ca_cube <- loadCube("cubes/cat-array.json") mr_x_mr_cube <- loadCube("cubes/mr-by-mr-different-mrs.json") test_that("makeDimTransform() makes a DimensionTransforms object", { dim_transform <- makeDimTransform(colors = "foo") expect_true(inherits(dim_transform, "DimensionTransform")) expect_equal(dim_transform$colors, "foo") }) test_that("prepareDimTransforms() prepares if needed", { expect_equal( prepareDimTransforms( list( rows_dimension = makeDimTransform(colors = c("#FFFFFF")), columns_dimension = list("foo") ), cube = ca_cube ), list( rows_dimension = prepareDimTransform( makeDimTransform(colors = c("#FFFFFF")), "rows_dimension", ca_cube ), columns_dimension = list("foo"), version = "1.0" ) ) }) test_that("prepareDimTransforms() doesn't add version to empty", { expect_equal( prepareDimTransforms( list(), cube = ca_cube ), list() ) }) test_that("prepareDimTransform() can convert element components", { transform <- prepareDimTransform( makeDimTransform( colors = c("#FFFFFF", "#BBBBBB"), hide = c("Neutral"), rename = c("A little unhappy" = 4), order = c("Extremely Unhappy", "Somewhat Unhappy", "Somewhat Happy", "Extremely Happy"), name = "Test", description = "Description", other = "foo" ), "columns_dimension", ca_cube ) expected <- list( order = c(5, 4, 2, 1), name = "Test", description = "Description", other = "foo", elements = list( `3` = list(hide = TRUE), `4` = list(name = "A little unhappy", fill = "#BBBBBB"), `5` = list(fill = "#FFFFFF") ) ) expect_equal(transform, expected) }) test_that("prepareDimTransform() can handle pre-specified elements", { transform <- prepareDimTransform( makeDimTransform( elements = list("foo"), name = "Test" ), "columns_dimension", ca_cube ) expected <- list( name = "Test", elements = list("foo") ) expect_equal(transform, expected) }) test_that("prepareDimTransform() can handle no elements", { transform <- prepareDimTransform( makeDimTransform( order = c("Extremely Unhappy", "Somewhat Unhappy", "Somewhat Happy", "Extremely Happy"), ), "columns_dimension", ca_cube ) expected <- list(order = c(5, 4, 2, 1)) expect_equal(transform, expected) }) test_that("prepareDimTransform() checks arguments", { expect_error( prepareDimTransform( makeDimTransform(elements = list("foo"), rename = c("a" = "Extremely Happy")) ), "Cannot specify `colors`, `rename`, or `hide` if `elements` is provided" ) expect_error( prepareDimTransform(makeDimTransform(name = "test"), "xyz", "columns_dimension"), "Expected dimTransform dim to be one of" ) }) test_that("getDimIDCrosswalk() handles CA categories dimension", { expect_equivalent( getDimIDCrosswalk(ca_cube, 2), data.frame( id = c(1:5), name = c( "Extremely Happy", "Somewhat Happy", "Neutral", "Somewhat Unhappy", "Extremely Unhappy" ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) ) }) test_that("getDimIDCrosswalk() handles CA items dimension", { expect_equivalent( getDimIDCrosswalk(ca_cube, 1), data.frame( id = 1:2, alias = c("cat_feeling", "dog_feeling"), name = c("cat_feeling", "dog_feeling"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) ) }) test_that("getDimIDCrosswalk() handles MR items dimension", { expect_equivalent( getDimIDCrosswalk(mr_x_mr_cube, 1), data.frame( id = 1:3, alias = c("food_opinion__1", "rest_opinion__1", "play_opinion__1"), name = c("food_opinion", "rest_opinion", "play_opinion"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) ) }) test_that("standardizeTransformIDs() standardizes simple case", { standardized <- standardizeTransformIDs( c("new a" = "a", "new b" = "b"), data.frame( id = 1:2, name = c("a", "b") ), "foo" ) expect_equal(standardized, c("new a" = 1L, "new b" = 2L)) }) test_that("standardizeTransformIDs() chooses right column to standardize", { standardized <- standardizeTransformIDs( c("new a" = "a", "new b" = "b"), data.frame( id = 1:2, name = c("a", "c"), other_name = c("b", "a") ), "foo" ) expect_equal(standardized, c("new a" = 2L, "new b" = 1L)) }) test_that("standardizeTransformIDs() chooses ok if duplicate standardize columns", { standardized <- standardizeTransformIDs( c("new a" = "a", "new b" = "b"), data.frame( id = 1:2, name = c("a", "b"), other_name = c("b", "a") ), "foo" ) expect_equal(standardized, c("new a" = 1L, "new b" = 2L)) }) test_that("standardizeTransformIDs() provides informative error for no match", { expect_error( standardizeTransformIDs( c("new a" = "a", "new c" = "c"), data.frame( id = 1:2, name = c("a", "b"), other_name = c("d", "e") ), "foo" ), "Could not match transform ids for foo to a set of expected values:\n - name: c\n - other_name: All" #nolint ) }) test_that("standardizeTransformIDs() ignores non-character", { expect_equal( standardizeTransformIDs(1:3, data.frame(), "foo"), 1:3 ) expect_equal( standardizeTransformIDs(NULL, data.frame(), "foo"), NULL ) }) with_mock_crunch({ ds <- cachedLoadDataset("Vegetables example") deck <- decks(ds)[["1 deck about transforms"]] test_that("Can get empty transform from slide/analyses cat/analysis", { expect_equivalent(transforms(deck[[1]]), list()) expect_equivalent(transforms(analyses(deck[[1]])), list()) expect_equivalent(transforms(analyses(deck[[1]])[[1]]), list()) }) test_that("Can get actual transform from slide/analyses cat/analysis", { transform <- list( rows_dimension = list(elements = list(`1` = list(hide = TRUE))), version = "1.0" ) expect_equal(transforms(deck[[2]]), transform) expect_equal(transforms(analyses(deck[[2]])), transform) expect_equal(transforms(analyses(deck[[2]])[[1]]), transform) }) test_that("Can set transform on existing slide/analyses cat/analysis", { url <- "" expected <- paste0( '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"transform":{', '"rows_dimension":{"elements":{"1":{"hide":true}}},', '"version":"1.0"}}}' ) transform_list <- list(rows_dimension = makeDimTransform(hide = "No")) expect_PATCH( transforms(deck[[1]]) <- transform_list, url, expected ) expect_PATCH( transforms(analyses(deck[[1]])) <- transform_list, url, expected ) expect_PATCH( transforms(analyses(deck[[1]])[[1]]) <- transform_list, url, expected ) }) test_that("Can remove transform on existing slide/analyses cat/analysis", { url <- "" expected <- '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"transform":{"version":"1.0"}}}' expect_PATCH( transforms(deck[[2]]) <- NULL, url, expected ) expect_PATCH( transforms(analyses(deck[[2]])) <- NULL, url, expected ) expect_PATCH( transforms(analyses(deck[[2]])[[1]]) <- NULL, url, expected ) }) # Because veg dataset captured with queries stabalized, need to set it here. # For now do so in a targeted way, but it'd be better to set it globally # and get all tests to work that way with(temp.option(crunch = list(crunch.stabilize.query = TRUE)), { test_that("Can create slide with transform using slideTransform helper", { transform <- list(rows_dimension = makeDimTransform(colors = "#FFFFFF")) expect_POST( newSlide(deck, ~healthy_eater, title = "Title", transform = transform), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity",', '"body":{"title":"Title",', '"subtitle":"",', '"analyses":[{"query":{"dimensions":[{"variable":"https://app.', '"}],', '"measures":{"count":{"function":"cube_count","args":[]}}},', '"display_settings":{"percentageDirection":{"value":"colPct"},', '"showEmpty":{"value":false},', '"showMean":{"value":false},', '"vizType":{"value":"table"},', '"countsOrPercents":{"value":"percent"},', '"decimalPlaces":{"value":1},', '"showSignif":{"value":true},', '"currentTab":{"value":0}},"transform":{"rows_dimension":{', '"elements":{"1":{"fill":"#FFFFFF"}}},"version":"1.0"}}]}}' ) }) }) test_that("Can use an AnalyticPalette in makeDimTransform", { url <- "" expected <- paste0( '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"transform":{', '"rows_dimension":{"elements":{"1":{"fill":"#4fc3f7"},', '"2":{"fill":"#4dd0e1"}}},"version":"1.0"}}}' ) transform_list <- list( rows_dimension = makeDimTransform(colors = defaultPalette(ds)) ) expect_PATCH( transforms(deck[[1]]) <- transform_list, url, expected ) }) })