context("Merge/extend dataset") with_mock_crunch({ ds1 <- cachedLoadDataset("test ds") ds2 <- cachedLoadDataset("ECON.sav") testPayloadNoFilterArg <- paste0( '{"function":"adapt",', '"args":[{"dataset":""},', '{"variable":""},', '{"variable":""}]' ) testPayload <- paste0(testPayloadNoFilterArg, "}") genderFilter <- paste0( '{"function":"==","args":[', '{"variable":""},{"value":1}]}' ) testPayloadWithFilter <- paste0( testPayloadNoFilterArg, ',"filter":', genderFilter, "}" ) testSubsetPayloadPart1 <- paste0( '{"function":"select","args":[{"map":{', '"66ae9881e3524f7db84970d556c34552":', '{"variable":""},', '"f78ca47313144b57adfb495893968e70":', '{"variable":""}}}],', '"frame":' ) testSubsetPayload <- paste0(testSubsetPayloadPart1, testPayload, "}") testSubsetPayloadWithFilter <- paste0( testSubsetPayloadPart1, testPayload, ',"filter":', genderFilter, "}" ) test_that("Correct payload without filtering", { expect_warning( expect_POST( merge(ds1, ds2, by.x = ds1$birthyr, ds2$birthyr), "", testPayload ), "Variable birthyr is hidden" ) }) test_that("Can reference variables by alias", { expect_warning( expect_POST( merge(ds1, ds2, by.x = "birthyr", by.y = "birthyr"), "", testPayload ), "Variable birthyr is hidden" ) expect_warning( expect_POST( merge(ds1, ds2, by = "birthyr"), "", testPayload ), "Variable birthyr is hidden" ) }) test_that("joinDatasets with default copy=TRUE redirects here", { expect_warning( expect_POST( joinDatasets(ds1, ds2, by.x = ds1$birthyr, ds2$birthyr), "", testPayload ), "Variable birthyr is hidden" ) }) test_that("joinDatasets with copy=FALSE is (no longer/not yet) valid", { expect_error( joinDatasets(ds1, ds2, by.x = ds1$birthyr, ds2$birthyr, copy = FALSE), "Virtual joins are not yet supported." ) }) test_that("merge a subset of variables", { expect_warning( expect_POST( merge(ds1, ds2[c("gender", "birthyr")], by = "birthyr"), "", testSubsetPayload ), "Variable birthyr is hidden" ) }) test_that("filter rows in merge", { expect_warning( expect_POST( merge(ds1, ds2[ds2$gender == "Male", ], by = "birthyr"), "", testPayloadWithFilter ), "Variable birthyr is hidden" ) }) test_that("filter rows and variables in merge", { expect_warning( expect_POST( merge(ds1, ds2[ds2$gender == "Male", c("gender", "birthyr")], by = "birthyr" ), "", testSubsetPayloadWithFilter ), "Variable birthyr is hidden" ) }) test_that("Input validation for merge/extend (plus method dispatch)", { expect_error( extendDataset(1), "x must be a Crunch Dataset" ) expect_error( merge(ds1, 1, by.x = ds1[[1]]), "y must be a Crunch Dataset" ) expect_error( merge(ds1, ds2, by.x = 1), "by.x must be a Crunch Variable" ) expect_error( merge(ds1, ds2, by.x = ds2[[1]]), "by.x must be a variable in x" ) expect_error( merge(ds1, ds2, by.x = ds1[[1]], by.y = 1), "by.y must be a Crunch Variable" ) expect_error( merge(ds1, ds2, by.x = ds1[[1]], by.y = ds1[[1]]), "by.y must be a variable in y" ) expect_warning( expect_error( merge(ds1, ds2, by.x = ds1$birthyr, by.y = ds2$birthyr, all = TRUE), 'Option "all" not supported.' ), "Variable birthyr is hidden" ) ## In ds2 expect_warning( expect_error( merge(ds1, ds2, by.x = ds1$birthyr, by.y = ds2$birthyr, all.x = FALSE), 'Option "all.x=FALSE" not supported.' ), "Variable birthyr is hidden" ) ## In ds2 expect_warning( expect_error( merge(ds1, ds2, by.x = ds1$birthyr, by.y = ds2$birthyr, all.y = TRUE), 'Option "all.y" not supported.' ), "Variable birthyr is hidden" ) ## In ds2 }) test_that("Categorical and array variables can't be used as keys", { expect_error( merge(ds1, ds2, by.x = ds1$gender, by.y = ds2$birthyr), "by.x must be type numeric or text" ) expect_error( merge(ds1, ds2, by.x = ds1$birthyr, by.y = ds2$gender), "by.y must be type numeric or text" ) }) test_that("Providing != 1 alias gives useful error message", { expect_error( merge(ds1, ds2), "by.x must reference one and only one variable" ) ## Default "by" is intersection of names expect_error( merge(ds1, ds2, by.x = ds1$birthyr), "by.y must reference one and only one variable" ) }) test_that("An invalid alias gives a useful error message", { expect_error( merge(ds1, ds2, by.x = "NOTAVARIABLE"), "NOTAVARIABLE does not reference a variable in x" ) expect_error( merge(ds1, ds2, by.x = ds1$birthyr, by.y = "NOTAVARIABLE"), "NOTAVARIABLE does not reference a variable in y" ) }) }) printed_order_apidocs2 <- c( "[+] Key Pet Indicators", " All pets owned", " Pet", " Pets by location", "[+] Dog Metrics", " Number of dogs", " [+] Number of dogs by type", " Number of dogs -- With papers", " Number of dogs -- Mutts", "[+] Details", " Pet name", "[+] Dimensions", " Country", " Wave", "Person ID", "[+] __hidden__", " Weight", " Case ID" ) printed_order_apidocs2_merge_by_stringid <- c( # nolint " [+] Key Pet Indicators", " All pets owned", " Pet", " Pets by location", " [+] Dog Metrics", " Number of dogs", " [+] Number of dogs by type", " Number of dogs -- With papers", " Number of dogs -- Mutts", " [+] Details", " Pet name", " [+] Dimensions", " Country", " Wave", "[+] __hidden__", " [+] Example dataset", " Weight", " Case ID" ) printed_order_apidocs2_merge_by_caseid <- c( # nolint " [+] Key Pet Indicators", " All pets owned", " Pet", " Pets by location", " [+] Dog Metrics", " Number of dogs", " [+] Number of dogs by type", " Number of dogs -- With papers", " Number of dogs -- Mutts", " [+] Details", " Pet name", " [+] Dimensions", " Country", " Wave", " Person ID", "[+] __hidden__", " [+] Example dataset", " Weight" ) with_test_authentication({ ds1 <- newDatasetFromFixture("join-apidocs2-to-me") with_consent(ds1$allpets_1 <- NULL) ds2 <- newDatasetFromFixture("apidocs2") test_that("Shape of apidocs2", { expect_prints(ordering(ds2), paste(printed_order_apidocs2, collapse = "\n"), fixed = TRUE ) expect_identical(names(ds2), c( "allpets", "q1", "petloc", "ndogs", "ndogs_a", "ndogs_b", "q3", "country", "wave", "stringid" )) expect_identical(dim(ds2), c(20L, 10L)) }) test_that("Shape of join-to-me", { expect_identical(names(ds1), c("id", "matches", "other_var")) expect_identical(dim(ds1), c(14L, 3L)) }) test_that("An uncomplicated merge on a text key", { ds1 <- merge(ds1, ds2, by.x = ds1$id, by.y = ds2$stringid) expect_is(ds1, "CrunchDataset") expect_identical(dim(ds1), c(14L, 12L)) expect_prints(ordering(ds1), paste(c( "ID", "Join matches", "Another variable", paste0("[+] ", name(ds2)), paste0(printed_order_apidocs2_merge_by_stringid) # nolint ), collapse = "\n" ), fixed = TRUE ) expect_identical( names(ds1), c( "id", "matches", "other_var", "allpets", "q1", "petloc", "ndogs", "ndogs_a", "ndogs_b", "q3", "country", "wave" ) ) expect_identical(hiddenVariables(ds1, "name"), c("Case ID", "Weight")) }) test_that("Similarly uncomplicated merge, but numeric and hidden key", { # When merging datasets during jenkins run tests, the order of the # variables is *sometimes* not copied (usually Pet Name/q3 is missing), # which makes this test fail. The ordering should be fully copied # during the merge operation. Reproduction of the bug on production or # alpha did not yield errors with order. Repro. locally is possible ds1 <- newDatasetFromFixture("join-apidocs2-to-me") with_consent(ds1$allpets_1 <- NULL) type(ds1$id) <- "numeric" expect_warning( ds1 <- merge(ds1, ds2, by.x = ds1$id, by.y = ds2$caseid), "Variable caseid is hidden" ) expect_is(ds1, "CrunchDataset") expect_identical(dim(ds1), c(14L, 13L)) expect_prints(ordering(ds1), paste(c( "ID", "Join matches", "Another variable", paste0("[+] ", name(ds2)), paste0(printed_order_apidocs2_merge_by_caseid) # nolint ), collapse = "\n" ), fixed = TRUE ) expect_identical( names(ds1), c( "id", "matches", "other_var", "allpets", "q1", "petloc", "ndogs", "ndogs_a", "ndogs_b", "q3", "country", "wave", "stringid" ) ) expect_identical(hiddenVariables(ds1, "name"), "Weight") }) ## More tests to write: ## 1) check for handling of the conflicted alias ## 2) weight_variables? ## 3) apply exclusion filter on either dataset test_that("Can select variables to join", { ds1 <- newDatasetFromFixture("join-apidocs2-to-me") with_consent(ds1$allpets_1 <- NULL) ds1 <- merge(ds1, ds2[c("stringid", "q1", "petloc")], by.x = "id", by.y = "stringid" ) expect_identical( names(ds1), c("id", "matches", "other_var", "q1", "petloc") ) }) test_that("Can select variables and rows to join", { ds1 <- newDatasetFromFixture("join-apidocs2-to-me") with_consent(ds1$allpets_1 <- NULL) ds1 <- merge(ds1, ds2[ds2$stringid == "43805958", c("stringid", "q1", "petloc")], by.x = "id", by.y = "stringid" ) expect_prints(ordering(ds1), paste(c( "ID", "Join matches", "Another variable", paste0("[+] ", name(ds2)), paste(" ", c( "[+] Key Pet Indicators", " Pet", " Pets by location" ), sep = "", collapse = "\n" ) ), collapse = "\n" ), fixed = TRUE ) expect_identical( names(ds1), c("id", "matches", "other_var", "q1", "petloc") ) expect_equal(sum(table(ds1$q1)), 1) }) test_that("Can select rows to join", { # When merging datasets during jenkins run tests, the order of the # variables is *sometimes* not copied (usually Pet Name/q3 is missing), # which makes this test fail. The ordering should be fully copied # during the merge operation. Reproduction of the bug on production or # alpha did not yield errors with order. Repro. locally is possible ds1 <- newDatasetFromFixture("join-apidocs2-to-me") with_consent(ds1$allpets_1 <- NULL) ds1 <- merge(ds1, ds2[ds2$stringid == "43805958", ], by.x = "id", by.y = "stringid" ) expect_prints(ordering(ds1), paste(c( "ID", "Join matches", "Another variable", paste0("[+] ", name(ds2)), paste0(printed_order_apidocs2_merge_by_stringid) # nolint ), collapse = "\n" ), fixed = TRUE ) expect_identical( names(ds1), c( "id", "matches", "other_var", "allpets", "q1", "petloc", "ndogs", "ndogs_a", "ndogs_b", "q3", "country", "wave" ) ) expect_equal(sum(table(ds1$q1)), 1) }) })