalent( applyTransforms(pet_feelings_w), rbind(base_cube, "mean" = calced_means) ) }) test_that("can set and calc a median insertion", { # remove subtotals transforms(pet_feelings) <- NULL transforms(pet_feelings_w) <- NULL # there are no transforms (yet!) expect_equal( transforms(pet_feelings), TransformsList(feelings = NULL, animals = NULL) ) # add transforms pet_feelings <- addSummaryStat(pet_feelings, stat = "median", var = "feelings") pet_feelings_w <- addSummaryStat(pet_feelings_w, stat = "median", var = "feelings") # make expectations object feelings_trans <- Transforms( insertions = Insertions( SummaryStat( name = "median", stat = "median", categories = c(1L, 4L, 3L, 5L, 2L, -1L), position = "bottom" ) ), elements = NULL, categories = NULL ) expect_json_equivalent( transforms(pet_feelings), list("feelings" = feelings_trans, "animals" = NULL) ) # check that they are calculated and added in the correct place. base_cube <- as.array(pet_feelings) expect_equivalent( applyTransforms(pet_feelings), rbind(base_cube, "median" = c(5, 5)) ) # with a weighted cube too expect_json_equivalent( transforms(pet_feelings_w), list("feelings" = feelings_trans, "animals" = NULL) ) # check that they are calculated and added in the correct place. base_cube <- as.array(pet_feelings_w) expect_equivalent( applyTransforms(pet_feelings_w), rbind(base_cube, "median" = c(10, 0)) ) }) test_that("can set and calc a mean insertion that ignores missings", { # hack the cube as if extremely unhappy was missing pet_feelings@dims$feelings$missing <- c(rep(FALSE, 4), rep(TRUE, 2)) pet_feelings@dims$feelings$references$categories[[4]]$missing <- TRUE # remove subtotals transforms(pet_feelings) <- NULL # add transforms pet_feelings <- addSummaryStat(pet_feelings, stat = "mean", var = "feelings") # check that they are calculated and added in the correct place. base_cube <- as.array(pet_feelings) calced_means <- apply(base_cube, 2, weighted.mean, x = c(10, 7.5, 5, 2.5)) expect_equivalent( applyTransforms(pet_feelings), rbind(base_cube, "mean" = calced_means) ) }) cat_array <- loadCube("./cubes/cat-array.json") test_that("can set and calc a mean insertion with catarrays", { # there are no transforms (yet!) expect_equal( transforms(cat_array), TransformsList(feeling_ca = NULL, feeling_ca = NULL) ) # add transforms cat_array <- addSummaryStat(cat_array, stat = "mean", margin = 2) feelings_trans <- Transforms( insertions = Insertions( SummaryStat( name = "mean", stat = "mean", position = "bottom", categories = c(1L, 4L, 3L, 5L, 2L, -1L) ) ), elements = NULL, categories = NULL ) expect_json_equivalent( transforms(cat_array), TransformsList(feeling_ca = NULL, feeling_ca = feelings_trans) ) # check that they are calculated and added in the correct place. base_cube <- as.array(cat_array) calced_means <- apply(base_cube, 1, weighted.mean, x = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) expect_equivalent( applyTransforms(cat_array), cbind(base_cube, "mean" = calced_means) ) }) test_that("can set and calc a mean for two dimensions", { # remove subtotals transforms(pet_feelings) <- NULL # there are no transforms (yet!) expect_equal( transforms(pet_feelings), TransformsList(feelings = NULL, animals = NULL) ) # add transforms pet_feelings <- addSummaryStat(pet_feelings, stat = "mean", margin = c(1, 2)) feelings_trans <- Transforms( insertions = Insertions( SummaryStat( name = "mean", stat = "mean", position = "bottom", categories = c(1L, 4L, 3L, 5L, 2L, -1L) ) ), elements = NULL, categories = NULL ) animal_trans <- Transforms( insertions = Insertions( SummaryStat( name = "mean", stat = "mean", position = "bottom", categories = c(1L, 2L, -1L) ) ), elements = NULL, categories = NULL ) expect_json_equivalent( transforms(pet_feelings), list("feelings" = feelings_trans, "animals" = animal_trans) ) # check that they are calculated and added in the correct place. base_cube <- as.array(pet_feelings) row_means <- c(apply(base_cube, 1, weighted.mean, x = c(1, 2)), NA) col_means <- apply(base_cube, 2, weighted.mean, x = c(10, 7.5, 5, 2.5, 0)) expect_equivalent( applyTransforms(pet_feelings), cbind(rbind(base_cube, "mean" = col_means), "mean" = row_means) ) # with a weighted cube transforms(pet_feelings_w) <- NULL # there are no transforms (yet!) expect_equal( transforms(pet_feelings_w), TransformsList(feelings = NULL, animals = NULL) ) # add transforms pet_feelings_w <- addSummaryStat(pet_feelings_w, stat = "mean", margin = c(1, 2)) expect_json_equivalent( transforms(pet_feelings_w), list("feelings" = feelings_trans, "animals" = animal_trans) ) # check that they are calculated and added in the correct place. base_cube <- as.array(pet_feelings_w) row_means <- c(apply(base_cube, 1, weighted.mean, x = c(1, 2)), NA) col_means <- apply(base_cube, 2, weighted.mean, x = c(10, 7.5, 5, 2.5, 0)) expect_equivalent( applyTransforms(pet_feelings_w), cbind(rbind(base_cube, "mean" = col_means), "mean" = row_means) ) }) test_that("can set and calc a mean insertion, and maintain subtotals", { # there are transforms already expect_length(transforms(pet_feelings)[[1]]$insertions, 2) # add transforms pet_feelings <- addSummaryStat(pet_feelings, stat = "mean", var = "feelings" ) expect_length(transforms(pet_feelings)[[1]]$insertions, 3) stat_insert <- transforms(pet_feelings)[[1]]$insertions[[3]] expect_equal(name(stat_insert), "mean") expect_equal(func(stat_insert), "mean") expect_equal(arguments(stat_insert), c(1L, 4L, 3L, 5L, 2L, -1L)) expect_equal(anchor(stat_insert), "bottom") # generate the cube without the means cube_with_subtotals <- applyTransforms(pet_feelings, include = c( "subtotals", "headings", "cube_cells" ) ) # caculate means from the base array (necesarily without subtotals) base_cube <- as.array(pet_feelings) calced_means <- apply(base_cube, 2, weighted.mean, x = c(10, 7.5, 5, 2.5, 0)) # check that the cube contains all of the cube (subtotals and cubecells) as # well as externally calculated means expect_equivalent( applyTransforms(pet_feelings), rbind(cube_with_subtotals, "mean" = calced_means) ) # manual assertions equivalent to above. expect_equivalent( applyTransforms(pet_feelings), cubify(c( 9, 5, 12, 12, 21, 17, 12, 7, 10, 10, 11, 12, 21, 22, 4.90740740740741, 4.34782608695652 ), dims = list( "feelings" = list( "extremely happy", "somewaht happy", "happy", "neutral", "somewhat unhappy", "extremely unhappy", "unhappy", "mean" ), "animals" = list("cats", "dogs") ) ) ) }) test_that("addSummaryStat validates", { expect_error( addSummaryStat(pet_feelings, stat = "not a stat", var = "feelings"), "'arg' should be one of .*mean.*, .*median.*" ) expect_error( addSummaryStat(pet_feelings, var = "not a dim"), paste0( "The names of the variables supplied (.*not a dim.*) ", "do not match the dimensions of the cube (.*feelings.* and ", ".*animals.*)." ) ) expect_error( addSummaryStat(cat_array, stat = "mean", margin = 4), "Margin 4 exceeds Cube's number of dimensions (2)", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("meanInsert function calculates weighted means", { insertion <- SummaryStat(name = "mean", stat = "mean", position = "bottom") # remove nodata, which would be inside the cube calc functions var_cats <- categories(variables(pet_feelings)[["feelings"]])[1:5] vector_from_cube <- as.array(pet_feelings)[, 1] expect_equal( meanInsert(insertion, var_cats)(vector_from_cube), weighted.mean(c(10, 7.5, 5, 2.5, 0), c(9, 12, 12, 10, 11)) ) }) test_that("SummaryStat defaults to following the last category given (like subtotals)", { insertion <- SummaryStat(name = "mean", stat = "mean", categories = c(1, 2)) var_cats <- categories(variables(pet_feelings)[["feelings"]]) expect_equal(anchor(insertion, var_cats), 2) }) test_that("medianInsert function calculates weighted medians", { insertion <- SummaryStat(name = "median", stat = "median", position = "top") var_cats <- categories(variables(pet_feelings)[["feelings"]])[1:5] vector_from_cube <- as.array(pet_feelings)[, 1] expect_equal( medianInsert(insertion, var_cats)(vector_from_cube), 5 ) # if there is an even number, and the median straddles two values, we get # the correct answer. var_cats <- categories(variables(pet_feelings)[["feelings"]])[c(2, 3)] vector_from_cube <- c("somewhat happy" = 12, "neutral" = 12) expect_equal( medianInsert(insertion, var_cats)(vector_from_cube), 6.25 ) }) test_that("mean and median value redaction works with a 3-dimensional cube", { three_d_cube <- loadCube("cubes/cat-x-cat-x-cat.json") # dim one three_d_cube_one <- addSummaryStat(three_d_cube, stat = "mean", margin = 1) # values are unchanged expect_equal( applyTransforms(three_d_cube_one)[c(1:6), , ], as.array(noTransforms(three_d_cube_one)) ) # the means are correct expect_equal( applyTransforms(three_d_cube_one)[7, , ], apply( as.array(noTransforms(three_d_cube_one)), MARGIN = c(2, 3), FUN = function(w) weighted.mean(c(1, 2, 0, 4, 5, 6), w = w) ) ) # dim two three_d_cube_two <- addSummaryStat(three_d_cube, stat = "mean", margin = 2) # values are unchanged expect_equal( applyTransforms(three_d_cube_two)[, c(1:4), ], as.array(noTransforms(three_d_cube_two)) ) # the means are correct expect_equal( applyTransforms(three_d_cube_two)[, 5, ], apply( as.array(noTransforms(three_d_cube_two)), MARGIN = c(1, 3), FUN = function(w) weighted.mean(c(0, 2, 5, 4), w = w) ) ) # dim three three_d_cube_three <- addSummaryStat(three_d_cube, stat = "mean", margin = 3) # values are unchanged expect_equal( applyTransforms(three_d_cube_three)[, , c(1:8)], as.array(noTransforms(three_d_cube_three)) ) # the means are correct expect_equal( applyTransforms(three_d_cube_three)[, , 9], apply( as.array(noTransforms(three_d_cube_three)), MARGIN = c(1, 2), FUN = function(w) weighted.mean(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), w = w) ) ) # dim one, two, and three three_d_cube_123 <- addSummaryStat(three_d_cube, stat = "mean", margin = c(1, 2, 3)) # values are unchanged expect_equal( applyTransforms(three_d_cube_123)[c(1:6), c(1:4), c(1:8)], as.array(noTransforms(three_d_cube_123)) ) # the means are correct expect_equal( applyTransforms(three_d_cube_123)[7, c(1:4), c(1:8)], apply( as.array(noTransforms(three_d_cube_123)), MARGIN = c(2, 3), FUN = function(w) weighted.mean(c(1, 2, 0, 4, 5, 6), w = w) ) ) expect_equal( applyTransforms(three_d_cube_123)[c(1:6), 5, c(1:8)], apply( as.array(noTransforms(three_d_cube_123)), MARGIN = c(1, 3), FUN = function(w) weighted.mean(c(0, 2, 5, 4), w = w) ) ) expect_equal( applyTransforms(three_d_cube_123)[c(1:6), c(1:4), 9], apply( as.array(noTransforms(three_d_cube_123)), MARGIN = c(1, 2), FUN = function(w) weighted.mean(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), w = w) ) ) }) }